Modern Slavery as you may know it, comes in several forms including Forced Labor, Domestic Servitude (or even International), and more direct forms of oppressions; however, the discussed Modern Slavery in this scandal case of the FBI and their associates is performed in twisted and indirect forms, making it hard to evidence but they also accompany harassments that relate to such slavery that are conveyed in the most sophisticated ways.
This is the next-level form of Modern Slavery that you may have not imagined it could be possible by any means.
This article threads an instance of a conveyed harassment based on the slavery I experience as a victim and whistleblower of the FBI in one of the largest organized crime scandals. The instance itself may be insinuative on atrocious crimes, not only on myself but many others. Subscribe to my newsletter for updates.
“Mine” at Starbucks
On Sept 5th, 2024, after I checked out at Starbucks and told the barista my name for the drink “Mina”, I noticed that my name written on the receipt and the cup as “Mine” despite pronouncing it clearly to the employee.
The last-letter change in my name from "a" to "e" instead delivers a completely different meaning. Aside that such can occur due to unintentional typos; however, continue reading through. Below is the receipt.
Upon noticing such name as "Mine" on the receipt, I instantly was able to connect it with a prior instance of cybercrime that manipulated my phone's keyboard while typing using the swipe feature in order to simply generate my name "Mina" while filling out the field name in an online form. And despite deleting the first generated keyword by the swipe keyboard and re-attempted to swipe on the letters of my name again that the keyboard regardless kept generating "Mine" several times which is not the normal behavior to a smart keyboard.
You know when you watch a movie and you see the bad person saying "YOU'RE MINE" in a way of expressing dominance and a sense of ownership or control over them? This is the case here but it is done through sophisticated means, one of them is cybercrime.
It was a clear harassment implicating on the severe form of slavery I'm experiencing due to the crimes through neural abuse which impairs my ability to type on the keyboard or use the mouse, often causing typos in addition to other crimes. This harassment had also aligned with other similar elements in the case, some are added further down this article; hence, forming a collective evidence.
What is concerning is that when I approached the barista who inputted my name as "Mine" and questioned her what does she thinks of the correct spelling of my name in a friendly manner just to get a sense whether she’s involved in the gang-stalking business and was told to type it that way or was it really an innocent typo.
She looked at the screen and was surprised that she wrote it down that way re-questioning me was it “Mina”? She then paused, realizing that she somehow inputted it as “Mine” instead of what she pronounced as “Mina”. She did not look affiliated in any way to intentionally type it as "Mine".
The demonstrative evidence here is that you simply can't witness an obvious instance of cybercrime on your phone resulting in harassment of "Mine", then you go to Starbucks shortly after that and the Barista unknowingly and involuntary inputs your name as "Mine" to exactly match the slavery harassment you just experienced a few minutes earlier.
Is Starbucks system compromised or perhaps it is something else?
Another reinforcing instance on the inadvertent "generation" of keywords through the phone's swipe keyboard is the below screen recording of "Child" school shooting threat while drafting a message to potential witnesses in the case.
This threat was intended to be relayed to CIA by the reported criminals given the circumstances of the case as explained in previous articles.
This was previously published here; however, it is important to re-include it herein for the relevancy of context.
The swipe keyboard is smart enough to input the most predictable word based on the user's typing history and the suitability of the word in a phrase.
But in this case it chooses to input "child" instead of "cold" several times even though I deleted it the first, second and third time that it should have already replaced it with the next close keyword from the first time.
Starbucks Baby Seat
Back to the same Starbucks instance. Not only that - after I grabbed my cup of coffee and approaching a table at the corner, my right leg literally extended and hit the baby seat that was placed near that table that the involuntary movement of my leg was so noticeable and extended that there is no way I could simply hit it by mistake due to for example it being close to the table.
How this was done?
Through the neural impairment imposed as demonstrated and evidenced in the case publication under the "Modern Slavery and Neural Tortures" section, and represents a relayed threat to school shootings - and I know how this sounds to the reader at the first time due to its extremity.
People tend to automatically justify it as mental illness when in reality it is the complete opposite - it is in fact a "disaster".
This is simply — the "next generation" conveyance of threat implications by criminals to lawful authorities who have gained access to the same technology.
The capability of the microchip is able to cast a live feed of the person’s vision in realtime (what they see with their own eyes) by pinging that microchip through Satellite and simply constructs a visual of what the person sees.
The technology is able to influence the individual’s peripheral movements as explained in previous articles - couldn’t that be used as a method by those criminal entities to relay threats to the lawful authority?
That makes such individual(s) or victim(s) serve as messenger(s), and one could be aware of the fact they're microchipped whereas other might not be realizing it if no impairment is imposed on them.
Owned by Builders Capital
Relatably, in a previous instance, I was swiping right on a document I shared on LinkedIn, and despite consistent swipe actions that suddenly and inadvertently the swipe action was reverted quickly to a previous page to land on a page of that document that started with “Owned by Builders Capital” to represent a harassing form of “Slavery” in the light of the extreme crimes, aside that such text in itself was a portion of a larger sentence I documented in reference to a subsidiary company that I referred to by as “Owned by Builders Capital”; however, the placement of such portion of text at the beginning of that page combined with the inadvertent swipe action that was done through cybercrime is what is in question; though the innocent reader wouldn’t expect to what level of extremity that a crime could reach and whether to their understanding that Mafia leaders could be empowering and incorporating that and level of artistic vulnerabilities as these to manipulate individuals and push them beyond their limits, the same reason these are perceived mental illness.
All disclaimers that are referenced in the previously published articles and their leading links and referenced documentations, without limitations shall apply.
I practice my fundamental right of Free Speech.