Builders Capital CEO, Robert Trent Murders a Former Employee Under The FBI Watch - With Evidence
This crime is part of the larger organized crime discussed in the publication that involves FBI corruption and crimes against humanity.
Simeon Minshew, a former employee of Builders Capital, a national private lender in which Robert Trent, a Mafia boss is a CEO of is murdered a few months following his termination.
The incident occurred within a context of an organized crime led by Robert in connection with other mob leaders in WA that leveraged Simeon and his death through murder to accomplish a specific initiative in such crime that accuses Trent for motivating for mass shootings.
Additionally, the murder incident also seems to have aimed to eliminate Simeon because of his access to and possession of sensitive information he held during his time at the company.
The obvious crime occurred a few months following his termination, but more interestingly, on the same day as my termination date from the company.
The company has then brought on two new hires with the last name "Simeonova," which shares a significant portion of Simeon's name.
The new hire announcements were made through BIM Quote on LinkedIn, a subsidiary of Builders Capital.
Not only that their names matched Simeon’s name but it also matched a great portion of my LLC, “Nova Gravity” that I had registered at around September to October 2021 which was before their hiring.
Onboarding these individuals intended to deliver a dual implication based on their unique name and the timing of their hiring, these are:
Death Threat based on the hiring time that was aligned with the start of my employment at Ford that was recently announced as a covert CIA involvement in the case back then in this video; and
Claim of Responsibility to their murdering crime of Simeon, just through implication.
How common is the "Simeon" name in the first place?
How common is "Simeonova" then?
Not one person but two! At the same company and only a few months apart!
They have no social or online presence on the Internet whatsoever.
Were hired during the peak of the crimes and while reporting them to authorities.
Not only matching Simeon’s name but also my company’s name! That’s a strike!
And that LinkedIn algorithms displays the hiring announcement on the top of my feed upon logging in. Let’s make sure he sees and interprets the implication.
What are the odds?
And how is it likely that I get notified by Simeon’s death on the same exact day of my termination?
Put this side to side another subtle event or implication in the case. See other articles.
Then ask what's the likelihood of each of those coexist within the same timeframe?
Both of those events then form a "Evidence" in the case.
If that event in particular raises a red flag to you, does it not reinforces the other sides of the case as a whole?
Now reiterate the same process among all other events, then we have a case with a "Holistic Evidence" against those individuals.
The below are additional grounds on the murder crime.
Simeon as the only Marketing Employee at Builders Capital at that time, he had a wide access to the company’s Marketing Data that included relatively sensitive information, as well as some other data that required visibility by him for the marketing efforts.
When Simeon was terminated, I noticed that he exported and took a “Complete Takeout” from the company’s Google Account that was being used for Marketing purposes which was in the size of 11GB approximately; I ultimately notified Salam Morcos who then notified Robert Trent; Salam later mentioned that Robert became irritated. This (the takeout of data) was one of the grounds that led to the murder of Simeon (Retaliation by Robert Trent and Salam Morcos in particular).
Simeon's death appears to be announced as a natural death or possibly suicide due to alleged mental illness as opposed to the actual murder crime.
Regarding Online Presence
Usually, you can lookup a person by their name and you'll find at least one account under their name and picture on Google for example. It doesn't necessarily require a special access.
Looking up each of them comes up with no results whatsoever matching the same individuals.
Frankly, the results showing individuals from Bulgaria with a similar or the same name but even their pictures and occupations do not match those who Builders Capital allegedly hired.
No discrimination; however, If we decide to assume they're one among those results from Bulgaria, did the company not find any employee in the U.S. to fill for those positions so they decided to hire employees from Bulgaria? A simple rhetoric question.
I don’t know if these were fake hires for the intent of the implications, the company hired those individuals and called them nicknames (what they go by) or they managed to miraciously locate two people with such last name and fit them into two positions at the company within that time period.
It is not necessarily that these people are maliciously affiliated, though they could be, but it is rather the art of incorporating elements to work in the reported criminals’ favor to deliver the intended implications.
This also demonstrates the extent of crafting and coupling several elements within the framework of the case to collectively represent a death threat relying on the accumulative interpretation of the victim to the conjugations of those elements.
It is Worth to Mention That
The implication of identical or similar names herein is very similar to another targeting method where many people that I coincidentally meet or speak with be named as “Trent”. Examples: Salespersons at shops, customer service representatives (phone calls or emails). Several occasions that create a pattern.
Remarkably, I witnessed the company’s executives deleting sensitive data of departed employees intentionally, including witnessing some of my data getting deleted by Robert Trent from the company’s system.
Notably, in a later date after Simeon’s termination while I was still employed with the company, Katherine Christofilis (the corporate attorney) told me “Simeon is worked-up from/about you”, I then asked her to clarify, she then said “he thinks you’re the reason for him to get terminated”; Katherine had then added about Simeon and said, “he is mentally ill.” - the same exact false allegation they are attributing against me to negate their responsibility in the crimes. This conversation came after she handed me his laptop that was provided to the company given that I was not able to get it returned from him as he was not responding to me.
Furthermore, when I got Simeon’s laptop back from Katherine, I attempted to power it up to obtain a back-up but the laptop did not boot or pass the initial manufacturer logo and it appeared as if it was intentional to not access the data. While I attributed such act to Simeon at that time; however, given the current circumstances of the case and what I witnessed later by the company’s C-level executives and similar acts of data purging, I’m able to correlate more to them, that is also provided that Katherine acted as the middle person who brought Simeon’s laptop from him.
It seems that the “mentally ill” statement or card is waived at anyone who may hold sensitive data and/or evidence on the company that could prove wrongdoings while expressing an intent of legal ramifications - that has been evidenced and demonstrated in other articles as well.