This article is a continuation to and dependent on the previous shared articles concerning the neural abuse and torture discussed in this case performed by the FBI and the Bureau’s affiliated criminals through bribery, that is not only affecting me but hundreds of thousands of other victims. View previous articles »
If this is your first time learning about the case, this publication discusses a large organized crime and corruption crisis in which mass shootings are motivated by mob leaders connected to the FBI, in addition to other crimes including neural abuse, human trafficking and slavery.
It is crucial to read through the “Case Briefing Article” if you haven’t before in order to obtain an understanding on the case origins, key aspects and the primary criminal elements.
Forgive my appearance in some of the included videos below which has significantly deteriorated since the beginning of this organized crime. Below are two photos of myself prior to the crimes included to ensure that people do not mistakenly view my explanations as coming from some ignorant or mentally ill person. It also serves as evidence of the crimes and the resulting acts of sabotage.
Patterned Contraction of Muscles
In the below video, you can see my thigh muscle (zoomed) involuntary contracting many times. These happens with almost every single muscle in my body every day and come in patterns or in alignment with for example, certain activity of mine, as part of the torture. My apologies for presenting this as is, the extremity of the torture I’m subjected to forced me to publicize these for people to understand the pain and sufferings I’m going through.
Picture it that way.. through that VR tech on humans, they are simply seeing through my eyes, which enables them to precisely timely align those initiated pulses or muscle contractions with my realtime activity to impair my movements, represent a harassment or even initiate a reminder to a certain element that has a psychological significance linked to the location of such pulse - whether you believe it or not.
This is not epilepsy, this is an "epilepsy-like" symptom that is initiated through these microchip implants that mimics one of the conditions' symptoms. The fact that they come "in patterns" proves the invoked electronic harassment. I haven’t heard of a medical condition such as epilepsy that is sensitive to for example documenting an article against the criminal entities, but why did these are not significantly initiated when documenting or writing a context that is unrelated, for example, even though the activity is the same?
Below is another video of the same abuse initiating muscle contractions but in this instance on my wrist muscle.
If you think this is not true or mental illness, then:
Are you calling the United States Patents and Trademark Office fraud? There are patents for the same technology discussed here that have been reviewed, examined and approved by the office, and even dates back to the 90s.
And so what prevents that same technology from being misused to abuse and torture humans in criminal cases?
Below is my mental evaluation by a psychiatrist after a lengthy consultation.
How do you explain the “middle-finger” sensation I get in my rectum that comes simultaneously with a pull to my “middle finger” in my hands - both at a time that I’m documenting those criminal events in the case? Listed among the symptoms in a previous article.
These pulses or contractions if you noticed make the muscle contracts “to inside the body” as opposed to a normal contraction or “spasms” that pops the muscles out not to inside the body or “are random” as this example video.
These pulses are much worse than the normal spasms. What kind of natural spasms or contractions are invoked to the inside only and not randomly as you saw in the aforementioned referenced video?
Squashing of My Heart
The same way you see those visible contractions to muscles, they perform the same on my heart, especially when I'm trying to sleep. It feels as if someone is literally squeezing my heart that I won’t be able to sleep as a result - the same way you squeeze a sponge ball. See below illustrative figure. It does not matter whether I’m on medication or not, for anyone who may try to attribute such to medications. I am on remedies because of them and not the other way around.
All my EKGs are normal, whether on medication or not, yet these symptoms continue. And the CT scans (below) showing those microchips do not trigger a red flag?
Some of the primary individuals responsible for that torture are Robert Trent, Salam Morcos, Ramy Gewida, Jonathan Rizk (pictured below, respectively) and the rest of the criminals listed here are behind my torture, more accurately alternating rotations to continuously perform such abuse and torture on myself - and the basis are listed in this article. The same technology also affects hundreds of thousands of other victims.
The extremity of the tortures and the extreme pressure on my heart forced me to seek for help on a WhatsApp group for the case that includes members from the church whom are witnesses on the individuals conducting that remote abuse and torture, just behind the curtains. These are the same people you would see at church and work and you may perceive as normal but in reality they are criminals and their job positions are no more than a cover to their criminal activities. Below is one of my messages.
After I posted about the neural torture in this article saying it squeezes my heart and accused Jonathan Rizk, then I see the church youth account on Instagram that Jonathan is an admin of making a post a few days after about a talk by “Jonathan Rizk” on "Heart Issues". See screenshot below.
Isn't that a hinted harassment? and an indication on the neural torture? and he's not even a physician. I wouldn't be surprised if he claimed it's about loving one another under the name of the church just to negate the meaning behind it.
Historically, there has been Nazi individuals known to conduct abusive experiments on people either for clinical trials and/or other agendas. These people still exist and this case encompasses that as one of the aspects.
And so, you can’t ask a Nazi professional what's the real nature of their job and expect them to tell you the truth, right? The same with their outer looks and appearance. They may appear as the kindest among people but in reality they're not, they are just adept in tricking the perception of people, that's one of their core job functions after-all, right?
Interestingly that if I intentionally flex my muscles, my calves for example, such pressure on my heart as well as those demonstrated pulses get lifted as a result. And it seems as as long as there is a “placeholder” that is keeping the nerve that controls those contractions busy through intentional flexing of muscles, that nerve then becomes irresponsive to those remotely invoked signals to some extent.
The situation is critically burdening and the abuse goes much further that it manipulates the core internals and biologicals of the human body and brain beyond any imagination, and may eventually lead to death.
Embodiment of Facial Expressions
At instances, I suddenly become looking like Robert Trent with his facial expressions literally embodied or imprinted on me, while in other occasions I look like Ramy Gewida. Sounds like a movie? It is not - see below photos. This is another extreme form of the abuse which is the transfer of facial expressions of the abuser to the host (the victim). I understand this may be hard to believe, but it is true.
Ramy Gewida vs Myself
While the facial components of each person may differ in their “own structure” such as the ears, eye brows, and so forth; however, the referenced embodiment of those expressions are the “molding”, formation and “the shape” in which those components take on the victim’s face, and even extends to their speaking traits.
In other words, the victim inherits those expressions from the abuser with great precision while the victim is being abused, leading to the shaping and the “molding” (in a sense) of the victim’s facial components to match up with the facial characteristics of the abuser. The below illustrative analysis provides more details.
Analysis of The Facial Geometry
Below outlines a simple analysis on the facial traits that my face suddenly exhibits through that VR technology compared to the abuser (Ramy Gewida). Ironically, if we put both pictures on a mathematical graph chart and align them with x and y axis, their coordinates will precisely match in correspondence to each other that they may make a perfect geometric figure.
In addition to the notes added in the picture..
The eyebrows here are the key and the leading element in comparing the “construction” of expressions on both faces.
Even though the eyes are not quite visible here due to the low quality of the photo; however, you will find that the widening of the eyes are identically matching-up.
You can see a slight tilt and a rotation of the head which is a common posture of Ramy that is suddenly accustomed on my face, that if I intended to pose like him in a photo, I wouldn’t be able to match it with that accuracy.
What makes it that accurate is the transfer of the genetic characteristics from the abuser to the victim that is carried by electronically which in return replicates an identical posture of the abuser, Ramy Gewida in this instance. More examples are included below. In this instance, I look at my picture and I literally see Ramy through myself.
Some of the key identifiers of those identicalities are:
To what extent are the eyebrows lifted and the shape each took?
Are they even?
The shape of the eyes and how widen they are?
Are both eyes widened equally?
And how do these match up with the victim?
The tilt and the orientation of the face.
Is that the normal common posture for the victim?
How does the victim look like in other pictures?
And how do you explain the sudden lift of those facial expressions upon the victim? E.g. How do you explain that the victim today show Ramy’s facial expression, the next day shows Robert Trent’s facial expressions?
I did not notice those facial traits of Ramy on myself after taking that photo until the criminal events has started and I learnt about the chip implants and the criminal individuals involved in the organized crime. At that time, the neural abuse wasn’t taking place, only the continuous monitoring and possession that did not impair me at that time. It is similar to you wearing a VR headset in a game but not controlling the character and in view-mode only, the impairment comes when the abuser decides to interfere with the victim and it is explained in this video.
Robert Trent vs Myself
What reaffirms on the above and the phenomenon facial traits embodiment is the below pictures of Robert Trent vs myself. If you notice or if you know Robert personally, he always has one side of his face tensioned to some extent, the mouth and lips area particularly, and I have not been like that at all until shortly prior to the start of the case and the criminal events.
But I have never been like that, see below pictures of mine in an earlier date.
As you can see in the three pictures above, there is no tension of the lips and mouth on one side as the previous pictures comparing myself to Robert Trent.
How is it possible that this hour I look like Ramy, the next hour I look like Robert Trent? But I’m not intentionally impersonating any of them. Frankly, if I wanted to impersonate a person with that great extent, I wouldn’t be able to. I do not think either that there is a person who can mimics another person’s facial traits with such great precision.
Meanwhile, all other evidence in the case points out at them and this is perceived normal or mental illness? Ignoring everything about the CT Scans and the fact that those microchips are visible and shown on those imaging - so why is it not these?
In addition to the CT scans but also the registered and approved patents by the USPTO, does that not constitute a strong evidence to such crimes?
And if not, what’s the justification?
In what sense and what part exactly did my explanation not make sense within the context of the totality of the circumstances of the case?
Because again, if you claim these are not true, not factual, frivolous or similar, are you calling the United States Patents and Trademark Office fraud?
And if not, why does that not that apply in this case?
Perhaps that’s what is called “confirmation bias”?
I’m unable to type on the keyboard but when there is no signal or at an area that has less signal, my typing on the keyboard improves dramatically, but that’s the fundamental function of my job in the first place that I somehow lost or became impaired at shortly after my attempts of suing my previous employer and the other malicious events that all aligned at the same time, and all that are perceived normal?
Why does the my face suddenly becomes tensioned as Robert Trent?
And why doesn’t my posture show such trait regularly?
How do you explain the sudden lift of such trait?
And why did it not appear prior the criminal events?
Regarding the V2K, how come inserting earbuds into my ears lessens the symptoms?
Might as well, have psychiatrists who claim that this is a schizophrenia, to start prescribing earbuds instead of medicine, right?
And if they can’t prove it mental illness, let’s call a spiritual possession.
Why do I not show any signs of demonic possession or attachment when I attend the liturgy and take communion?
Meanwhile, the same spiritual possession is lessened by the strength of the surrounding signal and/or the in-ear buds but it is completely irrelevant to liturgies?
Should we also have priests to start offering earbuds instead of exorcisms?
Again, shall we call the USPTO patents fraud?
That facial expressions and traits transfer phenomenon can also be observed on my face while speaking in the videos shared previously under the “Facial Traits and Expressions Transfer” section in this article.
Sami Said vs Myself
Here is another example, picturing Sami Said, the owner of a large Gas Station chain in Washington that I worked for in the early days after immigrating to the U.S. and before resuming my career in the tech industry.
The identical tightening of the eyes and the eyelids during a smiling posture.
The shape and contour in which both eyebrows take that identically matched those of Sami’s. Aside from the length of the eyebrows themselves, but rather their molding.
The wide flattened mouth with a hint of rested lower face while smiling, both sides are even - but in other instances, my lips and mouth become miraculously tensioned to match Robert Trent’s s included above. Help me understand?
How is it possible that the lift of my cheeks and the exact same tightness of the eyelids match up with those of Sami’s?
But that’s not the case in other instances while taking another photo with the same posture but at a different time?
These arguments in themselves are sufficient to issue an arrest warrant immediately. The case has been going for three years, what is the FBI waiting for? Are they really not seeing the evidence in this case? Not only this article, but the entire publication and previous reports to them. This is not only about me, such crimes affect hundreds of thousands and those mob leaders have motivated for mass school shootings in the light of this case and possibly others. They must be judged.
Mark Zuckerberg on Telepathy and VR
In the below 8-years old video, Mark Zuckerberg shares information on Virtual Reality and Telepathy, and how people could transfer emotions and how they feel in a way that the other person be able to feel the same and recognize those feelings and emotions.
If such technology exists as per Zuckerberg’s 8-year old video that is able to transfer feelings, might as well allows facial traits to be transmitted. And so as everything from the operator to the host (the victim) which results in sort of “possession” of the victim but electronically. While Mark discusses the good side of an experiment, I shed the light on the abusive side that the same or similar technology causes when misused intentionally.
While I'm not an expert, but I would put it the below explanation. If the abuser is able to transmit their own genetic characteristics neurally that are responsible for shaping their facial muscles (that holistically provides a perceptive facial trait) over to the victim, then that simply overrides the victim's own facial expressions. It effectively stretches and shapes the victim's facial muscles in the same way as the abuser's, making it seem as if the abuser's characteristics are being embodied or reflected on the victim’s face.
Being chipped while not realizing such fact makes it almost impossible for the victim to cognitize the imposed facial expressions by the chip and others until these become intense and interfere with your daily life to the extent of extreme forms of tortures and abuse, then you start wondering what’s happening to shortly come into a realization of such fact, this is in the simple form. At that time, the abuser chooses to let the victim know of the chip.
I haven’t seen a person who’s their facial traits naturally changed to reflect faces or the traits of others, today is this person, the next day is another person, it is involuntary and only scoped to those people whom are accused of imposing that torture. Unless it’s something imposing such traits upon the victim.
Disabled-Like Arm Shape
With all respect to individuals with special needs and disabilities, the below video shows my arm moves in a way that may be perceived as a physical disability that I do not have, but rather a result of the neural abuse. My arm have never been like that prior to that abuse and also does not move in such manner during the rare short times in which I’m less impaired at.
Why would I be wanting to appear in that manner to the public? I'm sane enough to understand that people may look at these and think I'm mentally ill, and I wouldn't be wanting people to perceive me in such way when I'm not. I'm putting these videos as proof to the impairment that imposes my normal being when I'm not subjected to such torture.
Another Video
And aside from the microchips that are visible as the daylight on the CT scans, that all medical providers and doctors I visited have confirmed that all of my imaging, blood tests and evaluations are completely normal; meanwhile, they fail to comment on what those coin-shaped objects are. What else beyond CT Scans or X-Rays that allow a physician to identify these as foreign metal objects, the other name of microchips? They tend to escape from the answer and it is for a reason.
Someone tells me re-take the CT Scans. How do I ensure the integrity of the results though? Can they not be altered during the production and construction of those imaging to botch and hide those microchips? Those imaging above were done in the emergency, the hospital was not busy, I underwent the CT a few minutes after I arrived that provided no room for pre-planned manipulation by or through those criminals.
Angled Eye Pupils Movement
Have you ever seen a human eye moving in a robotic manner?
The below video shows my eye pupils move from A to B in a geometrical form that is close to a “trapezoid” or “half trapezoid” as illustrated below, that is as a result of the remotely transmitted neural signals that artificializes the normal movements of the human eye.
In fact, such movement was involuntary and I did not intend to have my eyes look at that direction and fall on that part of the counter in the first place - not schizophrenia or detachment from ones-self. This is also another clue on the vision transmission of the victim to the operator through that technology.
Involuntary Eye Pupils Movement
Similar to the above, the below video proves the involuntary movements of my eye pupils that is mentioned above. If you observe carefully, you can tell that no human eye moves in such manner and this is indeed a result of the imposed neural abuse.
Arguments on V2K
Why would my speech differs between a phone call or a conversation and another? Where one clearly demonstrates concise, stable speech with few to no stuttering and another call or conversation sounds completely different that people may think I don't even know the language, stuttering often, unable to form a coherent sentence or phrase, and it's almost like I forgot the vocabs. It feels like someone suddenly applied brakes on my speech and held my tongue back the same way one holds back a horse they’re riding.
It is concerning that often if I wake up, instantly open up my laptop and start typing, I'll be fine until a minute or two later that I suddenly become impaired as if I didn't ever use a keyboard or a computer mouse in my life. It’s like the abuser jumped on his equipment shortly after noticing that the victim has woke-up from their hard-earned sleep.
Doesn't that represent another strong evidence? There's no reason for me to make these up either.
Frankly, I told one of the physicians I visited that "I wish I can take you home with me" to express the way that those symptoms appear when I'm by myself and not being witnessed by a knowledgeable or medical person while I'm typing on the computer keyboard as an example, because otherwise, they would have noticed the impairment that contradicts with all of my medical reports. Or they actually might in fact not see it because that would serve as an evidence on those microchips and the abusers understand that very well. They are visually seeing through the victims eyes 24/7 afterall.
Why would I make up these and screw-up my life after immigrating and getting established in the country I've always wanted to move to, holding considerably sensitive technical positions, having a credit score of over 740 and a credit line totaling $100K?
Why the impairment symptoms improve if I change my location, for example, not to sound abnormal but if I go inside a closet and cover myself with a blanket, the symptoms improve. The same if I’m sitting in an outdoor area, those symptoms are lessened as opposed to an indoor area. This is in fact how I was able to manage document these lines under less impairment and still took me longer than if I were not subjected to that abuse. The same case with locations, if I'm at home vs a coffee shop as another example.
And why turning on continuous audio recording on my phone lessens those symptoms?
I haven't seen a mental illness tied to a location or a sensitive audio recorder. It seems that the primary channel those tortures are transmitted through is V2K (low frequency radio signals) in which sensitive mics can catch them on recordings especially if those audio files are treated and refined to prove whether forms of V2K is taking place in the surrounding or the victim, which justifies why those symptoms tend to be lessened during the recording time, otherwise, they can represent a direct evidence on such brutality. Imagine someone (abuser) whispering into your ears with harassments, the provider tells you these are mental illness and the audio recordings prove them wrong. The entire criminal infrastructure will fall, right?
I hear "static" similar to a radio noise in faint volume and "ringing" noises in my ears that are circumstantial based on the above, meanwhile, I did an MRI and I do not have tinnitus.
Again, what about those CT Scans included above?
Do you not see a discrepancy here?
Casting of Dreams and Targeting
This technology has the capabilities of casting dreams to victims as well. Indicated in one of the referenced patents as well as related resources and topics on the Internet.
At one night, I dreamt of “Adel Andraws” (pictured below) who’s one of the mob leaders in this case, saying to me in a humiliating manner “You’re not well behaved”.
The second I opened Instagram after woking up on that day, the first suggested account was, not Adel’s, but another person having “Adel” in their profile picture while him carrying their little baby girl as appears below. Neither Adel nor any other account that had his picture on were featured as in my Instagram’s suggestions at any given time prior to that dream for at least a year if it didn’t happen at all.
And this is not a one-time occurrence that we can call it a coincidence, it’s a phenomenon that has been frequently occurring - and so, what are the odds?
Why did not such account show-up on the top suggested on my Instagram before that dream or several days after for example? I will update this article to add more examples when I’m able to.
They simply hit two birds with one stone, expressing and showing off powers on the precision of social media targeting that matches up with the casted dream to also represent a harassment. Whereas, him carrying that child in the picture represents an indirect threat implication to more school shootings on top of the ones they already motivated for in the past and was done “by proxy”.
I understand how this may be perceived by others, if another person randomly tells me such incident before I go through the totality of the circumstances, I would have probably told them these are untrue or are exaggerated, but after going through these circumstances myself and experiencing such abuse by that technology on myself, I realized that in the life of criminals as these individuals, such tactics do exist and largely depend on the build-up of case scenarios and events that the involved parties from all sides acknowledge which is why the targeted entities and victims are able to interpret those.
I also realize that this particular instance may sound funny to few but in reality if you position yourself in my place, it has nothing to do with humor. The nature of their crimes in fact complements them because when they are narrated to others, it may sound less-serious as people won’t by any means be able to picture themselves in place of the victims, due to the extremity of those practices. That also serves as a tactic for those criminals to lower down the seriousness and the weight of their brutal crimes. The fact that they use those tactics for such purpose shall constitute another crime on top of their primary crimes.
In my opinion, the primary criminal individuals in this case deserve a “Death Sentence” judgement. Because you can’t have a mob leader jailed for life as an example to later realize that he is ruling from inside the prison, right? That statement shall not be falsely articulated to wrongfully allege violence from my end as an example, isn’t that what is called by “fishing in the troubled waters”? I mean a “judicial judgement”.
The excessive and extreme non-stop torture on me makes me almost disabled and puts a huge load on my brain and cognitive, it feels as if someone literally put my brain or myself altogether in a microwave and turned it on. Perhaps that’s why V2K sometimes is referred to by “The Microwave Auditory Effect”. Imagine yourself in a microwave that is turned on, how would you feel? That’s myself all times as a result of that neural abuse. Below is an illustrative picture.
I hope the FBI can come up with proper justifications to all these questions, discrepancies and the "whys" while placing these side by side to the patents registered with the USPTO, and not call it a “mental illness crisis”. That’s In fact has been the audible greeting on the Bureau’s number. It seems that the FBI is defensive against reports that can very much be legitimate but they want to turn away as quickly and easily as possible while making it appear as a common or “familiar phenomenon”. Nevertheless, I hope that the bureau issues an immediate arrest warrants for the criminal individuals of this case.