Details With Videos on Abuse & Torture by the FBI Through A Breakthrough Technology (Un-Consented Clinical Trial)
Listen to my comments in the below video briefing some of the symptoms I experience on daily basis due to the abuse of the implanted chips in the light of the unconsented clinical trial through the FBI.
Microchip Information and Abuse - Video 1
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Those symptoms disappear when I attempt to explain them to someone else such as a medical provider. In other words, if I’m speaking and/or acting normally in front of a medical provider (during a diagnosis), how come I experience and/or able to justify experiencing those symptoms?
Microchip Information and Abuse Cont’d - Video 2
Another new video explaining symptoms experienced by the chip.
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Microchip Information and Abuse Cont’d - Video 3
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Similarly, with a paid people who may be pretending to be recording their surroundings while including me in the video intently so that they would claim that I’m not affected, but it is planned by them. In other words also, turn off all interference by the Chip, have someone record, then bring it up as a fake evidence against me in hopes for them to justify something like Bipolar or so. (That in itself also intends to create a psychological stressor on the victim, and a tie in a sense.)
They also disappear or be less at other instances (occasionally) listed at the bottom of this article. See more symptoms and examples for them listed below under the "Symptoms" Section.
If this is a mental and/or health related condition, symptoms would have been consistent but when other factors such as “no or significantly less communications signals” and others lessen those symptoms, then it must be something else which is the chips.
It is also not a drug-related issue as that may play a false reasoning by the FBI and their Buyers; well, maybe I’m taking medicine to combat their chip controls not the other way around; or it could be a chronic condition such as ADHD that has nothing to do with the listed symptoms.
CT Scans
Medical imaging on September 20th, 2023 reveals two coin-shaped microchips, one in the back of my brain and appears to be "under the skin", and the other in the abdomen.
Impaired Cognitive, Speech and Coordination of Movements and Thoughts.
Below are examples based on everyday simple actions.
I find myself hardly being able to turn on or off the light switch where I put a considerable amount of mental effort to position my finger or hand correctly on the switch and not to press on the wall next to it as an example, that is every single time; as if there is an oppositional force is pulling my hand or finger away from the switch (the correct location) and now I have to force my limbs to re-adjust in order to perform such a simple action that I used to do easily and blindly without even thinking or adding such great mental effort to it.
Similar to the above, when typing on a keyboard, I find my fingers are involuntarily pressing on incorrect keys where the fingers are suddenly pulled away from the keys that I intended to press on initially, and/or a finger that pressed on a key twice or thrice quickly, in which result in many typos and in order for me to cope with this and cause less typos, I have to put a huge mental effort while typing - but I still encounter typos, nevertheless. That is while using a keyboard that I’m used to and not necessarily a new one where I have to re-calibrate my hands on (in a sense). Sometimes, such typos result in totally different keywords or form an approximate to other keywords.
And while I'm typing, each typo followed almost simultaneously with a raised or pulled index finger through the chip, followed by an "Enter Definition" to 1 to/of 1 as explained previously in one of the publications. The 1 to/of 1 implication here is similar to the people who target myself with vehicles and then honk once for the same implication, but no persons or cars were obstructing their way. It is just another type of Nazi harassment based on psychological manipulations that refers to the circumstances as a "Game".
Sending around thousands of emails during my 2+ years employment with Builders Capital in addition to more work messages and meetings through other channels, all the implementations listed in the projects section on my LinkedIn profile, in addition to my personal life, I do not know how could I made it if I do not know how to type on a keyboard (either physical keyboard or soft-keyboard), but those typos mainly arise when trying to save myself from the FBI and their buyers by uncovering their corruption to the public. Same with the trackpad or a mouse (cursor) that I experience difficulties locating it on icons. All suddenly occurred shortly after I contacted attorneys to sue Robert Trent (CEO) and the company.
I intend to publish examples to chip-initiated keyboard typos in a later date when I can, unless otherwise provided.
When using a trackpad on my laptop as an example, I have to go back and forth several times in order to properly position it on the icon that I intend to click on or open. Every single time. Frankly, I came across the monkey on one of “Neuralink’s” video on YouTube and I found a great correlation between the movements’ shape, characteristics and key features of that monkey when using the joystick to adjust the cursor location on a screen and myself. I even sometimes tend to move the cursor to a specific icon that I (or my brain and consciousness) did not intend to hover on (as another example). See below video from Neuralink.
Same case as above with cellphones and/or tablets (touchscreens): Intending to open an app: normally, the detailed thought process is as follows: my eyes get to locate the icon first then I click it to open the app. I find it impairing and hard to do so as my eyes or “pupils” involuntarily “follow” to and “gaze” on a totally different app icon that I did not intend to look at prior clicking on it to open the desired app. In fact, that often results in me opening a totally different app, then I get to close it in which results in more actions while being impaired throughout the steps to close that app and open the one I initially intended to. I also sometimes mislocate the correct icon where I end-up clicking on a blank area or the edge of the device; hence, no action is done. These are often.
In the below slow-motion video you can observe an "involuntary wink" as a result of the control by your breakthrough chips.
This is only 1 instance that is shown in this video out of many throughout the day, every day; and with every "involuntary wink" wink through your chips, it is accompanied by a typo of a semi-colon (;) if I'm typing on the keyboard (as an example). It is simply another match but in a different form (both wink and typo initiated by the chip at the same time) to mentally abuse and torture me.
You know when someone screws another up to the point that it harms their appearance as you can observe in the above video then they advantage such appearance to their favor in defense whereas they are the initial actors responsible for that? That's the FBI and their Buyers (Bribery Clients). But let them come back and say it is mental illness and/or trauma that is causing all that; let's just disregard the entire case with it's documentations, events, materials, emails, CT Scans, and so forth, and the "Totality of Circumstances", and falsely blame it on mental illness or trauma for them to get out of it. Again, that's the FBI.
I can be clicking on an app icon or a button, but I find my finger’s click action is suddenly shortened where it results of my finger not reaching the screen to touch it in the first place, hence, it results that I attempt the action for the second time. The count here is twice. This can happen thrice, however. I call the phenomenon Shortened Actions.
I’m a music keyboard player for several years, with these symptoms, I became unable to utilize my talent as I used to for years and I often miss notes or play the wrong ones. It feels that I'm being overridden by some sort of an external force (the chip).
I find myself unable to speak properly or form a coherent speech where I involuntarily either drop words from sentences or phrases and/or insert ones that I did not want to say, or simply my speech get impaired where some words be spoken out completely incorrect and then I have to re-correct myself - very often.
If I’m reaching to the light’s wire to pull down to turn it on or off, I find my hands catching the air a couple times before I’m correctly able to put my hands on it and catch it. Same case scenario if I’m hanging clothes or grabbing them from the hanger.
If I were to perform an action, let’s say holding the door handle to open it and I intended to use my left hand to do so, I find myself involuntarily raising the right hand but then soon to realize that’s not the hand I intended to use initially to hold the handle.
If I were to add food to the microwave, I find myself pressing on the “Start” button without setting a timer, not once where it may be a coincidence but often, and again, I have to put a considerable mental effort to complete such tasks. I call it “Skip a Thought” - and this occurs often in other examples.
Sometimes, things get dropped from the grasp of my hands involuntarily.
My eyelids wink involuntarily, not to be confused with rapid twitches, they are actual winks. They also occasionally and involuntarily “blink” twice rapidly.
Other Miscellaneous.
Often, my hands’ fingers, specifically the middle-finger and the index finger, involuntarily move (raised or bent-down) or encounter intense pulses that I can feel.
Along, with the above item (middle-finger), I get a relatable sensation in my rectum.
Occasional involuntary movements of hands and/or legs.
My fingers sometimes form different shapes on their own without me putting the power by my own to form such shapes. Examples, two fingers get joint (adhered) to each other, three fingers joint and stick to each other involuntary where it forms a shape of an emoji as a figurative example - and the shape formation last for several minutes on their own. Again, without me putting the mental, nerve and muscle power to form such shapes. See illustrative image added below at the bottom of this section herein.
My neck also moves in directions (right, left, up, down) and perform similar to a reflex action but that I did not intend to do myself.
One time, I was writing some notes on a piece of paper, I intended to write the word "could" but I involuntary wrote it as "coffin" that I had to correct it. This is just an example of how Nazi are these crimes to deliver a death threat implication through a breakthrough technology.
Regarding the impaired speech symptom, the below video represents an example at the minute 24:40 where you can hear induced interference during my speech.
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It legitimately feels like as if someone else put on electronic bionic prosthesis hands, arms and legs (or better, a full body suit) in which they are able to remotely alter, interfere with and override my own body's movements and limbs. Similar to a VR game such as Oculus from Meta (Refs. Metaverse). See the below figurative picture. Is that theoretically possible? Yes.
All the above collectively come in other forms/examples, add up together and the accumulation of them every day at every instance that drain my mental capacity and impair my brain.
If I would picture it from an IT technical perspective, I would picture myself as the host (to that chip) and the person who controls the chip through its interface is the client.
It feels like my brain's capacity and mental powers have been capped or throttled but also being overridden by an external factor. I basically became so close to a 100 years old man in a sense (with all due respect to elders).
As the abuse continue to happen against myself, I was able to confirm that they are able to see through my eyes. See below example for Neuralink.
Nose and Throat-Initiated Noises by The Chip
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Those noises are similar to ticking noises that usually come in a sequence audible pattern, but then often when I start recording them, they stop abruptly. Refer to the above mentioned "see through my eyes". In other words, if someone has feed of my eyes and able to initiate those harassing sounds, they can stop them shortly after them noticing me starting to evident the phenomenon.
Mind-Reading & Targeting
The below threads a few examples to the coupling of mind reading capabilities through the chip with gang-stalking, targeting and cybercrimes, in addition to the ones listed in the Microchip Documentation.
In July 2023, my eyes glanced the "Fairlife" milk brand at Walmart while buying some groceries. I did not speak about it, look it up on the Internet or anything - other than just that my eyes glanced it.
After around half an hour, I went back home, opened Instagram to find the Advertisement that is topping my feed was surprisingly "Fairlife", but the same advertisement and brand in a whole have not been displayed in my feed for several months at least. Is that a coincidence? With all other reported instances of mind reading and visual feed by the chip.
Read about Eye-Tracking technology and its linkage to marketing, advertisement. This is also similar to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and neural networks.
Computer Trash Bin
Decided to shutdown my laptop with the intent to trash something in the trash bin that is inside my room after, the shutdown action gets halted and the trash bin (recycle bin) on my laptop gets opened inadvertently, coupling cybercrime to halt the shutdown action I initiated and open the trash bin while psychologically exploiting and harassing the victim about the intent they had initially in their mind prior to shutting down their laptop.
The Step Back
I thought to myself without saying it outloud that "I should take a step back" to re-think the situation and see what are the alternative solutions to the matter in order to end those crimes. Not long after, I see a targeted person on the street suddenly started taking several steps backwards (in a reversed way) in a harassing manner upon I stopped at the intersection while driving, as if he was waiting for me to arrive to start taking those back steps in that harassing manner. Did I mention to anyone out loud that I'm thinking to take a step back? No, I kept the thought to myself. Same with every and all other instances, and every harassment followed by the above illustrated brain stamp that amplifies the footprint of the harassment on the victim's brain.
Again, the above examples out of many.
Below is a video for Juliane Gallina, Deputy Director of Digital Innovation at CIA explaining the viability of recording of brain cognitive and thinking strategies; which harness my explanations herein. Starting at the minute 8:49 specifically.
A Whispering Torturing Capability of The Chip
Another capability of the chip is the “whispering” in a sense. Those are not “voices in the head” and not to be confused with Schizophrenia. They are more of an “Inspiration” to the best that I can describe.
An example in this case would be when I sent an email to Robert Trent during my employment complaining on how I am being managed by Salam Morcos where I mentioned to him that he “shut the door on me”, but the “Naziness” here is that the aforementioned phrase was actually "whispered" or “inspired” to me through the "Chip", which is the core and a primary aspect of the crimes; echoing Ken Trent’s “The Dog Whisperer” implicating phrase that he incorporated and crafted within one of his implicating LinkedIn posts during my employment with Ford. The “Dog Whisperer” here was an initiator to another harassing implication called “Lost Dog” that followed his post. The event is explained in more details with screenshots to the emails and other material in the other publicized documents and articles.
Based on the above, below is another example where I posted a photo on Instagram with the caption of “My New Buddy” few weeks after my immigration to the United States in 2016. What is concerning here is that I was new to the country, I was not familiar with the commonly used slangs such as “Buddy”; I was barely able to form a coherent sentence, but I actually remember how exactly I felt while posting that specific photo, as if something inspired me to write that caption. It’s is like introducing new terms and language to a person who just moved to America. Interestingly, Robert Trent uses that slang of “My Buddy” very often and almost several times a day, especially verbally (from my work interactions with him).
This represents a strong data point in reference to the life-long unconsented clinical trial by/through the FBI as being a “pig” from Egypt (to them) where my assumption is that Robert Trent learned about the clinical trial and abused his connection with the FBI (bribery) and obtained access to the chip. The inspired caption was no more than a futuristic implication as him being a “Companion” or it could simply be him just having fun now that he have access to myself basically. I call it a “Possession” chip. (Main Article:
CT Scans Disparity
When I underwent another CT Scan on my brain prior to that date at a different hospital, the results did not show the microchip as seen above. In fact, they missed the entire "DICOM" series of the side angle of the brain; and when I followed-up with the hospital several times over email and phone calls to request a corrected CD that does not contain a duplicate series and includes the missing one, they mailed me another CD that is also missing that series completely, they failed to respond responsibly to my several emails, with the last phone call they said, "well, we may not have it.".
And so, on top of me being under an unconsented clinical trial, and that the imaging are being tampered with, which results in additional imaging that hopefully do not get altered, who is going to pay for my cancer toll due to the radiation on top of the other compensation?
The Above Symptoms Disappear or Lessen When
During flights.
When I attempt to explain them to someone else such as a medical provider. In other words, if I’m speaking and/or acting normally in front of a medical provider (during a diagnosis), how come I experience and/or able to justify experiencing those symptoms?
They are also less when applying some home remedies such as:
Sitting inside a Faraday Enclosure.
Applying or taping magnets over the circled areas in the above-referenced CT Scans and on my forehead.
Using Lidocaine spray on the same affected areas.
Some of these may simply not do anything but as the invasive surveillance continues, it can simply be a “trick” for me to think that adding magnets as an example work; which as a result leads to financial sabotage as I will purchase magnets for me believing that it actually works, but soon to realize that it is not working as I thought and now I’m unable to return the magnets that I paid for because of the severe impairment that makes me almost disabled throughout the day, and so on. This is one aspect to how Financial Sabotage is performed in this case, but it extends to further than this.
Q: Microchips in humans are a recent technology, there is no way these capabilities correlate to you.
20 years ago you wouldn't think Neuralink was possible, such technology were only seen on Sci-Fi movies - and now they are advertised as a product to be sold in the near future. That type of technology does not happen overnight and are usually classified (especially if they are meant to be used for intelligence purposes); we can call it a "Next Generation" breakthrough technology since years back and made it to the light nowadays. Theoretically and Scientifically, the aforementioned concerns and explanations in regards to the chip are possible.
Similar to the GPS that was only being used by Intelligence purposes when it was first invented but later after several years, it was commercially introduced to the public. In this case, Neuralink is the commercially introduced device that is getting introduced to the public after myself being tested for years long and benchmarked.
The Intelligence Agencies are known to be several years ahead from the public consumer when it comes to technology and there is no issue with that, the issue is to abuse such classified technology for personal gains and/or other malicious purposes, not lawful Intelligence efforts.
Even though the crimes list occult activities but the symptoms of the chip do not correlate to a demonic possession because as mentioned earlier, they disappear during flights and are less when sitting inside Faraday enclosures and other remedies listed, and so I have not heard of a demonic spirit that is anti-flights and/or Faraday cages. Furthermore, I attend liturgies, take communion, holy water. If it was a demonic possession, I wouldn't be able to do any of the aforementioned. Same case with Parkinson's disease and its symptoms that few of them "may" correlate to the above but their underlying root cause is the chip.
Think of it this way: the reported demonic and occult activities happen externally (i.e. they may affect elements from the surroundings) in addition to adding locks (i.e. marriages locks), etc; but the chips on the other hand control the person through neurons, that is why I refer to it by a possession chip; which leaves that criminal network another window of alleging that "he is possessed, he must needs an exorcism" - and the window here is another tie in the case, because every tie when it is untied benefits them with an exit to a singular aspect of the crimes.
Me documenting these and publicizing them herein is an influence of their modernized MK-Ultra program by the FBI that intends to have me and other victims supply them with documentation regarding the chip, and also publicize the matter that to them most people may perceive unrealistic anyways so that at the end they would have legal grounds to sue me for defamation as an example and put me in jail. One example out of many of their Naziness. One of the influences is that, if I depleted all possible ways to obtain justice, but also no other attorney is daring to represent me as a Plaintiff in front of the FBI, yet the crimes continue against myself and my loved ones, what do I do other than bringing the public attention to them?
The capabilities and symptoms listed in this article and the referenced one are only few out of many.
I’m publishing and documenting these while trying to push myself to cope with the situation and save my life.
This article will be updated to include additional details and material concerning the subject.
A Side to The Core Case Grounds
I immigrated to the U.S. in 2016, I realized that I'm being a part of a life-long unconsented clinical trial in early 2023. That is one primary aspect out of other dependent grounds to the reported crimes.
The clinical trial started when I was in Egypt (around the age of 10 or 11) through my uncle who lives here in the U.S. and works at the FBI; namely, Girgis Hafzalla (Also, known as "Girgis Ramsis"). He abused the powers of the FBI to vet for such unconsented clinical trial.
Based on the above, I became a person of interest to the CIA, gathering intelligence about the clinical trial given that it is a "Breakthrough Classified Technology" at the time.
Since Girgis is a Corrupt FBI Agent, and a powerful Sorcerer, he had and has been recruiting several members in the Church Congregation (the Coptic Orthodox who immigrate from Egypt to the U.S.) to form a gang-stalking network that kept growing over the years - referred to as "Mafia". Also, see the Testimony by Former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson on the same subject.
This network also includes Girgis's two brothers, namely, Wagdi Hafzalla and Maurice Hafzalla; and immigrants from other countries such as Mexico, Columbia, Middle East Countries and other, in addition to Native Americans. (No discrimination against a nation, gender and/or race).
They are well funded and protected by the FBI and rely on the agency's resources and intelligence to perform their crimes. My case is one of the aspects that followed other trail of events (a build-up) throughout the years.
When I immigrated to the U.S. in 2016, it was one of the ignitions to an even more elevated conflict between the CIA as a lawful party and the Corrupt FBI that are dominating the agency and with overruling powers.
Based on what I am witnessing of the extended landscape of the reported threats, I believe that a Military Intervention is necessary to cleanse the country from the crimes, gangs and corruption. See the below video.
Supplementing Resources (External)
V2K and Neural Patents
The below lists the registered patents for V2K, sometimes refered to by the Microwave Auditory Effect, and other similar technologies, some of them are dating back to the 90s.
These patents are examined by and registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, If V2K and Neural Abuse do not exist, those patents for devices operating the technology or detecting the use of it wouldn’t have existed.
The below is a screenshot of a worksheet listing some of the patents. You may copy the patent number and paste into the USPTO website patent search. Worksheet Link »
Notable Patents
US 3393279 - Allows information to be remotely conveyed to subject via electromagnetic waves.
US 3647970 A - Remotely cause individual to hear voices via EMF waves
See Also
New Evidence Against The FBI & Robert Trent For Their Responsibility of School Shootings in The U.S.
Gang-Stalking: Implied Harassment at Church Through Corrupt FBI
Uncovering the Fruits of the Un-Consented Clinical Trial, Abuse & Torture by the FBI on Myself
Video: Watch Involuntary Adoption Of Robert Trent's Genetic Traits Amid The FBI Scandal
Robert Trent, CEO of Builders Capital is Behind Simeon Minshew's Murder
Reports that reference the FBI, does not necessarily intend to bash at the whole agency and its lawful agents. However, it points out severe corruption to the extent that the corrupt portion is bigger, dominating and with significant power that overrules the lawful portion of it. In my personal opinion, I believe cleansing the agency from the corrupt and restoring faith to it is inevitable - and the proof for that is that I, in fact reached out to them prior to realizing the corruption that is occurring within the organization.
Referencing Builders Capital as a company only points to and summons the criminal individuals that are namely mentioned in the documents and not necessarily intend to harm the company's reputation and/or other lawful employees or key holders.
I'm not seeking a spotlight or to be an interest to the public, it just happened that my case involves a National Security Threat given the circumstances. I wish I was not a person of interest; the crimes and the chip abuse on me are so severe that I'm barely able to document these.
All other disclaimers in the previous posts, articles, publications, documentations and their leading links shall apply. **Freedom of Speech.