Bombshell Evidence on The FBI Role in Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil in a Historic Scandal
Evidence on the bureau’s role in motivating for terrorist attacks and mass shootings on U.S. Soil.
This is a developing case. Subscribe for updates.
As previously mentioned in this article detailing the call with "CIA Chief", "Nand Mulchandani", this case highlights serious corruption within the FBI that affects millions of Americans.
This article threads evidence including demonstratives, artifacts, consistent patterns, and other sets of elements proving the bureau’s corruption and responsibility in motivating for terrorist attacks and mass shootings on U.S. soil.
These are split into sections.. each is assigned an easy memorable name for the reader's convenience, this should not undermine the seriousness of the case and the crimes in any way.
The case sheds the light on the FBI's atrocities and crimes across the United States and on millions of Americans through my case. Published under the free speech laws, disclaimers added at the bottom.
Lara Lane
As CIA's involvement came through a partnership with Ford Motor Company in the light of a project, one of the managing directors who oversaw the project at that time is called "Lara Lane" (pictured below).
Even though that Lara is not necessarily directly involved in the case, despite that the CIA leveraged a Ford project that Lara oversaw, yet the criminal individuals has initiated targeting instances in reference to her, particularly based on her last name "Lane".
The patterns being targeted are listed below which were made in quick succession and align with CIA involvement through Ford. These are targeted over several mediums from social media posts to on-road, and/or other platforms; they are also observed and communicated to CIA.
Ken Trent, brother of Robert Trent, CEO of Builders Capital, has made LinkedIn posts that include subtle references to Lara and others which were harassing.
Then vehicles on the road with "Lane" text on them, precisely targeted.
I open the Apple Appstore on my phone, the first app suggestion would be an app that includes Lane in the name. As if my entire surroundings has suddenly became "Lane".
What is the definition of targeting to our FBI? They don't know.. No, they are organizing and empowering it.
And just like Ken Trent included "Lane" several times in his post on LinkedIn, they had the priest of St. Philopater & St. Demiana Coptic Orthodox Church (Lynnwood, WA) incorporate the same word in the same exact manner of Ken Trent by saying "stay in your lane" multiple times throughout his liturgical talk. See below.
Interestingly, that particular part of the priest's talk which is supposed to be an advice in a "youth liturgy" came in a warning and threatening manner and its context has contradicted all ethical values. As you can hear, he was warning against seeking higher levels, and I wonder why would a young person be non-ambitious, not to seek higher levels, or even challenging themselves to reach higher milestones that they couldn't think could be possible? Isn't that how people grow?
The tone in which such speech was delivered though came in the exact time of the escalations in the case in the light of CIA involvement in the case and that the expectation from such escalation is expected that people from the church community whom are witnesses on the wrongdoings and organized crimes by the Mafia Leaders in connection with the FBI to speak out; therefore, the speech was intentionally implicatory.
This is one example on how the church is being leveraged by those criminals and Mafia leaders in their organized crimes. I view the priest as a witness in the case given my awareness that he was told and oppressed to say so, and so as the other individuals except for those whom are explicitly included as "criminal actors or parties" throughout the case articles.
Furthermore, they flooded the Internet and social media with a person allegedly named "Lara Lane" despite that the name is not that common, but that "Lara Lane" is surprisingly a "School Teacher", not only that, but always dressed inappropriately that does not align to being a school teacher. This intends to deliver harassment to "Lara Lane" from Ford and adds up to the indirect threat implications towards school shootings by those criminals based on the CIA involvement through the company.
They even sent me someone who looked exactly like Lara Lane at Seattle Airport before taking the flight to Chicago in around September 2022, not only Lara's exact look but the person they sent had the exact same behavioral traits as Lara that I thought it was her at the first glance.
Mimicked Harassment by FBI Agent
New Thumbnail for My SoundCloud Playlist
This instance demonstrates the invasion of privacy through surveillance and cybercrimes by an FBI agent, Girgis Hafzalla.
Shortly after I updated the thumbnail image of a private playlist on my SoundCloud account with the title as "Taranim" which means "Hymns" in English (Religious Christian Hymns), Girgis who is a corrupt FBI Agent made a post with the same exact photo of my newly updated thumbnail image on his Facebook account while adding some religious context to the post. It wasn't the first occurrence of such harassment that mimics my action that made me realize the intentional cyber-stalking and surveillance. Below is the photo I added privately to my account.
And below is the photo Girgis had used on his post shortly after myself updating my playlist as above. See the identical match.
If we obtain the logs from Soundcloud and identify the sate and timestamp of when I changed the display photo of this particular playlist, we will find that it matches with Girgis's post which was made shortly after, a clear demonstrative evidence on the crime.
That is presuming that Facebook and/or SoundCloud, both of them have not altered any of those dates as I have seen similar actions of manipulating and tampering with logs throughout the case and with the size of the case and the insider threats at large corporations, this is in fact technically possible.
And if such phenomena is repeated frequently, isn't a clear indication to cyber-surveillance, stalking, psychological manipulation and exploitation?
God bless our FBI, they exhaust their powers and resources on abusing civilians rather than achieving justice.
A Similar Instance
Here is another instance, also by Girgis from the FBI that is similar to the above which was added to a previous article under the name of "The Born Blind (From The Bible)".
The below text is a combination of English and Franco Arab, where the last portion of it “mawlod a3ma” translates as “The Born Blind”. The text was sent by me to my father of confession over a private WhatsApp message.
Then it was followed by a harassing Facebook post by Girgis Ramsis (“Girgis Hafzalla”) as shown below referencing the Born Blind.
Another Similar Instance
This has been added to a previously published article but just to complete the picture of those pieces together, I'm re-including it. Shortly after I listened to the Christian Song "Oceans" that says "let me walk upon the waters", screenshot below, Bryan Trent (Robert Trent’s brother) who's also working at Builders Capital made an harassing implication comment on LinkedIn incorporating the same exact portion of lyrics.
And so this wrap of mimicking implications specifically surrounding Soundcloud and the religious aspect, holistically confirming on the connection between Bryan Trent from Builders Capital who made such comment on LinkedIn and Girgis Hafzalla (FBI and also the Coptic Orthodox Church Community in WA) who made subsequent mimicking implications to my activities similar to Bryan.
School Shootings Threats
Shortly after the start of the case with the involvement of CIA, and promptly after the shooting of Robb Elementary School that was motivated by them, I started to notice frequent occurrences of targeting pertaining to school shootings in a form of further threats across several mediums. These are relayed to CIA.
reCAPTCHAS School Buses
Some of them are conveyed through reCAPTCHAS as below by prompting to select the "buses" in the picture where "School Buses" are the only images displayed in those reCAPTCHAS that I must click on in order to authenticate and pass the prompt.
As mentioned prior, these are relayed to CIA for their involvement in the case of this corruption and organized crime scandal of the FBI.
And since the yellow color is a resemblance to the School Buses, the color became an implicative to threats pertaining to school shootings when targeted, which expanded those reCAPTCHAs to include figures such as Yellow Taxis only as below. Ironically, it feels as if those reCAPTCHAS were programmed following some sort of a yellow festival.
These occur throughout my use of any of my devices, either cellphone or laptop; for example, looking something up on Google or any other service, a prompt of validation would show-up as below.
And so what is the likelihood that nearly every single time I come across a reCAPTCHA validation form which is in the first place should have not been triggered yet it is done intentionally, that I get to select "School Buses" only. Is that really not a strong indication on the threats, their responsibility in motivating for previous shooting, on top of the cybercrimes and wrongdoings that are facilitating such precise targeting and displayment of those validation forms.
School Buses Picking-Up Kids from Hotels
In a continuation to the above and the rest of implications throughout the case, the below comes as another threat implication to school shooting. Upon looking up a hotel on Apple Maps, I noticed an unusual instance of a parked school bus at the parking of that hotel, and it makes me wondering, since when school buses pick up kids from hotels?
Such occurrence wasn't the only one, similar instances of manipulating Google Maps and Apple Maps to present specific implicating elements whether through images or namings have been frequent and mentioned throughout the other case articles.
EZ Builders Capital and School Bus
The following was added to a prior article but it is important to be included alongside the data point below it. Builders Capital had operated a Virtual Machine on its Cloud that was named "EZ Builders Capital" which was hosting a deprecated proprietor financial system the company used to operate before migrating to. new environment.
One of the them was having YouTube on my phone featuring a targeted video on the top of my feed with a school bus that had a name of "EZ School Bus".
As I approach unlawful termination at Builders Capital, the corporate counsel, Katherine Christofilis had been communicating with me over text messages.
Apparently, as they were anticipating an involvement from CIA post my termination, they made sure to convey relayed threat implications to shootings through different methods, one of them is the wording in which emails or texts are made through, such as the below message by Katherine where you can see her saying to me "Shoot" in the beginning of her response pertaining an overly harsh separation agreement they had me enter under undue influence.
You would perceive this as a normal wording as one would sometimes say "shoot me an email" or "shoot" as Katherine that is similar to "Damn it" in the casual wording; however, the threat implication here is in the duality of the context that could be interpreted through the overall connected elements.
The message came as a preliminary threat to CIA that intended to say if you get involved we (they) will motivate for mass shootings.
Was this her first time saying "shoot" or multiple?
Has she been possibly implicating in any other way?
For example, does her TikTok account following to followers number is 9:11 coincidentally or could it be intentionally?
Does she have any implicative captions in the bio of her accounts? Such as "balance kids and career".
Could the twisted articulation of such caption be interpreted as a self implication to CIA in a sense. Screenshot of Katherine's bio text below.
Well, think of it this way, you're the CIA, you have a case of corruption and National Security, there are threats to school shootings but we also want to end such corruption because otherwise, we all going to end-up slaves to this Mafia that the FBI is part of. What do we do to save the most lives while coming out with the best outcome?
We as CIA are going to do our best to strengthen and lenient the tide at times with them in a way that is balancing where they don't motivate for shootings but also solve the case with a favorable outcome. That makes sense, right?
Their understanding to this particularly comes through Katherine's caption, they also have people from intelligence and well aware of the tactics followed.
This is the case where people have to really get the picture of what is actually going on and end it before it is too late. It goes beyond the FBI and up to Biden, Kamala and their corrupt Administration.
Similar to Katherine, is there any other indicative or implicative elements that in the light of the covertly heightened circumstances and heat between both ends from CIA and other criminals as reported? You will find that Beth Glein, COO of Builders Capital (reported previously in this article) had casually bring in her two young kids to the office on a Saturday while only a handful of people including myself had to be there due to the relocation of the company to the new office. This particularly came around a week my termination.
Is it normal for a COO to bring in her children in the workplace or perhaps could it be an intended implication to CIA in the light of their observations to represent a threat pertaining to school shootings?
A relatable notable series of school shooting threats >> (Link opens externally).
Snohomish County Superior Court
At the early months of the case, a Judge, Lisa M. Micheli (pictured below) sort of sided with me in a protection order for domestic violence I had filed against Girgis in the past.
Judge Lisa responded to Girgis at the end of the hearing with "YOU'RE DONE!" in a loud voice and firm tone which implied an interpretation as "This is the end of organizing crimes" in a sense. It also could imply the Judge's awareness of the CIA involvement in the case in the background. Listen to the below audio recording excerpt, the Judge initially addresses me before turning her attention to Girgis.
Click Here to listen to the excerpt of the hearing on YouTube.
The next I looked up that Judge's name on Google a few days after the hearing, it came up as "permanently closed" in a way of indicating and implicating through Google manipulation a retaliatory action towards the tone the Judge spoke in towards Girgis. Below is an illustrative screenshot.

On the contrary, you would expect her name to be topping Google's search result as below "in the capacity of" Snohomish County Court's website and not as a standalone business under her own name that is permanently closed which is not accurate.
By Blood
As the case continued to evolve and I continued to document my observations, I downloaded a video file relevant to a portion in the case.
The first keyword of a filename of a religious video by Pope Shenouda III I had downloaded in support of the case documentation has been inadvertently altered to represent death threat through cybercrime.
The filename started with "عندما" which pronouns "Andama" or “Andaman” if we add the Arabic language notations and means "when" as shown below.
It was then inadvertently modified to "دماً", dropping one letter which means "blood". Screenshot below.
Since the file name started with such keyword, it grammatically in Arabic adds the preposition "By" in the interpretation even if it is not added to the text, making it meaning "By blood" hence, representing death threats as I was documenting the crimes occurring.
Apple Manipulates Data Exports
Since cybercrime is part of this organized crime scandal by the FBI, one of the harassment through cybercrime is that they had "Apple Maps" automatically opens the directions to the Gas Station I used to work at several years in the past prior resuming my career in the tech industry. Screenshot below.
And despite significant locations setting is turned on and my iCloud account is signed in to the app on my iPhone but the company somehow managed to drop the entire Maps data with every single Data Export request I submit through, violating and breaching consumer's data and privacy protections laws. Screenshots below.
Not only that, but their customer support team whom I was connected to through phone calls were completely unhelpful and intended not to assist with my several support requests I submitted in regard to the issue.
Hands Down
Since one of the aspects of this case is a forced marriage on a woman named "Sherry Massoud" (pictured below) from the church community I'm part of in Lynnwood, WA; the below harassment is based on her marriage bridged between Builders Capital and the individuals connected maliciously to them from my personal network.
Before you continue reading.. this is one of the distracting aspects in the case from the larger crimes and atrocities these criminals and the FBI empower and organize, even though that it is a factual aspect of this case.. but let's divert the people attention from the actual crimes.. because why not? That's the FBI.
The below screenshot is a post made by one of Sherry’s close friends congratulating her on the wedding while wording the caption with “Hands Down”, part of the text (highlighted below). At this point, there is nothing wrong with such post. However, continue to the below on what came after it.
This particular post simply sat in for a couple weeks. Then, after I was terminated from Builders Capital which was only a couple weeks after Sherry’s marriage and such post, and in alignment with the start of the case, I noticed a comment posted by Robert Trent (CEO) incorporating the same “Distinguished Keyword” as above “Hands Down” into his comment. This came concurrently with the other implications posted herein from his brother Bryan mimicking my music listening activity to Girgis and the rest.
At the beginning, I attempted to provide my mind with a justification that we won't limit individuals to what keywords they are going to use in attempt to not take it too personally, but soon that I came across other posts by them using the same exact wording and at this point, putting these side to side with the other obvious elements of targeting and threats, it made sense to recognize these as patterns of targeting but also their invasion to my personal life and understanding of situation such as this marriage that I hadn't disclosed to any of them or any of my co-workers.
Then, BIMQuote, a company owned by Builders Capital, used the same text, “Hands Down”.
Following the above, here comes a post by BIM Quote, a subsidiary owned by Builders Capital that made a post on LinkedIn while incorporating the same keywording, "Hands Down".
Sarcastically, similar to the previously mentioned "yellow festival" pertaining to School Shooting threats, this instance with all of its relatable posts seemed as the "Hands Down" festival. Do you not consider these as an anomaly or a clear discrepancy?
Then, Beth Glein, the COO of the company made another post or comment on LinkedIn where she also used “Hands Down”.
It's like I know your internals, I happen to know a caption with such distinguished word "Hands Down" on the day of a mariage of the woman you've always loved, so I as a company who abused you then wrongfully terminated you going to make every possible post while incorporating the same exact word that is so distinguishable that is must have left a remark on you and right after your termination in a way of "Salt in The Wound”. I have seen the same exact tactic during my employment with them.
If you notice Beth's text carefully, you will find that she intended to match the exact "rhythm” from the original congratulating Instagram caption. Beth just replaced “THE Luckiest” with “THE Sweetest” in a twisted context around Builders Capital but the underlying intended harassment is obvious, subsequently making a streak of two patterns in the same post, "Hands Down" and that "rhythm". See below side to side comparison.
Caption: Mena Yousef is Hands Down one of THE Luckiest guy.
Beth: The tradition was Hands Down THE Sweetest sound.
Tell me you do not see the clear match and implication here. Because why not "salt in the wound", right?
If you put these and the school threats implications that were listed above next to each other, both will complement and reinforce each other, and vice versa.
As I became aware to the involvement of church members into the crimes and particularly the forced marriage situation, the Hands Down series has became another indication to the malicious connection between both ends, professional and personal.
Aren't these a strong demonstrative evidence on the crimes? And subsequently every other crime within this organized crime case? These simply put sort of a level for the reader to expect in wht extent these crimes go, so that they are able to believe the atrocious incidents explained in other articles and parts of the case. The crimes are in fact much worse and severe than what is demonstrated and evidenced here.
Not only that, but every single time that I typed my name “Mina” not “Mena” on my cellphone at that time between March to May 2022 which is the start of the case, the predictive text on my cellphone's soft keyboard comes as “Yousef” followed by a laughter emoji as “😂”. Sample image is below.
From their perspective, I'm a cybersecurity expert but more of an artistic type with a bunch of resources designated and focused on manipulations, Salam Morcos in this case, I know that person's circumstances, I'm going to leverage my skills in performing cyber breaches on that victim's devices in a way that further manipulates them from both sides, the unimagined extremity of the instance presented to them (the victim) which is resembled in the precise manipulation of the phone's predictive text, and also the emotional side of it which is resembled in presenting the last name of the husband of the woman that the victim has always loved even though that is not the expected normal prediction, hence, screwing them up from both ways. This is what those Mafia leaders and the FBI consume their resources and financial on which is how to precisely locate those small vulnerabilities in each one's personality but to actually create ones, probably referred to by exploitations.
Sounds like a SCI-FI movie or maybe too emotional? No, it is not. If you wonder what complex cases look like and organized crimes that follow and carries out the practices and tactics of well-known manipulative programs such as MK-Ultra but in an even more sophisticated way that aligns with nowadays advanced tech. Eventually and over time leading to cold-blooding the victim, more like sucking the victim's blood alive in a sense.
Disclaimer on MK-Ultra:
The program was run covertly back in the years by CIA and is now "decommissioned"; however, the tactics of the program itself are being carried out nowadays by Mafia leaders and corrupt FBI but since MK-Ultra was well-documented and a known program by CIA that the agency did not deny performing it in the past, people continue to miss-attribute the crimes occurring nowadays that involve its tactics to them. Further disclaimers are added at the bottom of this article.
That does not invalidate the allegations in this case or any of the facts involved. In other words, just because a manipulative program is being applied upon the victim (myself), it doesn't mean that the findings of this case are false.
Now imagine this case on hundreds of thousands or even millions of Americans.
The forced marriage comes in a twisted way in favor to a son of another Mafia Leader involved in this case, namely Ramy Gewida (pictured below) and his father, Hani Andraws. And since both Mafia Leaders from the church community side and the professional side are connected in this case based on a mutual interest, the related harassment pertaining to the forced marriage situation was planned as part of the overall organized crime.
These Mafia Leaders coordinated Sherry's marriage to “Mena Yousef” particularly as they knew about him being a non-straight person (no discrimination), similar to a "placeholder"; hence, a tie to “Sherry Massoud” just until I’m kicked out of the game. You know when you hook someone up with another? It is similar here.
And so, it was not strange for the company's corrupt leadership of Builders Capital in cooperation with affiliated criminal counterparts from my personal side who shared a common interest in the organized crime to motivate for school shootings and others, especially with the involvement of the CIA in the case as previously mentioned - that is in connection with the FBI that has been covering-up on their crimes, obstructing justice and refusing to investigate.
Hanged Human Head
After reporting the crimes to the Police at the St. Charles then Carol Stream Police Department in Illinois, I noticed a parked pickup-truck had a "Human Head" that appeared to be in "silicone" hanged on the back of it. At the first glance, I thought it's an actual human head hanged prior to realizing that it is silicone or similar but the threat was stark. That was prior getting a haircut with the barber who mentioned he is from "Albania". Sample picture below.
Combining the instance with the targeting while I was on my way to report the crimes (Refs. 🫸🏽 or wait) with the "you're in big trouble", this instance was another clear death threat.
You're in Big Trouble
The instance came right after I attempted to report the crimes in St. Charles Police Station while on my trip at Illinois and while I was exiting the station, a person who was walking towards the entrance in my opposite direction told me "you're in a big trouble" the continued walking towards the entrance of the station.
Shut All Gates
And interestingly, every single Police station that I went to in attempt to report the crimes, they literally shut their gates upon I park there including St. Charles Police Station, as if they anticipated a terrorist attack and took precautions, in addition to find those stations completely empty of cops as opposed to what you would expect while intending to shy away from formally filing a report in which I realized this is due to the threats of shootings and terrorism.
The threat of "You're in big trouble," discussed in this section, is also related to Robert Trent's repeated warning during my employment as "Stay out of trouble", outlined in this article. (link opens another article).
Targeted Van
And prior to both of the above instances (human head and trouble), a van targeted me while I was on my way to Charles Police Station, and the person sitting in the back passenger side, extended their arms as below which identically matches a gesture that was added on Sherry's instagram story post just a couple days earlier. Sounds emotional and PTSD to you? It is not. The crimes play on the perception of people, manipulates it so it works in their favor. This is our FBI.

People started using the emoji as reference to "dope" and I don't know why when it has always been interpreted as "wait". It seemed as a new trend though that somehow went pandemic.
In any way, you don't find a person speeding up and drive next to you on the road then the passenger in the back seat randomly extends their entire arm and perform such gesture🫸🏽 while they are driving next to your car and you had just noticed the same gesture added by a person you had an interest it prior her marriage while realizing that her husband came out as non-straight person (no discrimination) without interpreting it as a gang-stalking event, right? But more importantly, the incident completed the picture towards the forced marriage situation involved in this case.
The LGBTQ Club Q mass shooting in Colorado Springs was also motivated by those Mafia Leaders in the light of the forced marriage situation, detailed in this article - and if you are a person with criminology background and able to solve puzzles, this article surely deserves your attention.
If you are convinced that these instances of gang-stalking are true, don't the way they are delivered in raise your concerns?
As to why such criminal syndicate and the FBI would consume all these resources including money, time and planning to precisely target a person with what? a gesture emoji?
Of course, because each piece aside that it is threatening or harassing, it contributes into diverting attention from the larger crimes and atrocities that they do not want people to have eyes on.
The FBI's justification will probably be something along the lines of "who's going to care if you saw a picture with a certain gesture, someone targets you a few minutes after on the street and mimics it? Even though it is an actual crime that is punishable by the law but the police and law enforcement have more things to worry about than this".
But was it an isolated incident or a repetitive? Is it part of a larger organized crime or not? Do these not create a consistent patterns of targeting? Could the capturing of such gang-stalker lead to who initially paid them for the targeting and thus the senior leaders of those Mafia? Looks like people are doing the jobs of what the experts at what they refer to by FBI do, have them stay at home better.
Militia Across The Country
Relatably, post my conversation with the Police officer on May 22nd, 2022 that is mentioned here and after I returned back to my parking lot at my residence; knowing of the continuous invasive surveillance which include cellphones, I opened both of my cellphones at the same time and looked up the word "peace" on Google Images and left both on for some time while sitting in my car trying to calm myself down. See below example.
Shortly after that, I suddenly noticed that a large number of cars that were parked at my residence apartment complex started to leave the location as if they were organized troops that somehow instructed to leave altogether. The incident comes after calling the cops earlier in the date reporting that a vehicle was following me at the parking lot with another one coming from the other direction.
That incident came only a few days from calling 911 reporting a threat of a car that following me from behind while driving out of my parking residence and another car coming from the front that were about to trap me in between but thankfully I took a quick turn and managed to get out which is when I ended the call abruptly with 911.
Their withdrawal after such peace offering was inauthentic since other events occurred and these individuals had returned not too long after that.
The other incidents mentioned throughout the case at my apartment complex, particularly in the Notable Events document from interactions with the alleged maintenance person by the property management company to obvious targeting instances at the complex and harassing emails and treatment from the property management company itself are another evidence on top of what is mentioned herein to the organized militia that in literal words took over most if not the entire complex.
Apple Violation of Consumer Data Privacy Laws
Apple abruptly and for no reason deactivated my iCloud account which posses critical data and backups pertaining to the case.
When I attempted to reactivate it back through several communications and internal escalations, their support team informed me in the beginning that reactivation of account is possible since this is the first time my account gets disabled and they just had to put in the request for such; however, a follow-up by another support engineer indicated that reactivation of account is not possible without providing any reason, violating their own terms of account reactivation but also consumer rights in accordance with laws and regulations. Such unlawful act of deactivation with no justification comes as a way of covering-up on sensitive artifacts in the case.
Apple Support Engineer though did not want to put the "no reason" and "impossibility" of reactivation without justification in writing so he sent me an email requesting to schedule a phone call with me where he informed with those just to release the company from any liability brought through writing evidence for the unlawful deactivation and non-reactivation of my account. Below is the email I received.
My case was not escalated as requested during the phone call and in the follow-up email I sent after the call we had that summarized the conversation. There were no further correspondences made in my request, nevertheless.
Instagram Account Deactivation
Instagram has also followed the steps of Apple and other companies where they deactivated my account multiple times on "Account Integrity" basis.
It was very obvious though that shortly after I questioned the "integrity" of the FBI on my articles and social media posts while mentioning "integrity" several times, my Instagram account gets suspended for concerns over "integrity" of my account. A clear form of harassment.
I wonder since when online accounts have integrity?
The incident comes as an implicating retaliatory action by the bureau while incorporating the same exact word "integrity" I had used to expose their corruption.
I was able to restore my account after going through the hostile process of reactivation where I was forced to record a selfie-video of myself while turning my head from left-to-right as if I was taking a mug shot in jail. Below is the video.
Video Preview Failed to Load? Click Here
And they tell you "no censorship". In what sense?
The day right after I confessed with my father of confession at church and at that time I had just started at Ford Motor Company, I mentioned to him that Ford is willing to invest in its employees as opposed to my previous employer. Builders Capital made a post the next day that its caption includes "investing in our employees.." as displayed below.
This is just another instances that indicates on the 24/7 surveillance and harassment, part of this organized crime this company and its affiliates run in conjunction with the FBI.
This was also made within the same timeframe in which the previously threaded series of implications were made on LinkedIn and other mediums.
Again, don't let these distract you from the larger disasters these people are contributing to that are affecting the entire country.
Robert Trent's Harassing Text Message
Then I receive a text message from Robert Trent, CEO of Builders Capital, my previous employer shortly after entering Starbucks store and ordering coffee. His text message represented "spite and sadism".
You know when you screw someone up and put them in misery, then during the peak of them experiencing such misery, you send them a "how are you doing?" sort of a message that to your knowledge is surely that's a harassment because who else put me in this other than you (referring to Robert in this instance) and his undeniable acknowledgment of my situation.
Not only that, right before I receive his text message, I asked the person who checked me out for the passcode for the bathroom and he said it in this way in a very loud voice: "THE CODE IS! .. PAUSE .. 93784!" (sample numbers added).
It felt as if he was giving me the numbers to some sort of a treasure vault, ironically. It was intentional and part of the psychological manipulations aspect of the organized crime, however.
It is worth to mention that the second I entered that Starbucks store, I noticed that there is a female person from the church sitting there, just a bit younger than my age, and as much as I don't want to count this is intended and just consider it coincidence; however, I find it hard to do so given that this is not the frequently visited Starbucks by people at our church, we have a specific location of Starbucks that we go and this one was out of the typical one.
Not just that, but the repetitiveness of such phenomenon where I see an individual from the church at every place I go to where they are completely unexpected raises concerns of "Am I being tracked?", or "Did someone sent you my way just to come as a form of gang-stalking and harassing targeting?" and raises the concerns whether someone sent this person my way at that specific location of Starbucks. Not that I'm accusing any of them but rather the Mafia Leaders who order them to do so and it is known that these individuals cannot object these orders as they can be harmed.
If hypothetically speaking, I'm a criminal with power and capabilities, and I want to drive you crazy part of an organized crime and psychological manipulation, I will make sure to send you some people that you know at every single place you will visit, every single time, just for you to question "what is the likelihood of seeing these people coincidentally or am I being targeted and tracked somehow?" and good luck proving it when the FBI is corrupt and the organizers of such crimes themselves. That's the case here and from their perspective.
Renee's School Shooting Implication
Renee is a daughter of one of the Mafia Leaders, Maurice Hafzalla (pictured below) who is the third brother to Girgis Hafzalla (corrupt FBI). She's also my cousin but unfortunately involved in those crimes. Below is one of Renee's text messages shortly post the aftermath of Robb Elementary School shooting, the first incident they motivated for.
And out of all school shootings incidents that occurred in the past, that Renee decided to send me a message concerning that shooting, but why did she not send me any message about a prior incident of school shooting in the past years I've known her for? Simply because, this incident was motivated by them and her message is an indirect implication to claim of responsibility.
This is also relayed to CIA for their involvement in the case towards the corruption and much beyond of atrocities that they are running in the country.
In other words, and from their perspective, we all know, and the authorities know that we (criminals) motivated for the shooting but good luck proving that on us, well the FBI is on our side and in our pockets anyways.
And so when Renee stands before the court in an unlawful protection order she had filed against me even though she's the one who harassed me in the first place (and this is similar to the early mentioned "You're Done" by another Judge); and Renee randomly tells the Judge in a complete irrelevant context that she is a “school teacher!” where it adds no value whatsoever to the core purpose of the court case, nor that she was asked, the Judge here knows what exactly she means by throwing that in a hearing which is intended to convey a threat implication to school shootings if the Judge doesn’t favor her a judgement.
On the other hand, you would look at the below picture of Renee that she posted on Instagram with such posture in her school as a teacher alongside the comments she made after, and you would wonder if such comments within the context of the case could be implicating and also question, does such posture is normal for a teacher taking a selfie of her at school? Or perhaps she couldn't fake a posture that didn't align with her own state at that time?
And for you in order to consider this as a piece of evidence, you have to position yourself in her place and situation. You're involved in a crime, there is an understanding between you and the CIA of the pursuit case and you need to convey an implication or a threat to them. How else would you do so other than the mediums discussed in the case which social media platforms are one of them?
And how the agency would perceive such a "near-expressionless" posture or pose in a picture that is featuring a school class during the peak of crimes and motivated shootings by her father and the Mafia Leaders her is connected to?
It becomes the norm for such criminals to post implicating material following on a particular thread in the case knowing that the agency will decipher its wording given the case whereas the others would perceive it as a normal post, giving them the advantage to evade accountability through direct evidence. Is that not realistic?
Additionally, This case encompasses a term called "lessons learned", consider this as a given. For example, you can refer to the term in a manner that imply that you became a greedy on a person that you taught them a lesson, right? This is what the "lessons learned" in this case intends to deliver.
And you would see that portrayed from Renee's comment obviously in reply to another person who commented on her photo. As you can see she said "FYI - I'm teaching 3rd next year . Not leaving the profession - just something new" that was her reply that completely out of relevancy of the context of that comment.
Renee seemed that she wanted so bad to throw such comment under the cover of a response to another person's comment. The way I interpret this comment amid the circumstances of the case along with the other implications is that she's teaching someone a lesson, possibly was referring to myself as being a 2nd person to teach a lesson whereas she intends to teach another person who would become the 3rd another lesson and the profession is being a "serial killing". Not a movie-inspired, this is a reality in a large organized crime connected to FBI corruption.
What reinforces that is the below screenshot of also "lessons learned" Google search result on an image that popped-up while I was searching for a relevant image to support my documentations. This comes in a way to convey their (criminals in this instance) of pledging for a forgiveness but don't let their deception trick you.
The sophistication here is that one could justify this as a lesson learned pertaining to a technical article but that's not the case here and out of all images that were loaded prior and afterwards this particular image, that this particular image has not loaded, leaving the "alt text" as "lesson learned" obviously visible to correlate with the previously established term and interpretation in the case.
Someone would ask, where has the FBI been over the past 3 years with many shootings they motivated for along with other crimes with demonstrative to tangible evidence and the bureau is watching but also blessing on them?
They are not only watching, they are assisting in the motivating of those school shootings, covering-up and erasing any sort of evidence in favor to those Mafia leaders, framing innocents in crimes, practicing torture, invasive surveillance and cyberwarfare in exchange for bribes. The bureau is essentially running a mercenary business.
More on the gang-stalking side, does a text message from Renee saying “I’m not a shape of answering” in response to my text message while I was driving my car and listening to a song most of the people knows, “Shape of you” makes an obvious instance of gang-stalking and a proof of invasive surveillance? This is not the only instance.
Imagine you are having private moments with yourself and a few minutes after, one or some people whom you’re acknowledging them to be malicious makes implicating comments that exactly match your private activities that you hadn’t shared with anyone.
And if that is a clear harassing and gang-stalking instance, doesn’t it naturally confirm that her text in regard to the Robb Elementary School shooting was intentional to implicate for the incident being a retaliatory in the light of the case?
Add this side to side to the other instances and patterns in the case. Isn’t that what the academic information on criminology and intelligence reference by holistic demonstrative evidence? And that is in fact admissible by court.
And so where the FBI has been? Is the bureau that weak to go catch the Mafia Leaders and put them in jail and call it a case? Did you know that if these Mafia Leaders are put in jail, no one will be able to motivate for school shootings, and abuse and torture people like they do and have been demonstrated in the previously published case articles? The corrupt FBI deserves a death sentence, as well as those Mafia Leaders.
Alaska Flight Pilot - Wi-Fi Maybe
As I boarded the plane for my flight from Seattle to Arizona in January 2023 and settled in for a few minutes, the pilot spoke through the mic before taking-off. He included a line in his greeting about "restoring faith in humanity." It felt as though his entire message was tailored specifically to my situation, making it feel very personal.
After landing in Arizona, the second I parked my rental car on the street, I turned-on my cellphone’s Wi-Fi to notice that the first Wi-Fi network that I can connect to is called “Wi-Fi Maybe”.
It was no strange phenomenon to be able to realize and link this to the pilot’s greeting that felt personal and thus represented a harassment. Similar to the previous instances of harassing Wi-Fi networks nearby myself wherever I go such as “FBI Surveillance Van”, “NSA Surveillance Van” and so on.
Cold-Blooded and Sports Corruption
Dallas Mavericks vs Golden State Warriors Game
Maurice called me to invite me to his house. When I arrived and we greeted each other, he mentioned that Girgis would be joining us shortly.
A few minutes after I got there, Girgis arrived, and we all sat down to chat. Maurice then switched the TV to the NBA game on TNT Live TV.
As we watched, I noticed a disturbing audio that is blending with the audience applause. This disturbing audio is widely recognized on social media and is often associated with themes of death, typically added to videos of cemeteries or funerals.
Listen to the audio on YouTube >>
It seemed as a psychological preparation for death, used manipulatively by some individuals.
A scene that appeared to be targeted showed-up on the screen where a player was wearing a shirt with the text “cold-blooded” as below.
During the game breaks, a commercial for HIV disease and medication started, girgis then made a facial expression and an impression with his hands that implied as if I got infected by HIV somehow (even though I had no prior sexual encounter). Illustrative picture of the expression added below.
Given the mental state that these criminals has put me in at that time, that put me in a further emotional distress. I looked at Girgis and asked him, “do you know about psychological manipulation techniques”? He responded in a hesitant deceptive tone, “yes, but that would be a bad person who does that”.
This also aligns with the event that happened around a day after where the President of the Football/FIFA Association in Egypt, Gamal Allam was recruited to cook and serve me and Girgis food in a restaurant that he claimed his. Surprisingly, we were the only two people in the restaurant that it seemed it had just opened specifically for this seating with Girgis that he planned beforehand.
Both Maurice and Girgis suggested that I take a shower and put my clothes in the washing machine, but before I did, my mother and I had a video call on Facebook Messenger. Maurice then offered me clothes that my mother had sent from Egypt with a relative, “Kamilia Aryan” who was visiting the U.S. and staying at Maurice’s house. He said, “These are the clothes your mother sent you.” He then offered me a pair of gray pants that weren't part of the package from my mother. Upon seeing them, I immediately thought of Treza Hafzalla (pictured below), as they resembled the pants she wore at the Women’s Correction Center in Gig Harbor in WA during my few visits.
Maurice then looked at Girgis and asked, “How is he going to prove it then?” referring to Priest “Arsanious Hanna” (pictured below) in a vague conversation between both of them that I didn't understand.
This made me recall an earlier instance when Maurice mockingly said, “Mina steals the church,” in front of Girgis, which made me fear I might be accused of theft while they were possibly trying to help me, as I hadn’t stolen anything. This was all part of a psychological manipulation to distract me from the larger organized crime happening around me.
Despite that I didn’t smell bad, Girgis and Maurice continued to pressure on me to shower, so I went to the bathroom. The atmosphere felt suspicious, particularly after Girgis made some unfavorable gestures and ominously stated, “they will get him,” referring to a police officer, in response to my mentioning a conversation I had with an officer from the Lynnwood Police Department.

After I undressed, I heard hurried footsteps outside. I quickly opened the door to see what was happening and saw Maurice hastily moving from the kitchen to a room that led to the backyard, trying to be quiet, although there was no one else in the house aside Girgis.
Maurice even had mentioned that his daughter, Renee, and her husband had left for the night, so it was just him and me. I quickly finished my shower while feeling uneasy.
Not long after, Maurice was standing by the kitchen table while I lay on the couch in front of him. He began making strange and unsettling mouth movements as if he was eating something that wasn’t there, which further disturbed me and negatively impacted my mental state.
Shortly, I started to experience cramps in my legs. I became increasingly anxious about whether something harmful had been added to the sandwich I had eaten, fearing it could affect my heart and potentially lead to a heart attack. In a panic, I went to my car, grabbed two water bottles, and drank them both in hopes of flushing out anything harmful.
When I returned to the house, Maurice told me that I should sleep and rest. I was scared; the muscle pain, his disturbing mouth movements, and the overall unsettling atmosphere prompted me to leave quickly. As I was walking out, Maurice tried to convince me to stay by saying, “Sleep next to me; you are like Amir and Nader,” referring to two of Kamilia’s sons. However, I left anyway. It felt like he was almost going to force me to stay, so I ended up escaping from his house and drove my car away in direction to my residence.
After driving away with my car and as I arrived Lynnwood, the area in which I was residing at during the time in Washington, I started to feel unusually dizzy that I could have lost control of my car, there when I took a quick turn into the a plaza that I was fortunately nearby and parked there for sometime until I regained back my full consciousness. This when I realized that I was indeed drugged up with a substance through the food that Maurice offered me at his house, and confirmed the malicious intent of "murder" I initially felt prior to driving away.
Additionally, I also observed an unusual number of Ford vehicles parked in front of Maurice's house, more than I've ever seen before. It was as if the entire street was flooded with "Ford cars", which led me to connect this to the apparent involvement of the "CIA" through "Ford", as well as a distinctive "red Ford Explorer" with "Michigan" license plates that was parked next to my designated parking spot at my residence in Lynnwood, WA instead of the assigned vehicle which was of a different make when Girgis visited me at my apartment on the same day in the morning, which made me concerned.
Connecting the dots from these events, I began to suspect that their insistence on me showering was a way to facilitate their plan to wash my body after they had intended to kill me. Ultimately, they planned for me to shower so they could later claim I had “committed suicide” or had a heart attack, using my mother as a witness to my state of mind that they portrayed wrongfully during the earlier video call. When it came to washing my body before burial (as done according to our Coptic Orthodox rituals), they would assert, “He already showered last night; there’s no need for that.”
Looking back, it seemed evident to them that I would be dead that day; otherwise, Girgis wouldn't have threatenedly saying that “they will get him” to his brother Maurice in reference to the police officer, thinking that I wouldn’t be around to testify.
Two days after, they motivated for Robb Elementary School Shooting in Uvalde, Texas on May 24th, 2022 but that wasn't the only incident they motivated for.
Then, they had the patriot "Steve Kerr" show up after the shooting expressing a sense of sadness that was exaggerated and obviously fake. If you look closely at the video, you'll notice that his facial reactions appear to be artificial.
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Steve Kerr did not even drop a single tear from his eyes on the children who were shot as if he was paid to make a scene just to amplify the grief of the aftermath, a well-known tactic that those criminals follow on their victims and/or opponents, in this particular instance the CIA. And the reinforcer on that is the instances of anomalies witnessed through this particular game which are listed below the video.
Maurice invited me over to his house on the day of this particular game and no other. Seems like they intended to create a cross-reference puzzle as the following: "Dallas Mavericks" with "Dallas in Texas", the state that the Shooting of Robb Elementary School occurred at and the "Mavericks" in the team's name matches with "Ford Maverick", the model of the vehicle that belongs to the company that the CIA partnered with to intervene in the case through as a form of implication.
And if you think these are not real, imaginary or exaggerated, refer to the stories published by CIA explaining similar instances of precise cues and attributions of elements, signaling and cryptonym in the intelligence readings. Also, get used to the Naziness side of things in this case as this is how those criminal actors operate.
Key Data Points on Sports Corruption and its Connection to The School Shootings of Robb Elementary School:
The embedence of such disturbing audio to really blend well with the applauding of the audience on Live Cable TV (TNT). This was not done on the local device/receiver level at the house, this was done at the channel casting level and funneled only to Maurice's house through TNT channel.
The obviously noticeable low-quality advertisement of HIV that somehow TNT agreed to cast on its channel between the breaks of one of the largest games nationwide. I wonder how did such advertisement pass the standards by TNT at that time. It seemed to be a quickly and poorly made ad that TNT TV was paid to just cast it during that time, and Girgis was literally waiting for it to be casted to make such manipulative gesture.
The Cold-Blooded shirt seen on the player and among all these implications listed above including audience applauding disturbing audio, while the cameraman focusing on the player with that "Cold-Blooded" shirt making him visible in the cadre of the game on the TV for a prolonged amount of time, an act that exactly matched to what was going to happen to me on that day which is an attempted murder by Maurice but also the rest of the tactics of this organized crime. No one would take such instance personally and think this is targeting them unless it falls within those circumstances explained herein; it is similar to a piece of a puzzle that when it falls in the right place it resembles the clear picture.
Steve Kerr's fake reaction and cry video as detailed above.
Continuing to another connected instance..
During another conversation with Maurice, he said in Arabic what translates to “this country is garbage” referring to the U.S. He then mentioned that fewer people are interested in becoming police officers, especially after George Floyd’s incident.
The matter of the fact is, they are behind George Floyd's incident which came as a retaliation against the Police given that they are a strong ally to the CIA in this case as opposed to the FBI but more importantly the judiciary system for sentencing Maurice's daughter, Treza Hafzalla to 8 years in prison for vehicular homicide on Oct 6th, 2017. Treza's attorney named "Lana Floyd", not biologically related to "George Floyd" but they share the same exact last name, whereas Oct 6th, the date of his daughter sentence matched the date of the Egypt/Israeli war which presumably was set by the court.
By factoring the aforementioned and incorporating them into the framework of the case and the strategic planning that these criminals often leverage in their crimes which is the matching of common factor elements as demonstrated in other sections, in addition to the further insinuations around George Floyd's accident within this organized crime including but not limited to harassing Wi-Fi networks with the name "Floyd", particularly next to my apartment in Lynnwood, and others, similar to the above "Alaska Wi-Fi Maybe", prove their accountability in planning for George Floyd's incident to cause chaos and division in the country.
They simply "ignited riot" in the country as a retaliation to the sentence that Treza received, the daughter of Maurice who is a Mafia Leader.
These criminal leaders including the FBI are connected and are ruling over the country, just behind the scenes, with so much corruption, injustices, and crimes against humanity from trafficking to modern slavery and torture and many other beyond imagination, and are silencing the right to justice and any glimpse of attempt towards it by motivating for tragical events that are committed by proxy such as mass school shootings, wild fires and many others.
They also claim responsibility of those events through implications and trail of linked events, particularly to the authorities and government divisions that oppose those acts to warn them for not obstructing their dirty business that is based on bribery. The FBI and these criminal individuals that are from the Coptic Orthodox Community in Seattle, WA and Builders Capital are the core reason of corruption and tragical events and must be convicted.
Heavenly Death Implication
In a context that appeared to be heated communicated over one of the church's WhatsApp groups surrounding the crimes but in insinuating form, Fady Wahba (criminal) relayed an implication of death about myself; meaning this would be my fate.
A person from the congregation named Ehab (Tony), pictured below, sent an implicating message about me and the organized crime as below in a context around priests retirement although I'm not a priest; however, continue reading through.
It was then replied to by Fady Wahba indicating that priests' retirement is heavenly, as below.
While the wording itself may deliver the meaning that priest's retirement comes after they pass away as a representation to their devotion of service through priesthood; however, provided the overall implicating context that was preceded and followed with subtle elements pertaining to the case, are a clear indication to the underlying intended meaning which was around myself, "heavenly" here was an implication to my death.
If the intended meaning of these messages were in fact about the priests' retirement and not an insinuation or implication to the situation, Ehab wouldn't have put the "24" number since that the priests' retirement is normally perceived to be "heavenly", the expected normal interpretation of it, right? but the 24 number has a specific significance in this case. Also, Ehab's question itself in the first place wouldn't make sense if it wasn't intended to be implicating because who doesn't know that the priests' retirement comes after they pass away.
The organized crime was planned since I immigrated to the U.S. in 2016 when I was 24 years old, although it was effectively executed in the first quarter of 2022. They spent six years devising this strategy, starting when I was 24, with intention to destroy my life and the progression I made over the years based on hate crime and other motives. This is why the age 24 holds such significance in the case that others from the church are also aware of.
Now let's add "heavenly" on a thousand posts on social media to make the wording appear as normal and might as well deploy it as a trend just to negate the underlying implication - this is one of the tactics.
The other interpretation of Ehab's message also refers to extortion. Message re-included below.
Ehab originally intended to insinuate about a compensation based on such organized crime that include extortion and others, by particularly saying "asking for a friend" while referencing "retirement" and the number "24" attributing it into priests, again, even though the number doesn't apply on their retirement in the real life.
This is in fact might be part of the organized by simply ordering Ehab to relay such message over the Church's WhatsApp group where Fady and Ehab play the "good and bad guys" by responses that as a result intends to impose an undue influence on myself to "spend more financially".
Imagine you're falling into an organized crime and you're perceiving a picture that you're about to get compensated in the light of the extortion along other crimes happening to you, wouldn't you get that euphoric sense of spending more now that you're almost becoming a millionaire? You probably wouldn't even cognitize at that time, just until your financial resources are depleted, then you start to come into realization of those un-noticeable things that can appear small yet result in large impacts. This is one of the FBI financial sabotage tactics.
If you notice, Fady Wahba has then shifted the conversation from being implicating to "compensation" to a "death threat" surrounding myself.
The chat has then continued over the Church's WhatsApp group as below, particularly between Fady Wahba (criminal) and Ehab but surrounding a topic related to what Fady Wahba as a corrupt board member called "Spiritual Membership" of the church.
Ehab's message essentially means: now that you came up with the "Spiritual Membership" of the church questioning the holiness of the congregation in an indirect humiliating way, you shouldn't be a member of it in the first place because you're corrupt, referring to Fady. Doesn't it make sense?
And the below person from the church voted on Ehab's message.
Ehab then added another response, below.
These all reinforcing that the reply by "Fady Wahba", a mob leader, saying "their retirement is heavenly" implicated to "death" in the light of the organized crime.
This is not the first or only suspicious reply or message by Fady. He has been making implicating comments throughout the case long but also removed me from the churches WhatsApp groups that I was enrolled in, consuming every effort to cut my ties to the church and its youth who could serve as witnesses in the case against them.
It is also worth to mention that Fady Wahba is the cousin of Ramy Gewida who's the forced marriage crime is coming to his favor. Fady's wife is also the daughter of another Mafia Leader, Wagdi who is connected in this case who is also a brother of Girgis Hafzalla, corrupt FBI Agent.
No wonder a significant number of individuals in the church WhatsApp groups have bulk re-registered their accounts on WhatsApp that triggered the application to display "This contact's security code has changed" which indicate that they have simply deleted their account and reactivated it again, either on the same device or a new device, and such notification was in bulk on the group as if it was an organized campaign of re-registering their accounts on WhatsApp. See screenshots below.
Could it be because of an intent to erase traces of data and chat logs that could possibly expose the criminal network? It could also simply be that some of these have gossiped between each other around the ongoing circumstances and they were forced and threatened, instructing them to delete everything and re-registering their WhatsApp account by the leaders who run the Mafia network and they were oppressed in hopes that no in writing evidence is obtained and held against them.
If you notice, Fady Wahba (Mafia Leader) was one of the first individuals topping the list, this comes as a way of deceptively encouraging others to follow his action. It's like him saying I'm going to start with myself and here I am re-registering my account, and everyone else should do the same.
That takes us to another series of instances (below) that prove the malicious affiliation of corrupt church members in the crimes including priest Arsanious Hanna (pictured below), the president of St. Mary's Coptic Orthodox Church in Lynnwood, WA who is involved as the spiritual blessing in the organized crime just to complete all elements of the case, and are in connection with my previous employer, Builders Capital in the same organized crime, both are linked to the FBI.
It is important to know the timing of these instances particularly that align with timings of significant instances on my professional level at work during that time which was at Ford Motor Company that has been revealed recently as an involvement of the CIA in the case as a lawful entity.
Ford relied on Slido heavily for polls that were sent primarily over WebEx. On the exact same day where my employment ended with Ford on August 5th, 2024, suddenly the church communicated a message through the church’s WhatsApp group that included a poll that through Slido and for the first time. They relied on Google Forms previously. Not only that, continue to the next.
Ford also had a work-related term called AMNA, without mentioning its relevancy, but it was a frequently communicated term, particularly during the last weeks of my contracted employment with the company. You remember? It was a cover CIA involvement in the case as referenced above.
The church board had then communicated a new event and called it "AMA" (not exactly AMNA) for discussions with the priest, who is also involved in the crimes.
At this point, it wasn't necessary to link both AMNA from Ford and AMA that the church communicated to each other. We also won’t limit people to the usage of accounts and wording, correct? However, continue reading the below.
The next day, Ehab sent a message over the WhatsApp group saying "AMNA' which had matched exactly the term at Ford, he then deleted it shortly after and corrected it to become "AMA". Screenshot below. That is along with Slido. That makes it two identical matches with Ford during the same exact period of time. You can't say too many coincidences are actually coincidences, right?
Unless Ehab was ordered to send the text in a typo first as AMNA, he may have not intentionally "mis-typed" it, and this can correlate more to this article [Next-Generation ... Historical Organized Crime Scandal of the FBI] and its relatable articles of scope. Note: The dots between the brackets representing the omitted lengthy article name.
The instance was subtly representing a dual connection, incorporating two significant elements from Ford, Slido and AMNA, not only, but also on the last and following day of my contract.
How likely for that to be considered a coincidence and not intentionally made up?
Simply, since the CIA had initially intervened through Ford but it was not directly communicated (pursuit case), the corrupt individuals at the church on the personal level whom involved in the case attempted to cast an impression of being on their side (the good side) through a compromising way by mimicking two distinct elements from Ford and matching them with my last day as a deceiving manipulating tactic way of deluding me to think they are good as well but without communicating it directly.
Hany (witness) has then sent a message around 1 month after over the church’s WhatsApp group about an AMA event after the liturgy along with a Slido link.
As I was suspecting that my personal data had been compromised and transferred over to my previous employer, Builders Capital, which occurred during the time-period as my employment at Ford. In a relatable report I submitted thereafter through email based on such, I indicated and repeated that “I’m a professional person with peaceful attitude” or similar wording, stressing on the “peaceful” in my emails, about three times in a way of presenting good faith and intent towards the handling of the matter experienced firsthand. From that instance, we have the “behavior” of the frequently repeating a certain intent.
During the same period as above, which was in June 2022, I was researching during my personal time on biological-related topics, particularly about Genome Editing, DNA Engineering and the lifecycle of birth from the formation of particularly "the embryo" until the later development. I encountered the term “embryo” several times during such research that became a leading keyword to such topic.
Now we have a certain behavior, and the leading keyword or element which is “embryo” - given 1.
We also have the accumulated Slido and AMNA dual streak by Arsanious - given 2.
Then comes Priest Arsanious Hanna (corrupt) during the AMA talk after the liturgy and harassingly mentions or more accurately, hints the givens referenced above as if he is on awareness of my communications at Ford in regard to the compromise that he is one of the corrupt individuals involved in, hinting about my behavior demonstrated in that email of "reaffirming statements" when I said "I'm a peaceful person" by him saying to the youth attending the AMA that "repeating of statements indicates ingenuity" or similar wording that deliver the same meaning; then he articulates his talk quickly after and verbally mention “embryo” that I came across as mentioned above during the same period. What a coincidence!
Hypothetically speaking, if you go through let's say four different things throughout your day then I come on the next day and thread them within a conversation in an implicating manner matching exactly each of your four distinctive activities, wouldn’t you feel that you’re being surveilled?
Is it normally for everything that I encounter, research or come across to be exactly replicated in a harassing manner? Or that represents gang-stalking that larger crimes as extortion, cybercrimes and surveillance are behind? What is the definition of gang-stalking in the FBI’s understanding? Maybe the FBI needs to be educated.
And between Slido, AMNA, Peaceful Statement, and Embryo, here comes another harassing instance on the same day during the lunch break after the liturgy but before that AMA. I was standing with Priest Arsanious Hanna and Fady Wahba prior to recognizing their affiliation in the crimes, they then brought up scene from an Indian song or movie in front of me followed by Priest Arsanious mimicking what has been said in the Indian song in Arabic as “Home Hebo Baa’d” which translates to “They Love Each Other” but the way he mimicked it and his body language appeared harassing or undermining, Priest Arsanious then looked at me and questioned "Did you catch it?!" but in Arabic as "فهمت حاجة؟" for those who understands the language. It simply implicated to the forced marriage situation that is part of the case is organized in a humiliating manner.
Could they also intended to implicate about Nand Mulchandani, Chief Technology Officer at CIA? (refer to the article detailing a later call with Nand Mulchandani, link opens externally).
A few months after and as the case continues to evolve, Priest Arsanious exiled me from the church (St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church in Lynnwood, WA) because I decided to enter the church, pray and take the blessings of the icons when there was no service, alleging weird behavior by me post me reporting their crimes to CIA but prior to publicizing the matter on media; preceded by him saying to me "ماشوفتش اسمك على مورجيچ الكنيسة" which translates and interprets in English into "I haven't seen your name on the Church's Mortgage, I.E. implicating that I'm not financially funding the church"; despite my occasional simple donations.
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The incident was a blatant act of retaliation for the confidential reports I submitted to the CIA, which implicated him as one of the main perpetrators in the case. Despite the fact that I had not shared any details of this reporting or the case on social media or elsewhere, this serves as further evidence of the intrusive surveillance and compromises they perpetrate as a Mafia-like network connected to the FBI.
This section is a continuation to its related part in regard to Extortion evidence and indicators that was published under the section "Extortion Through Cybercrime" of this article.
Additional Indicators of Extortion and Harassments
On Sept 15th, 2022 I was getting ready to go to the church to attend the liturgy. I had an indoor security camera installed inside my Apartment that covers the majority of it except the bathroom. As I was putting clothes on while inside the bathroom, I had just put on a tank-top similar to the below.
The second I got out of the bathroom, Fady Wahba sent the below message over the church WhatsApp group insinuating about the tank-top I had just put on at the end of his text while also matching an exact part of my documentation to one of the events in the case in the beginning of his text.
You know when you're involved in a conversation and you insinuate about someone else, the rest of the group gets whom you're insinuating about but you don't necessarily say it directly? and the reason that the rest realize whom exactly you're referring to or insinuating about is because you brought up certain elements related to that person in a specific manner or way during that conversation, either text or verbal that made others recognize the intended person. This is exactly what Ehab implicated on the group and so it was not hard for others like Fady Wahba particularly to follow through on the same rhythm with replies surrounding the same subject but in a manner that is against myself given his malicious involvement in the crimes.
Followed by another reply as below.
Well, now that all of my intimate pictures, videos and presumably search history on the Internet that included intimate search results have been extorted all over the church that my history is so tainted forever. But Fady sent it in an implicating manner as if it surrounds himself.
As I continued to get dressed, I put on a dress shirt that I left unbuttoned for a considerable amount of time while I was still inside my apartment. Similar to the below.
Shortly after I arrived at the church, I saw a person whom I rarely see in the Church entering through the door wearing the same exact outfit that I had while inside my apartment prior to buttoning the dress shirt. Which gave me the impression that I'm being put on live. It felt as if my security camera is compromised and he's watching through it.
Imagine you're being that extorted where your friends at the church are provided with visual access to your daily activity and some of them can't report those crimes to authorities because the law enforcement agency of the country, the FBI are maliciously involved and so they will persecute them and might as well frame them in to crimes they did not do just because they intended to report them.
Not to sound immoral or pervert but it’s like you had an intimate moment with yourself in a light of picture such as the below with a specific pose, to find that the person who you have always felt hatred from towards you, posing in a mimicking manner in a photo just shortly after this intimate moment. How would you interpret that? And that type of instances are frequent.
Another day, I came across a photo of an attractive woman on Facebook Friends Suggestions who is connected to the case in someway and noticed that her ear had a unique shape (shown below). I focused in and observed it for a while. A few days later, someone from the church sent a short message over one of the church's WhatsApp group chats, ending with an ear emoji "👂" which was the only instance that such emoji was shared in any of the lengthy chats over the Church's various WhatsApp groups.
While the rest may be insinuating to the extortion they are witnessing in good faith though are unable to report it because of the oppression and their awareness that the FBI themselves are the main organizer of those crimes; however, Fady Wahba and other main criminals like him in this case are unlike these individuals since they are the individuals who organize and fund these crimes.
Apple's Article Harassment
After documenting abuse at a previous retail job that I held at one of the stores owned by one of the mob leaders who is a member of the Coptic Orthodox Church in WA and linked to this case, few minutes later, my Macbook suddenly stopped charging.
Since I’m not familiar with Mac compared to Windows computers, it was natural to lookup how to fix a Macbook that doesn’t charge to notice that Apple had just updated a technical support article on the same topic in which topped my Google search results.
Surprisingly, Apple’s article included terms that exactly matched my documentation in regards to the abuse at my previous retail job back in the years that falls within the scope of the organized crime case.
If your friend works at Apple who manages the publishing of articles there and you're a criminal person who wants to harass someone, it's very doable for you to phone your friend to make those edits for you, and have your friend at Google (insider) prioritize the search result of Apple's article to the top of the feed just to complement the targeting. This is for the people who may not be able to see how this could be possible.
The time in which the article was updated or added that came right before the charging issue arise on my laptop and right after I documented the abuse event, essentially falling in between of those confirms on the harassment but also an indication to a cybercrime that manipulated the charging of my laptop, in an intent to lead me to the harassing article.
Below is Apple's article and as you can see they worded "stray" which intended to make a reference to the harassing implication series of the "Lost Dog" added to this article. Because since when electromagnetic signals are referred to by "stray", I have always heard the word in reference to animals such as dogs or cats. but you wouldn’t find such wording coexist in other articles. Meanwhile, you wouldn’t find such wording coexist in other articles.
Whereas the below continuation of Apple's article includes refrigerators in their guidance on how to solve your Macbook charging issue that exactly matched my documentation in regards to the abuse I went through in my retail job.
Below is part of my documentation to the abuse, highlighting the word fridge.
In what sense Apple's article of how to fix Macbook charging issue mentions refrigerators? It seems that they just wanted to fit it in the context surrounding the charge issue I had while mentioning fridges abuse to throw the implication.
You know when you do a strike? or when you hit two birds with one stone? This is the case here, they pulled "stray" to implicate on the "Lost Dog" series of harassment added here, and the refrigerators and fridges in Apple's article to harassingly implicate on my documentation of abuse in regards to my retail job. The timing of the article that matched my just-typed documentation confirms on the intentional harassment.
I do not know in what sense these collectively do not constitute an evidence to the FBI. Where their investigative forensic reports and data are? What are they doing if they are investigative such types of crimes that are in fact atrocities?
GIF Cyber Vulnerability
As I realized the cybercrimes which part of it was done through individuals at the Church from my personal community whom are connected to my previous employer Builders Capital in the same organized crime, I responded with a CVE link to a vulnerability linked to GIF messages in reply to a message by an individual whom engaged in the gang-stalking and implications through the texting channel, regardless whether they're being viewed as witnesses or not at this time. Below was that person's message over the group and my reply to them with just a link.
They then replied with a sort of the same type of response as mine but it wasn't a link, it was just a picture, calling it "our barista". While the picture apparently was taken of the actual coffee shop barista where he was at with others from the group presumably, it came after I literally brewed the beans of coffee in my home.
Knowing that the individual is engaged in those activities, that I'm a person who serves as his own barista at home as I love coffee, it wasn't hard to realize that my reply intrigued him to implicate by a harassment through another reply following my message and matched my real-time activity which was no way made by coincidence if you look through the other similar instances in the case of matches with real-time activities as part of the gang-stalking through cyber-surveillance. Now we have an evidence on the harassment, the invasive surveillance, breach and invasion of privacy.
It's like a bad joke that someone pulls on you when you try to excel at or tackle a task outside your expertise. For instance, if you're an engineer attempting to shape a piece of wood, someone might mockingly call you "our carpenter" in a teasing way. However, in this situation, considering the context of organized crime and cyber surveillance, that kind of joke crosses the line into outright harassment.
The same person then follows on a different group that includes youth from the church with the below GIF images in completely irrelevant context.
The first GIF is Tom (the cartoon character) shooting his head with a gun, an indirect undue influence to suicide coming alongside other implications of suicide from Girgis Hafzalla on Facebook and Ken Trent on LinkedIn that were included here.
Whereas the second GIF implicates to the psychological and emotional manipulation and exploitation that is part of this organized crime. It's like you will be manipulated to the point that you're going to commit suicide, and there is no other way.
Adel Andraws
On Jan 26th, 2025, "Adel Andraws" posted an inspiring post about "Teachers", "Schools" and "Children" in Arabic and English translation.
We all know the CIA involvement in the case and that they motivated for school shootings, just indirectly because of that and his post is another threat to school shootings.
But if you ask him, come on..! are you going to accuse him for posting a very nice and kind story about children at school and their teacher? I must be a person who's out of my mind!
So as the case continues and CIA happens to lessen the abuse I'm experiencing particularly with the new Trump administration, then comes Adel passes these words in a nice story, mentioning "رصاص" as in "pencil" in the context but the word has another translation which is "bullets" along with the rest of terms "schools", "teachers", "children" and whatnot.
Soon after his post, I started to experience more abuse again after it has been significantly lessened for a couple days. See screenshots of his post below, sorted from left to right.
That's along with him mentioning "stuttering" that I suddenly started to get while talking because of the “neural abuse” (evidenced here), and other harassing terms.
But come on..! are we going to accuse an old person for such appearingly nice post that came from a licensed counselor with a long career at Boeing!
I must have gotten PTSD, Trauma, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and you name it types of mental illnesses suddenly with this case but all other discrepancies and evidence on them are ok to be ignored.. thanks to our "FBI".
I don't know how these people have that time to craft such stories just to precisely include specific terms that fits the context but also deliver other meanings in connection with the case.
His post has more references to terms recently added to a portion of an article I've been drafting but of course we're not going to limit someone from using normal keywords in the language, the subtle terms though just happen to be precisely timed and coincidence. Heck.. too many coincidences in this case that somehow cannot be considered as "consistent patterns".
Adel seemed that he became really upset particularly after adding a recent portion to an article I've been drafting. Aside from that being cybercrime and real-time surveillance in the first place but that portion was added to the drafts just a few hours earlier on the same exact day of his post which apparently made him reach his peak that he threw all of the subtle references included in that article portion all in his post as well as other relatable terms in the case. Coincidence? No it is not.
Without mentioning the interpretation of his referenced terms at this time but here are some of the terms Adel included in his story post. Look at them within the text as in "slices" rather than interpretation of his cover story.
- "Entire Generation"
- Virtuous
- Radiating Light
Ending his post with a "Good Morning" matching with the same saying that I highlighted in the draft article as a term with a particular reference, but I'm unsure how is it a “Good Morning” for Adel when he made the post after 2PM (Pacific Time).
Thanks to our FBI for backing and empowering these crimes.
One day during my employment with Ford Motor Company (recently revealed as a lawful involvement of CIA in the case that was covert), during my mid-day break, I stopped by "Dick's Drive-In" restaurant to buy some burgers and while I was waiting in line to order, I noticed a person who was wearing a pink shirt with nothing but "volunteer" text printed on the back of it and they just stood in front of me in the line.
I realized that is was a form of targeting as I had just received a meeting invitation at my Ford work email for a meeting called "Volunteering" and it was referencing a hiring workshop or similar but since I was a remote employee working from Washington, I was not going to be able to make it. Sample picture below.
At that time, I did not understand what's behind such targeting of meaning and what exactly "volunteer" or "volunteering" meant in the scope of the case other than it was a clear targeting instance provided the time frame in which it came through and the interception of the person cutting of my line to stand in front of me with a notable keyword from a few-minutes earlier meeting I had just received an invitation for. You may call it a "futuristic implication".
Going through the case events later and until current, I realized the interpretation of "volunteer" in the dictionary of the reported criminal network and it resembles a referenced to the individual who committed the shooting of Robb Elementary School where those Mafia leaders implicate to them by a "volunteer" who committed the crime "for free" as if he was not paid just to lower the weigh of the crime that they in-reality incited for. It was a way of cooling-down the CIA that is involved through Ford Motor Company in the case in which such shooting event was made as a retaliation against the agency, and also a way of evading responsibility.
Ford's meeting invitation, regardless that it involved an actual event at that time and even though that I did not interpret it at that time, but it was simply an indicative implication that intended to insinuate on what those Mafia leaders communicated and implicated to the agency (CIA) as well as for me to recognize later as the events of the case evolve and the piece of it come together, in which indeed happened, and the reinforcer on that is the below.
During my trip to Virginia for attempted in-person report to CIA, I saw a story posted on Facebook by Girgis Hafzalla who is one of the Mafia leaders and a corrupt FBI agent, using the stories feature by the platform to implicate about the case through a "custom-written" caption in Arabic and English as below. However, the Arabic writing came in a twisted implicating manner as opposed to the supposedly translation to English that he made in the next story post of his. Below is the screenshot of both stories next to each other.
If you look at the left Arabic side compared to it counterpart, the English translation on the right side you will notice that Girgis worded the Arabic one with "متبررين مجانا", one could easily mistaken it for "متبرعين مجانا" which delivers a completely different meaning. The first means "Redeemed or saved for free" while the overlooked wording of it which is only a letter different would mean "Volunteer for free".
Not only that his story was made during my trip but it was concurrently made while I was actively on my way to the agency for my in-person attempt of reporting the case. These data points have reinforced the interpretation described herein which had referenced the "volunteering" implication.
List of Terrorist Attacks
Motivated by those criminal leaders.
Robb Elementary School Shooting
Club Q Shooting
The Covenant School Shooting
Apalachee School Shooting
LA Wildfires
Abundance School Shooting in Madison, WI
Black Hawk American Airlines Crash
Are Presidential Powers Required?
These criminal leaders backed by the FBI are ruling over the country, just behind the scenes, with so much corruption, injustices, and crimes against humanity from trafficking to modern slavery and torture, bribery schemes and many others.
They are silencing the right to justice and any attempt towards that by motivating for tragical events indirectly including mass school shootings, wildfires (arson) such as the recent LA wildfires as an example and many others across the United States, essentially jeopardizing the national security of the country.
Given such large threat landscape, presidential powers appear to be necessary; not to be confused with violence; however, Trump's indications about "invoking" of measures or "acts" that would permit the domestic deployment of the "Military" or "National Guard" to restore and maintain civil order within the country seems to be plausible.
See Also
The information added herein and in other articles are true to the best of my knowledge.
These are my own opinions and do not necessarily reflect the CIA's unless explicitly stated by the agency.
The law governs these types of engagements, which allow the CIA to either confirm, deny, or state that it can do "neither" confirm "nor" deny involvement.
I exercise my right to free speech, and my statements are protected under freedom of speech and expression laws.
No agency or authority can take action against me for discussing or publicizing these matters, based on the above, as they may be true, and there has been no breach of any agreement or contract between myself and the CIA.
All disclaimers added to the referenced articles and documents shall apply with perseverance to supersedence in the event of conflict, at my sole discretion.