Human VR, a New Form of Slavery via Groundbreaking Bio-Tech in a Historical FBI Organized Crime Scandal
Have you ever thought whether RDP-ing into or Remote-Accessing a person's visual and vitals just like a VR Game when you put its headset on is possible? That's is what this technology allows but on humans.
Just like spiritual possessions but electronic, thanks to the groundbreaking patented technologies since the 90s the FBI has been using and developing to torture people with such as whistleblowers like myself for the benefit of their bribery clients.
This article is a continuation to the previously published article in the organized crime case discussed in this publication involving the FBI corruption and the neural abuse through advancing technologies that result in slavery and torture. The article demonstrates the degree of sophistication that these technologies can reach signified in the included examples.
It is crucial to get familiar with the rest of the case articles in order to understand the below. Related articles are added at the bottom.
Cognitive Impairment Harassment
The below is one of the obvious videos on the neural torture and the transfer of impressions from abusers to hosts (victims). As you can see, while recording a video, my neck involuntary moved up and down several times which was against my own will, and that I did not intend to move my head or neck that way.
Before I share these, I want to apologize for my appearance, which has significantly declined since the beginning of this organized crime. Below are two photos of myself prior to the crimes included to ensure that people do not mistakenly view my explanations as coming from some ignorant or mentally ill person. It also serves as evidence of the crimes and the resulting acts of sabotage.
Not only that, instantly after my head moved in such way involuntarily through that VR technology done via neural signals, you will notice that my own facial expressions showing a “laugh”, more of a “condensing or humiliating laugh” on the involuntary movements my neck made which is also imposed neurally.
It’s like, I poses you neurally through a VR technology and I see through your eyes in realtime but I also can influence your peripheral movements which impairs your cognitive as a result and as those neural signals are transmitted which include transmission of traits and facial expressions and impressions, I subsequently laugh as an abuser as I see you moving your head involuntary as shown in the video, and that laugh is also transmitted to the victim’s face; hence, representing a strong evidence on the electronic possession.
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Such transfer of facial expressions and traits of Robert Trent that overridden my own facial expressions is a proof of the extent of the abuse and the capabilities of the chip, that is an electronic possession of victims.
Facial Expression Comparison
As previously explained in this article, the technology allows the abuser or the operator of it to impose and transfer their own facial expressions and traits onto the victim neurally, as if they are molded.
The below example references Robert Trent (pictured below), CEO of Builders Capital, my previous employer who is maliciously connected in the organized crime case.
If you look at the picture below, you will be able to see the great difference in the facial expressions between the left one that shows my face suddenly exhibiting Robert Trent's facial expressions and traits as if his own expressions were molded into mine whereas the photo on the right side shows my own facial expression which had shifted from the left photo in just one second.
This photo was part of the video recording included above in this article in which you can see the sudden great change of facial expressions that happened in only a friction of a second.
If you know Robert Trent in person, you will be able to tell that the left photo shows his facial expressions.
Again, the difference in timing between the left and the right photo was less than 1 second, just a blink of an eye; and I don't know how can I be looking as this right now and the next second or minute, my facial expressions completely changes, and these correlate to individuals reported in the organized crime case abusing people like me through advancing neural technology that simply acts as a VR and AR into humans lives.
Normally, I look like the below.
The next minute, my face suddenly flips as below along with other sudden imposed impairment and tortures while recognizing that these are Robert Trent's impressions.
I don't know how my face suddenly becomes puffed after being normal as shown prior. If you look carefully and analyze the similarities in the facial features, you will find that my face has incorporated or gotten embodied by characteristics exactly of Robert Trent including the below:
The puffiness of face, particularly in one side of the chick.
A slight tension of one side of the lip that makes the mouth look uneven unlike my normal facial appearance.
The raise of one of the eyebrows.
In addition to the entirety of the facial expression in a whole.
Below is another comparison showing two different photos of mine, one without neural abuse (on the left) and the other (also, shown above, on the right side) while under neural abuse.
How possible such dramatic change in facial features and characteristics happen suddenly?
These are involuntary, alongside the cognitive impairment and brain takeover that were demonstrated and explained in previous articles and surprisingly disappear and/or obstructed if no radio signal is around me which is rarely the case.
The next hour, I can be looking like the below, matching a completely different person's facial expressions and traits involuntary where that person is a reported criminal in the case involved in the neural abuse and torture. Further analyzed and detailed in this article.
Aren't these collectively a strong evidence on the abuse?
It is a shame on educated individuals to bluntly call it mental illness with all the technological advancements and breakthrough inventions nowadays, besides that the technology used for these neural impairments have been around and patented since the 90s. I am not understanding why mental illness is often brought up as a justification then, or perhaps should we call ignorance or malicious bias of the person alleges them?
The below video is a strong demonstration to the sudden involuntary embodiment of facial traits and expressions that are done through neural manipulation via radio signals over Satellite communications. The video references Robert Trent.
As you may notice, the expressions shown on my face tend to be perceived as agitated even though, there was no reason for such agitation and the proof on that but more importantly the neural torture is the sudden change of my facial expressions back to normal within a matter of seconds.
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Help me understand how this could be possible?
Put these side by side with the other evidence of demonstratives, artifacts, and discrepancies in the case pertaining to the neural abuse and other crimes. These form a collective and holistic evidence against those criminals but despite all that, our FBI is refusing to investigate.
The below is another video (two excerpts) also referencing Robert Trent that also demonstrates the transfer of his facial expressions and traits to show on my face while speaking. The video is an excerpt from this video describing a death threat. A side by side video comparison is added further below.
Excerpt 1
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Excerpt 2
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Those who know Robert Trent in person, they will notice that I involuntary adopted his behavioral speaking traits, posture and identical facial expression while speaking, and can attest to that.
Side by Side Video Comparison (Played in Order)
If you look closely at the video, you will notice the same exact rotation of face and neck while talking that comes after a sudden short pause followed by a slight close of one eye and raise of an eyebrow.
Side by Side Video Comparison (Played Simultaneously)
These are not the normal speaking or talking traits or expressions of mine, and I do not intend to mimic Robert’s expressions and the way he talks, not that I like him much anyways. These were completely involuntary while I was recording another video in the case describing an event of death threat.
Everyone has their own unique expressions and traits that distinguish a person from another, these resemble in the way they talk, react and walk but in a much greater detail that people don’t analyze in a great extent, and I never used to, until I realized the neural torture aspect of this case in a later date. Those details collectively form a perception in our brains when we communicate with someone, that in some occasions when we see another person sharing some of those traits, we say they are acting or looking like such person, and the reason is that the perception we formed through the collective details of those traits which naturally allowed us to correlate the similarities with the other person, and we are not necessarily paying attention to the details.
However, in this case I exhibit the traits of Robert Trent to the point that my face is literally molded with his own expression, this second I look like that, the next second I look like this, and that occurs with other criminals in the case, then this is a clear case of neural torture, especially when you put the other facts and instances side by side to these and the cognitive impairments.
Continuous Neural Recording as Evidence
And when a continuous neural recording on the brain is requested through doctors in order to rule out the experienced neural abuse through tangible captured telemetry and digital evidence that identifies the external inputs of those neural signals, the request is never granted.
Do you know why?
Because it is known even though it is not communicated directly that these are done by the FBI and its dictators, and that those physicians are either bribed or in fear to authenticate such fact or authorize a referral for continuous neural recording, and so they would rather deny the request of the patient and might as well misdiagnose them with a mental illness condition that they do not have because otherwise the FBI and their criminal syndicates who are benefiting from such abuse and torture on humans will retaliate against them, and if any other authority intervenes to end such cruelty, well hey, they will also motivate for school shootings by proxy as seen in this organized crime case and certainly other cases, so that they can just ensure that no justice prevails and a tangible evidence and proof on the neural torture can be documented as the extensive law enforcement and powers the bureau possess have made them to think of themselves as Gods.
Comment on Mental Health
Some people though who intend to refuse to see the truth even though they are educated would still think of it as mental illness and maybe call it bipolar, ignoring all technology advancements around us, and I just don’t know what kind of bipolar that switches facial expressions almost instantly and disappears with no signal around, and likewise, I do not know what kind of spiritual possession that doesn’t go away by Church and Communion but goes away when there is no to less signal around.
Do you believe in the existence of what so called “crimes” and "atrocities" in this world or not? Something that you need to ask yourself if you think this is mental illness.
Below is my mental evaluation by a psychiatrist after a lengthy consultation.
All disclaimers that are referenced in the previously published articles and their leading links and referenced documentations, without limitations shall apply. I practice my fundamental right of Free Speech.