The specific incident is a consequence of a forced marriage situation, which is just one part of the case. The incident was a retaliation act against the lawful authorities involved in the case.
Prior to reading the article, It is crucial to read through this “Case Briefing Article” if you haven’t before in order to obtain an understanding on the case origins and key aspects.
It is also recommended watching the video below for an introduction to the case and an overview of the circumstances and parties involved. This is especially helpful if this is your first time learning about the case.
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Three Main Criminal Parties
Corrupt From the Coptic Orthodox Community in Seattle, WA
Pictured below with names are corrupt members from The “Andraws” Family that is part of the Coptic Orthodox Church community in Seattle, WA; originally from Egypt. In addition to Girgis Hafzalla who is a Corrupt FBI Agent and also my uncle.
Ramy Gewida (“Ramy Andraws”) - Was a friend of mine in the past prior to confirming his connection to the crimes.
Hani Andraws (Ramy’s Father)
Adel Andraws (Ramy’s Uncle)
Fady Wahba (Ramy’s Elder Cousin)
Robert Trent (“Rob Trent”)
A U.S. Mafia boss, holds a position of CEO at a company called Builders Capital based in WA which serves as the cover to his crimes. Both Rob Trent and The “Andraws” Family (above) bought the entire FBI or at minimal its corrupt leadership that have superseding powers in the agency.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation - FBI
The agency is ultimately serving as a liaison between the above parties, providing cover-ups, offering its intelligence capabilities and resources in exchange for monetary gains (bribes), and ultimately facilitating oppression and dictatorship.
The three parties are connected together in this case.
How These Criminals Operate
The complexity of the case is evident in how the network operates and delivers threats through implications. The evidence presented consists of patterns with timestamps that piece together a puzzle, or “Criminological Puzzle”.
This criminal network relies on implications and significations to communicate their threats. The formation of such puzzle around each incident is key to their strategy.
These incidents and implications are intentional and require the skill of intelligence professionals to interpret, but may not be clear to those not involved in the case.
Criminals Viewpoint
The below provides an explanation of the puzzle discussed earlier from the viewpoint of those criminals; threading their thought process in creating a complex puzzle with various elements and hinted implications for this specific incident.
As you continue reading, you may initially find these statements to be improbable or unrealistic. However, I urge you to keep an open mind and read until the end.
By connecting the dots, you may change your initial perspective. This is how those criminals view the creation of such complex puzzles in their schemes.
Decryption of Puzzle
Now we have an opposing authority involved in the case which is the CIA. The CIA is standing in our way and obstructing our activities.
What does this case involves in terms of aspects? One key focus of this case involves a forced marriage involving a woman named Sherry Massoud (pictured below). We hired the FBI to arrange this marriage for our son, Ramy; however, the CIA is now investigating the corruption within the community, and the forced marriage became a primary factor that is playing a significant role in the case.
We want to establish a certain Significance to Sherry to deliver implications through in the event that such authority which is the CIA continues to stand in our way.
Let’s come up with or hold an element that creates a trailing lead. We will then use this element to build-up a series of trailing elements that are dependent and connected based on it.
What do we have? Sherry made a post about her recent visit to Mount Rainier in Washington with part of her caption text included The Pacific Northwest
What is the most distinctive thing about Mount Rainier and The Pacific Northwest? The illustration of the mountain itself as pictured in the image below. Consider this as Element 1We will use such illustration or visualization as The Baseline or the start of the trail to build the latter dependencies of the puzzle upon in which implications are formed.
Sherry’s fiancé at that time is not straight, we know because we pay the FBI enough to spy on people for us.
In fact, we arranged her marriage to her husband who is not straight in the first place for him to serve as a placeholder for our son, Ramy. As a result, she is eligible for remarriage. Given 1
Sherry would also be married to Mina (victim, myself, pictured below) if her marriage to her husband would be forfeited. Again, we know because we pay the FBI enough to spy on people for us. Given 2
But we want her to marry Ramy regardless (Forced Marriage).
From the above point number (4) referencing a “trailing lead”; what is similar in shape or figure and visual of cities, towns or states that signifies Mount Rainier and the Mountains in the Pacific Northwest?
Answer: Colorado Springs.
Here are the logos of Colorado Springs. Element 2
This exact point is the start of the trail.
Ramy will ask Mina (victim) to go with him to REI in which Ramy will show Mina that he is buying “Patagonia” jackets.
Here are the Patagonia logo (below on the left) and also REI logo (below on the right) that both signify the same shape and figure of Mount Rainier and Colorado Springs. Element 3
Now Patagnoia can be used as a reference to Sherry Massoud. This is how those leads and the linkage of elements work in the understanding of this criminal network.
Again, I understand that these may sound unrealistic to some but I ask you to just go with it and continue reading until the end.
Side by Side Comparison of The Above Figures
On the other hand and in parallel with the above in terms of date and time, Mina has received an email from the Senate House on Jan 8th, 2019 with an attachment of IQ Format File.
The email purportedly came From:
“Office of Senator Maria Cantwell (imailagent)” (below).
“imailagent” here is simply the email server handler for dispatching emails.
I am not certain if there is a legitimate technical usage for the “IQ Format File” file that is attached to the email.
We will take the Q letter from the IQ Format File as a distinguished lead in this particular element.
Keyword splicing is well-known in the Intelligence Sector as it appears; hence, the IQ Format File attached in the email can be spliced to the following: [I] [Q] Format File.
Based on the above:
Sherry’s Fiancée is not straight and if otherwise she would marry Mina (victim).
IQ Format File that is attached to the email from the Senate House.
CIA involvement and pre-existing long-time conflict.
In addition to the Givens, and the Elements we formed;
Let’s fund and form a Gay Club in Colorado Springs and call it Club Q, relying on the keyword splicing, it will sit there for now. Again, with the Q letter being the distinguished lead for this particular element.
Yes, they have the funds, time, resources and more importantly that artistic mentality to approach such action. And it will make business anyways.
And it’s not really about Mina as much as it is that we retaliate against the CIA and oppress them from achieving justice. Mina is simply the Scapegoat of this case.
Club Q Formation Date is August 13th, 2019 which comes around 7 months after the above email. See screenshot below and compare dates.Such name will just sit there as a placeholder and is intended not only to be used in future threat implications or a claim of responsibility to an incident, but also represents an undermining harassment to the member of the Senate House who sent me that email with the IQ Format File attachment.
And the nature of the club also matches the pronouns of Sherry’s husband (fiance at that time) - and it will make business anyways.
Mina has a co-worker called Simeon Minshew (pictured below) at Builders Capital in which Robert Trent is a CEO of and we are maliciously connected to them. Given 3
In someway, ask or have Simeon send an email to Mina with the subject “DNS Cleanup Spring” where “Spring” here is a distinguished keyword and is a common factor with the “Colorado Springs” name.
Simeon’s email must have such common keyword which is “Spring” given the baseline they established and the previous cumulative elements in which the trail is being build upon. This point is futuristic.
We plan to have Simeon terminated from Builders Capital, but through our connections we will employ him at REI afterwards, for the sake of completing the puzzle.
Cross-reference this with REI, and Patagonia that was mentioned prior. Again, this is how the establishment of trails and complex puzzles are done by that criminal network including Corrupt FBI to collectively represent threats through implications afterwards.
Simeon as a result will feature the position on his LinkedIn profile and we will have the platform’s algorithm complements such announcement to be shown to Mina on the top feed when Mina logs in to the platform. That is while Mina is still employed at Builders Capital.
Now Mina’s mind Registered that Simeon started a position at REI after his (Simeon’s) termination from Builders Capital. Acknowledgement 1
Then, on the exact day of Mina’s Termination, we (criminals) will kill Simeon in someway and Simeon’s obituary will be announced and targeted on the Internet for Mina to notice it - again, on almost the same exact day of Mina’s termination from the company.
Yes, they are time perfectionists, and it has to be done that way as it plays a significant role in their criminal art. I do not know if Simeon died on the same day or prior.
Now we have a build-up of few of acknowledgments:
Mina was notified by Simeon’s Death on his termination date from the company.
Mina has also registered that Simeon was working at REI before he passes away.
Mina has not interpreted any threat implication yet and did not make a connection between both of the above and the ask by Ramy to Mina to go with him to buy Patagonia clothes from REI where Simeon used to work.
We are just laying out the puzzle pieces on the table but they have not been put together or linked yet, at least from the victim’s perspective (myself).
Mina registered an LLC and named it Nova Gravity in around September 2021 prior to his termination by a few weeks. Given 4
Sherry gotten married on September 11th, 2021; she found out that her husband is Not Straight; hence, she can be divorced and remarried. Given 5
Now we will have Mina terminated from Builders Capital on October 6th, 2021.
Promptly notify Mina about Simeon’s Death on the same day of his termination. I did not know or interpret that notification as a targeted notification at that time.
My termination date from Builders Capital on October 6th was planned and on purpose as it had to be matching the same exact date in which the court has sentenced Treza Hafzalla, Maurice Hafzalla’s daughter who is a brother to Girgis, the Corrupt FBI Agent to 8 years in prison in the light of a vehicular homicide case - just a different year than the termination event.
October 6th is also a distinguished date as it aligns with the date of the Egypt and Israeli War on October 6th, 1973. Mina is originally from Egypt, and so as Girgis Hafzalla (Corrupt FBI agent), and we also have other members in the FBI from Israel whom are connected to the case and the FBI.
Similarly, Sherry’s marriage on September 11th was not a coincidence, it was planned to align with the tragical event of September 11th, 2001.
So, why not declare a war in a form of implication through those dates? (from their perspective).
CIA clandestinely escalated the case in around March 2022 as explained in the video included at the top of this article. That is also when Mina started to realize the existence of the crimes and started reporting the crimes to the Police initially.
Relatably, nearly, all police stations that I went to in order to report such incidents were completely closed or shut their gates upon I arrive as if they were anticipating violence acts.
Now we as Builders Capital, the other criminal party connected to the case will hire two new hires with the last name as “Simeonova”, as in [Simeon] and [Nova] combined. We will then post an announcement for those hires through one of their owned companies’ LinkedIn pages. See screenshot below.
Cross-reference this [Simeon] [Nova] or [Simeonova] to Simeon’s death that matched my termination date from the company, all during the CIA’s covert involvement, that is in addition to Nova Gravity, the company that I formed in around September 2021. A direct death threat implication.
Again, the CIA escalated the case and is intending to expose our corruption.
We also have a Forced Marriage situation that is being obstructed in the light of the case.
But we want to force and impose our will regardless and teach the CIA lesson they never forget. We wouldn’t worry about the FBI, they are in our pockets and partners in those crimes anyways. (from criminals viewpoint).
The issue is not only a forced marriage, it is the corrupt actions and crimes being carried out by and through the FBI. This case serves as an example of the extent to which corruption can escalate, including forced marriages and other personal gains. This pattern can be observed in other cases involving Corrupt FBI Officials that are dominating the agency.
Let’s pay and motivate someone to conduct the Mass Shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs that we initially funded and established, and built the previously listed trail of elements upon. This point is the execution start of the puzzle for this particular incident.
Now it’s time for us to claim and advertise responsibility of such retaliatory incident in opposition to the lawful authorities and CIA but without being held accountable for them or an evidence being held against us so that they could learn that lesson well.
We also have eyes on Mina 24/7 through invasive surveillance, cybercrime and other means, and so as the CIA but as a lawful party. Hence, we can also advantage the CIA’s observation in delivering relayed implications to them through Mina. Similar to Picture in Picture in a sense.
A good example to that would be the below message I received from Girgis Hafzalla (FBI) in an earlier date prior to me determining his malicious affiliation with the crimes where he included a large Shark sticker randomly that came completely out of the context (below). Such message was intended for the CIA through my phone.
Ok, what of elements or attributes Mina have accumulated recently while we are threatening and harassing him from the other side? We have the following.
Mina was listening to a song while driving his car prior to the event, upon the word “Faded” was spoken by the singer, have our guy that we allocated above Mina’s apartment for continuous harassment initiate a noise into his ceiling that results in a push notification for a sound alert being sent to Mina’s phone by the installed security camera inside the apartment at the same exact time that matches the word “Faded” when spoken out by the singer.
Again, I understand that the following may sound unrealistic to some but I ask you to continue reading until the end.
Watch a video example of the sound harassments by that gang-stalker from the FBI on top of my apartment referenced at the bottom of this article.
Mina will naturally attribute it to Sherry given the acknowledgment by the parties of the case of the forced marriage. Now that is seared into his memory, not PTSD but we will make it look like it because we can.
Similar to other targeted ads on almost every YouTube video that I open that features “Forbidden Love” during that time.
We also had Mina encounter a distinguishable typo on keyboard through our breakthrough technology and neurological abuse (examples provided in a different article) that resulted in him typing the keyword “CASTR” instead of “CASETEXT” while documenting events against us. This typo was intended to be caused so that we use it as part of claiming responsibility for the incident (futuristic). Illustration is below.
Remember? The CIA also monitors every tid-bit of the case including those writings in real-time.
On the other hand, one of the logos Mina has used in his newly created YouTube Channel prior the start of the crimes was the below.
Mina has also used the keyword “Affirmation” several times in his documentations of reporting our crimes; those documentation were being mailed to CIA. (screenshot below).
Again, it is not really about Mina as much as it is that we retaliate and oppress the CIA from achieving justice. Mina is simply the Scapegoat of this case.
Specific scenes will be captured after Club Q Shooting where photos of such captured scenes will include elements and attributes that were accumulated.
Recap on Those Recent Accumulated Attributes by Mina
Faded keyword
Affirmation keyword
Springs keyword
CASTR typo
The Fist Icon (✊) on my recently created YouTube Channel
In addition to the other accrued Givens and Elements.
We are going to incorporate the above in some news and scenes, and put them up on YouTube; the second Mina opens YouTube on his phone, those videos, all of them with those specific elements of targeting will be topping his feed with the thumbnails of them featuring those exact photos (above) - again, all at one instance.
As a result, these will form a relayed “claim of responsibility” implication to CIA given their realtime observation. Mina will understand the implications given the circumstances of the case and so as the CIA, but no one else will.
Claim Responsibility of Shooting Event
Below are the scenes captured from Club Q shooting that each of them include the above-referenced attributes that were added to YouTube and targeted.
The “Faded” keyword. Taken from Club Q Shooting scenes.
Also, Mina is going to the church on a Saturday for liturgy (date after the incident took place).
Send a “Targeted Kid” (around the age of 10 years old) there and have him wear a shirt with a large text on it as “Faded”. Have that kid angle himself in front of Mina and stare well in their eyes for quite sometime so that Mina’s attention is brought to the Faded text on the shirt. Figurative picture of the shirt below. I did not take a picture of the actual kid and shirt at that time.
It also has to be a kid not a targeted adult person who wears such shirt so that also serves as another threat implication to school shootings (dual implication), hitting two birds with one stone. Remember? These criminals are also behind Robb Elementary School shooting and others.
Below is the actual kid referenced above from the church. I actually hope that he testifies truthfully about the event and what has been asked from him. (Screenshots taken from the church’s Instagram account). Location: Archangels Church in Everett, WA
“Affirmation” sign and keyword. Taken from Club Q Shooting scenes.
“CASTR” or “CASTRO” sign. Taken from Club Q Shooting scenes.
A protestor/supporter person wearing a shirt with the same exact logo that Mina used for his YouTube Channel. Taken from Club Q Shooting scenes.
Then bring a fake witness wearing a Patagonia jacket and take their testimony. Pictured below.
Lastly, have one of the sister church’s Instagram accounts that Mina follows on the platform post a story with a poll that features the keyword “Spring” in the same timeframe of such event, let’s say a month.
Yes, the church made a camp during the spring within a short timeframe from the shooting at Club Q, so why not advantaging such camp to deliver an implication as well? This is the same church where the above-referenced kid (refs. Faded) has targeted Mina at.
Link this “Spring” to the “Spring Cleanup” by Simeon Minshew who was killed at almost the same day of my termination from Builders Capital in which his death was implicated later on through the “Simeonova” hires at the company that is connected criminally, also link it to Colorado “Springs” as a name.
Now we completed the picture, we created the puzzle pieces, threw them on the table, connected or coupled each of them together, executed the retaliatory violent incident against CIA, then claimed responsibility through implications based on such puzzle, and good luck to anyone proving that. See diagram at the bottom of this article.
The “Andraws” Family Criminal Affiliation
What let me recognize the affiliation of Ramy and his family “The Andraws” in the case as a criminal party along with the others is the sequential playback of past events that I recalled upon experiencing two consecutive specific events amid the peak of the crimes, in addition to the data points in the case is what made me realize the connection.
Those Two Triggering Events
Right after exiting Snohomish County court, I instantly received a call from Ramy on WhatsApp in which I did not answer followed by another regular call, I then answered to hear him harassingly laughing at me for no reason, I then hung-up.
A few seconds before his call while paying for parking, I was faced with a targeted trafficking implication by the employee who checked me out where he said “I have seen a buttload of those tickets” (i.e. flight tickets). Click here to listen to the brief conversation.
While such line may be perceived as normal; however, by factoring the following, it was deemed to be an intended targeted trafficking implication.
The employee’s body language that I witnessed.
The way he dropped such line within the conversation.
The timing of Ramy’s call right after the garage’s employee dropping that implication.
And more importantly, that such implication came not long after Girgis (Corrupt FBI Agent) implication about sending me to Dubai as explained in this video.
That was also within the same period of time where Ken Trent (Rob Trent’s brother and a criminal in this case) implicated about the same through his LinkedIn by “Trent Books”, as in flight tickets which was mentioned in a different article.
Below are the screenshots of Ramy’s calls with timestamps compared to the time I exited the court.
Timestamps of the above video and screenshots added below on the right side.
Then not too long from the above event, I was looking up a christian song on YouTube named “W lessa ya Adra Bet-heny” in Arabic that I often listen to, the closest English translation for it would be “O’Mary You Still Forgive”.
Upon typing the first two words in Arabic, the first suggestion came up as “W lessa ya Ramy” in Arabic, the closest English translation for that would be “O’Ramy You Still”.. instead of “O’Mary” the Christian song as the expected search result suggestion (for the latter). Screenshot below.
Based on the Cybercrimes and the Wrongdoing at private companies that I witnessed throughout the case events, this was another obvious manipulation of the search suggestions on YouTube to provide a hint about Ramy through the manipulation of such title of a Christian song that is known I often listen to.
And of course, they will justify that by saying that there is a song with the same name for a singer named Ramy Sabry; however, in fact, that song’s name is different as opposed to what the manipulated search suggestions on YouTube presented.
The actual song’s name in Arabic is “W lessa yama for Ramy Sabry”, changing the Arabic keyword “yama” to “ya” delivers a quite different meaning and interpretation to the search suggestion in addition to the unexplained “drop” of the singer’s last name that is usually included in YouTube’s suggestions.
The closest English translation for the actual name of that song would be “It's been a while” for “Ramy Sabry”.. See the difference? (Below is a screenshot of the song on YouTube).
Despite that both, the shown manipulated search suggestion and the actual name of the song having a relatively similar wording but such difference between both namings deliver a quite different meaning. The altered or manipulated name “W lessa ya Ramy” is an Arabic term or slang that can be used as a threat or harassment if it would be verbally said to someone in Arabic.
Below is a comparison of such namings in Arabic alphabets.
ولسه يا عدرا » Expected Search Suggestion
ولسه يا رامي » First Search Suggestion - Manipulated/Altered
ولسه ياما رامي صبري » The Accurate Song’s Name (Not the Christian Song)
When I say that videos of school buses and others are intentionally targeted on YouTube and other platforms to represent threat implications to school shootings, they may justify that by referring to the personalization settings that track the user’s interests and present them with relevant content, even though school buses are not in my interest, but when I use that same justification to question why and how YouTube is not presenting me with relevant search suggestions based on those interests that they are referring to so that the Christian song that I often search for would be topping my search suggestions, the justification would be that I must have the personalization settings disabled. Apparently, I have those personalization settings on and off based on which scenario serves them better.
The two events explained above served as the triggers that made me recall a list of other events (threaded below) that happened in the past that were planned but I did not interpret them as such at that time.
By connecting the below events with the above two events as well as the totality of the circumstances of the case, it became clear that the “Andraws” family are maliciously involved in the case and behind those crimes.
Back-Dated Sequence of Events
I was able to understand why Ramy defended Builders Capital while he was with me inside my car when I mentioned that I am intending to sue the company, his facial expressions changed and became worried, then asked in a defensive manner and verbiage “Did they not sign you on papers?”
Prior to that and during my employment with the company, he asked me over WhatsApp saying “I heard that Marie has been terminated” but in Arabic as below in the screenshot where a portion of his text was not really obvious what exactly he meant but I was able to understand it. Marie Henry is a person from the church who referred me to the position at Builders Capital.
I came to the realization that Ramy and his family, the "Andraws," are not only accountable for Club Q Shooting, but they also played a part in motivating for Robb Elementary School Shooting. The correlation of various data points in the case, the grounds behind Robb Elementary School Shooting, the timing of the incident, Ramy and his family's association with Builders Capital, and the surrounding circumstances and events that occurred concurrently, some of which are listed below, collectively reinforced and proved their ties to the crimes.
A few days prior to the day of the baptism at the church on May 22nd, 2022 that is included in the Notable Events document in details where a baby was literally screaming out of his lungs while being baptized as if he was being physically tortured, I noticed a Red Mazda 3 car upon exiting Best Buy at Lynnwood, WA that is identical to the one I rented a few months prior and shared with Ramy in California, that is prior to realizing any organized crime.
That Mazda 3 had the sticker of “Baby on Board” but there were three of them. The car is identical to the Mazda 3 I rented in California under my name in terms of Color, Model, and Year. (figurative picture below).
The “Baby on Board” stickers are used as an implication of school shootings threats and through targeted vehicles and others. Explained in detail in the shared documents.
Right after seeing that Mazda 3 at Best Buy with the Three “Baby on Board” stickers as illustrated above, I went to St. Mary’s church that is around 2 minutes away from that Best Buy to notice that the first parked car on the right when entering the church’s gate was Mariam’s (pictured below), Ramy’s sister.
Surprisingly, Mariam’s car had the same sticker “Baby on Board” that I hadn’t noticed before on her car, the same as that targeted Mazda that I saw 2 minutes earlier but Mariam is single, not married and does not have kids - But she may justify that by the “dog” she has as a “baby”. Sample picture of Mariam’s car with the sticker below.
In a casual manner, we plan to deliver threats to schools. The vehicle Mina shared with Ramy, a Red Mazda 3, will be used to create a unique lead. During the baptism, we will have someone pinch the baby's skin to make them scream loudly while the CIA is monitoring the situation. Following that baptism, the Mazda 3 will target Mina with three baby-on-board stickers. Mariam's car will be placed at the same location as where the baptism took place with the same stickers “baby-on-board” to reinforce the threat. That was only a few days prior to Robb Elementary School Shooting.
And why I have been noticing targeted Toyota 4 Runner cars that are identical to Ramy’s car, make, model and year, that are targeted on the roads with specific colors of significations that represent implication within the case to often match and intersect with Targeted School Buses.
This simply intends to deliver threat implication to school shootings through the targeted school buses and saying such threats are coming from Ramy or his family through the targeted Toyota 4 Runner cars given his ownership of the same car that are coupled and perfectly timed with targeted school buses. Watch This Video Starting Minute 38:2 as an example. Apply the same exact example of targeting to many other instances.
The above made me realize why Ramy intently showed me his car’s (Toyota 4 Runner) broken lights from the back in the past. It was on purpose and a futuristic implication of causing harm to myself.
Casually, it is like “you see that broken light.. I’ll hurt you just like it.”
These criminals (The Andraws Family) are from the Middle East culture and while I’m not sure if it is the same in the U.S. but that specific type of implication does exist in the Middle East and Egypt where Ramy is originally from.
It was meant to be futuristic for when the crimes start, I get to interpret it in a later date along with the other events.
I understood why I noticed a targeted person who looked almost exactly like Ramy wearing a yellow jacket targeted me at Walmart. The person had the exact same posture, walk, facial expression and everything that I mistook him for Ramy at the first glance. In fact, people from the church who know Ramy personally would be able to attest to that.
The yellow color represents threat implications to school shootings in this case. Click To Watch This Video Starting Minute 2:05 for the aforementioned. Below is a screenshot taken from the video.
Going out of that Walmart right after from the above to notice targeted yellow cars and people wearing yellow clothes to match and couple with each other.
Frankly, it felt like a yellow festival.. but again, the FBI does not know if Gang-Stalking exists or not, and whether implications exist or not.
Consequently, I remembered Adel Andraws, Ramy’s uncle whom I saw at the same Walmart one time in the past right after walking out from the store, not realizing that such instance was on purpose targeting by him that only intended for a future implication.
Casually and from their perspective: “Just show him yourself.. all what is needed is for him (myself) to just see you.. and if you look at him too that would be great.. He will then recall such instance and interpret it as targeting in the future when we declare ourselves covertly with implications”.
That is exactly what happened. I even messaged Ramy regarding such instance at that time. See below screenshot (written in franco Arab)
The above is similar as when Hani Andraws, Ramy’s father intended to fill-up gas in the morning from the Gas Station I used to work at despite all other Gas Stations nearby his house. That was prior to transitioning to the tech industry.
The Gas Station I worked at during that time was in fact far from his house compared to the other ones nearby. He used to fill-up gas in his old Mercedes that is also hit from the back, same as with the broken lights on the Toyota 4 Runner that his son, Ramy owns. Apparently Hani was filling-up gas during my shift only.
Below is a screenshot to my conversation with Ramy (written in franco arab typing) over WhatsApp in regards to his father filling-up gas that I did not interpret as an implication at that time, but it meant for later as with some of the others.
The consequential interpretation of events and the above made me able to understand why Apple Maps on my iPhone was popping-up the directions to that Gas Station that I used to work at back in the years and call it “Home” without me putting the direction for it or labeling it as “Home”.
I actually have not visited that Gas Station for years after quitting the job, but the intention was to deliver a harassment through Cybercrime via Apple Maps which was made during my first few weeks employment at Ford, the recently revealed clandestine involvement by CIA (explained in this video).
Are you not seeing the Hate Crime here? The Hate Crime that the FBI is fueling and facilitating every aspect of it in favor to their bribery clients.
That made sense to why Apple is not logging any data of my visited locations through Apple Maps despite me signed in to the App, the iCloud Account, and Significant Locations are turned on. Not only, but their support team is refusing to assist in any way to explain to why such error is happening and why my consumer data exports do not include my Apple Maps locations or data.
Of course, they wouldn’t expose a wrong doing that the company is doing for the FBI, right?
And the reason I was abused and hostiled against during my employment period at that Gas Station that it was motivated by them. Well, if he (myself) enters that cycle and loop of being enslaved into work all nights for the minimum amount of wage to live paycheck-to-paycheck, he will have no room of breath to improve and work on himself; he will simply get stuck for the rest of his life in that life-depleting job and that never-ending cycle. It serves their end goal intention afterall. Again, it’s a Hate Crime.
I realized that Ramy and his family are the reason to why an extended employment offer to me was rescinded at a company called Privateer Press for a Web Professional role which occurred during my employment at the Gas Station. They were simply behind it. Screenshots for email communications added below.
I realized why Ramy asked me if I work at the FBI only two days after Renee (another criminal) questioned if I work at the CIA, even though my employment at Ford as a Cybersecurity Engineer was made clear to them at that time, which has been recently revealed as a covert CIA involvement in the case as explained in this video.
Renee is Girgis’s niece and another criminal individual in the case (pictured below).
What are the odds that two persons that are being reported as suspects in the case that each of them ask a similar question in a different setting two days apart when my employment was made clear that I work at Ford as a Cybersecurity Engineer unless they had information that it was a covert CIA involvement?
No wonder, Girgis (the Corrupt FBI Agent), Renee, Fady (Ramy’s cousin) and others corrupt from the church community whom are involved in the crimes showed irritation about my employment at Ford.
Ramy’s question about the FBI was simply a trick to negate any information I may realize or obtain about the FBI’s malicious involvement in the case, and also a maneuver from Renee’s question that she blatantly dropped about CIA in an irritated state.
In other words, their annoyance of my newly started position at Ford and Renee's question about the CIA, that was also delivered in an irritated manner, suggested a fear of either the CIA specifically or government agencies in general. If Ramy had posed a similar question about the FBI instead, I would likely have developed the same apprehension about them, inadvertently leading me to believe that the FBI was a lawful entity in the situation; hence, deterring any malicious involvement of the FBI in the case, even if I didn't realize the significance at the time.
I realized why H.L. (a close friend of mine) said “Mina and C.M. as partners” when we were at his house one day, as a group of friends, where he was referring to myself and another female person. I then noticed H.L. whispering to Ramy right after saying such phrase.
And while the phrase was referring to a card game that we were playing but it was implicating for a date arrangement with that person referenced above.
The intention was simply to remove me from the equation to free some room for Ramy; because otherwise, Sherry’s non-straight husband that Ramy’s family initially connected her with to serve as a placeholder for him (Ramy) would be useless at this point.
I am not blaming H.L. for that instance, I understand that this was an ask to him that came originally from Ramy.
Ramy also showed a sense of hatred and jealousy over a text conversation about a story I posted on Instagram on “July 4th, 2020” that included a mug with a prayer printed on it. Screenshot below.
The reason for such jealousy that I realized later is because I bought the mug through the church and since Sherry was one of the servants distributing the mug, she offered to deliver it to where I live but I ended up picking it up from their house instead (before she gets married).
That’s in the light of invasive cybercrime and surveillance carried by the FBI to Ramy’s favor that I did not realize such at that time.
I sarcastically questioned Ramy at that time why he’s being jealous. I did not put the assumption that there is an actual organized hate crime planned. See screenshot below of the referenced photo of the mug.
I also realized why I sensed hatred from Wagdi Hafzalla who is another brother to Girgis, the Corrupt FBI Agent. Such hatred stemmed from the fact that his elder son, George, had once hoped to marry Sherry's sister, but that did not succeed. Similarly, Wagdi's younger son, John, had expressed interest in marrying my sister, but that has also faltered. Given these facts, I wonder if Wagdi would approve of me pursuing a relationship with Sherry or if he would prefer that I face rejection like his sons.
Again, the issue is not only a forced marriage, it is the corrupt actions and crimes being carried out by and through the FBI. This case serves as an example of the extent to which corruption can escalate, including forced marriages and other personal gains. This pattern can be observed in other cases involving Corrupt FBI Officials that are dominating the agency.
That above made sense to why John, Wagdi’s younger son told me “No.. sorry to break it for you bro but she is not for you” when I revealed my interest in Sherry in the first month after immigrating to the U.S. in 2016. It was just part of the Hate Crime package that is applied through their connection with the FBI.
In fact, one subtle hatred act by Wagdi that proves the above is that during my first 3 months in the U.S. after immigrating in 2016, he called me to meet him at the church without telling me the reason, I met with him and while we were briefly talking, he called Sherry’s father, Hany Massoud. Wagdi then continued talking with me, leaving the phone off of his ear, he then told me “We want you to marry Sherry to give you the U.S. citizenship”, he then looked at his phone that had Sherry’s father on call and said, “oh, it went straight to the voicemail”.
Whether Wagdi’s call was picked-up by her father and he heard the conversation or it went straight to the voicemail then he listened to what Wagdi said after, but that surley delivered a false impression of proposing for marriage to his daughter only for obtaining a U.S. citizenship; making sure that I forfeit any interest from her side.
No wonder, I was faced by awkwardness from Sherry and her brother, Shawn following the event that lasted for several months. This is how she quickly connected with her non-straight husband, who was originally intended to be a placeholder for Ramy.
Until this time, I did not know why Wagdi called me to go meet him at the church.
The above also justified why Fady Wahba, Ramy’s cousin and also Wagdi’s son-in-law is involved in the case as one of the main criminal individuals.
No wonder Fady was the only and first person to remove me from the church’s WhatsApp groups out of all other admins. See below screenshot.
Instances of harassments and implications by Fady are mentioned in my previous posts, articles, and videos.
I was able to correlate Ramy’s question to me while we were at the church around two months after my termination from Builders Capital where Ramy said to me “Hims, do you know hims?”. He was referring to the Shampoo brand, and I was just using Hims for my first time while showering at my apartment around 1 hour before I go to meet with them at the church.
A few minutes later, Ramy candidly said “Some men took Biotin and developed enlarged breasts” and I also had just took Biotin right before going to meet them at the church. Frankly, right after using Hims.
What is the likelihood of such coincidence?
What are the odds that Ramy brings up a conversation about two distinguished items that both has no connection to each other and I was just using both right before going to that event?
It is like, “See, I have eyes on you, and here.. I’m dropping hints about two things that you just used privately while at your home.. and good luck proving it.”. They bought the FBI, remember?
I realized why Ramy got a dog and named him “Tucker Archimedes” on purpose to serve as a futuristic harassing implication.
“Archimedes” is simply another harassing implication in the light of the IQ Format File that was attached to that email I received and mentioned earlier.
I even questioned him sarcastically why did he not name the dog Einstein instead at that time prior to realizing any organized crime against myself and his involvement.
And the first portion of the name “Tucker” is another harassing implication as in “Tummy Tuck” provided that my stomach was cut open vertically at a young age during a corrective surgery for appendicitis and my undisclosed interest in performing a cosmetic corrective surgery to treat the scar.
The above is a photo of my stomach compared to a CT Scan. The corrective surgery for the appendicitis has also served as a cover for unconsented implant of a chip that is likely attached to the vagal nerve and is also the primary reason for me being over-weight.
I am not blaming the medical staff who were present during the surgery as I understand the extent of the oppression; however, I hope that they testify about the chip implant.
In brief, the “Tucker” first portion of the name harassingly implicates a Tummy Tuck surgery whereas the second portion of the name “Archimedes” harassingly implicates about the IQ Format file.
In fact, this in particular represents a key data point as it is not quite common that a person names their dog a compound name that each portion of such it implicates to a significant element in the case.
Additional CT Scan images showing another chip below.
From the above, I was able to link why I have been receiving harassing SMS Text Messages from unknown numbers that say “My puppy has a bad stomach”. Screenshot below.
Link such message with the “Tucker”.. Tucker Archimedes and my images (above) of the surgery scar compared to the CT Scan that show the chip.
I was able to link this instance regarding the dog referenced in the message that has a bad stomach to the Lost Dog harassing implications that I interpreted in the beginning of the case and mentioned in the other articles.
It is similar to a back-dated interpretation of events. This is how Nazi this criminal syndicate and the FBI are.
Finally, these criminals mentioned in this article are also whom behind the continuous neural torture and abuse that I'm experiencing that is highlighted in the other articles, and the fact that it took me *months* to complete this article and publish it due to such severe abuse.
Also, if they were not responsible for the crimes mentioned earlier, whoever is imposing this neural torture would not be so willing to subject me to such intense abuse and torture while writing this article.
The fact that such neural abuse resulted that I take several months to complete the article, rather than just several hours, is an evidence that they are behind this neural abuse.
Club Q Shooting Holistic Diagram
Adel Andraws Indirect Threat
The below explains the circumstances around a specific threat and harassment by Adel Andraws (pictured below) that also serves as an evidence against him, and subsequently, the Andraws family.
Given 1
The medical staff in the ER at a hospital said to me "You say that they are controlling you" where the "Controlling" word offended me at that time due to inaccurate description of the symptoms when I indicated a presence of a foreign body (chip) that such keyword “CONTROLLING” resonated in my mind until this date, regardless of its tens form.
The chip that I’m implanted with has the capability of "searing" and “footprinting” certain keywords that the victim heard in a conversation into their brains and also understanding what keywords have left a footprint in the victims' brains, such keywords or vocabulary are then used to harass the victim through. In this case, it is the “CONTROLLING” keyword. Video is added below.
Given 2
I was drafting this article revealing the parties who motivated for Club Q shooting in the light of this case which included Adel Andraws.
Given 3
Prior to publishing this article, I posted a video asking relevant people for their testimonies in the case. Video was sent on May 9th, 2024. Screenshot below.
Given 4
Adel Andraws held a key position at Boeing and have connections at the company, in addition to his connections at the FBI.
Given 5
One of the key witnesses whom received my video requesting testimonies works at Boeing.
Given 6
Only a few days after I published that video asking for testimonies, Adel published an article on LinkedIn and named it “Boeing Crisis” that seemed to be quickly drafted while including in an uppercase form the word “CONTROLLED” that offended me in the ER because of the neural abuse that he is one of the individuals responsible in the first place, regardless of the tens form he put the keyword in; well, it had to fit his context.
Out of all other words, Adel decided to put this word that was seared into my memory in an uppercase form to come in an article shortly after my video requesting testimonies was sent; delivering two indirect implications at the same time:
A layoff threat to the key witness who works at Boeing, though I doubt the viability of such threat; and
An implied harassment based on the "CONTROLLED" word that I was offended by.
It is understandable that someone may put a word in an uppercase form sometimes to stress on its actionability such as “NOT” while the rest of the sentence are in lowercase; but I don’t know why would someone put a random word such as “Controlled” in an uppercase form that have a significant reference. It’s like, I know this specific keyword bothers you (seared into your memory), I am going to put it for you in a post but also highlight it in uppercase, you will know it’s an indirect implication but you can’t hold it as an evidence to say it’s about you.
Based on the above givens and the timing in which such article was published, there's no doubt that Adel Andraws intended to deliver the above implications of harassment and a layoff threat with the latter being the most important implication he intended to deliver.
Besides, I don't know why I'm receiving the most extreme forms of Neural abuse while drafting an article (before publishing it) that is against them unless they did not want such information to get to the public. Ironically, I wouldn’t foresee someone doing them a favor to abuse me neurally like that at extreme measures while drafting this article if they (Adel and the Andraws Family) were not one of the main criminal parties in the case.
This also shows you the extent of the Nazi crimes that exploit victims into their cores.
Fr. Arsanious Hanna Exiles Me From The Church
On Jan 27th, 2023, after I entered my Church St. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church in Lynnwood, WA, to pray and take the blessings of the icons when there was no service, Fr. Arsanious Hanna, the president of the church as he calls himself in the below video, chased me and exiled me in a humilating manner as you can see, alleging weird behavior by me following from reporting their crimes to CIA but prior to publicizing the matter on media or disclosing with such information to anyone; preceded by him saying to me “I haven’t seen your name on the Church’s mortgage” in Arabic as "ماشوفتش اسمك على مورجيچ الكنيسة" that implicates that I'm not financially funding the church"; despite my occasional simple donations.
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What kind of priest who tells a member of the church “I haven’t seen your name on the church’s mortgage” in such humiliating way and exiles him on no valid basis?
To complete the picture, Fr. Arsanious Hanna, as both the president and a founding member of the Church, plays a crucial role in portraying the overall context of the forced marriage situation, particularly from a spiritual perspective. This was his first incident that demonstrating a sudden hatred towards me that I have never seen before from him before or at least he managed to suppress somehow on his end. Other relatable incidents will be updated and added herein.
Sum these up with the other data points listed in this article and help me understand how do these, in addition to the other articles collectively not constitute a clear evidence to the FBI to act upon. You wonder what the answer is? Watch the below video.
It takes an Intelligence Agency that has been following the entire scenario closely with each step of it to be able to connect the dots and link such violent event to the reported criminals. Think of it as a math equation or a relational database if you’re technical.
If the FBI is recognizing specific groups and organized crime syndicates to utilize complex communication mechanisms as outlined on their website (screenshot below), what’s holding the agency and its intelligence and investigative analysts from analyzing these patterns as potential threats and evidence for holding those criminals accountable?
The real question is: will the FBI apprehend their corrupt agents involved in the case of bribery?
The analysis of such puzzle shall serve as a valid evidence that can be used against the criminals in court, in addition to intelligence gathering and any other artifacts.
It is also known among the coptic orthodox church community in Seattle, WA that one of the connected parties who motivated for Robb Elementary School Shooting as well s Club Q shooting is Ramy and his family.
If members from such community testify by at least one fact or information that they know in regard to the case, or what has been asked from them by or through those criminals, each of these will complete the picture and authenticate some if not all of the claims herein and the entire case; hence, leading to a stronger conviction and arrest of those criminals that is backed by truthful testimonies. It just needs some courage.
Another recent implication I received is that I was thinking to myself without saying it out loud and saying that “I will have them (criminals) sentenced to Death” (Judicial Sentence); due to the severity of their crimes.
Shortly after, I opened Instagram and the first post that topped my “organic feed” was a video to the “Maldives” that its caption text was “Similar Sentence”.
What is the correlation between the “Maldives” and a “Similar Sentence” in a caption of such post other than a direct threat implication?
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