Another Evidence Involving FBI Corruption and Their Motivating for School Shootings in a High-Profile Organized Crime Case
This article is a continuation to a previous article sharing important evidence in regard to the FBI corruption, their involvement and cover-up on Mafia leaders who motivated for school shootings along other crimes in exchange for bribes, in a high-profile organized crime case.
Important Note
Each instance of targeted patterns and gang-stalking listed below is assigned a "clear and easily understandable name" for the sake of reader accessibility only. As a result, some names may not fully reflect the severity of the crimes. However, this should not be interpreted as diminishing the seriousness of the cases or the crimes involved in any way.
You might wonder as to why the FBI and the individuals mentioned are consuming such huge resources on conveying these implications, and the reason is that if the case threatens the Bureau’s existence and reveals their crimes, including human torture, slavery abuse, and mass school shootings against their own citizens, it is very expected that they would do what is explained herein and the other articles.
The FBI Most Hated
In late September 2023, I frequented the FBI Most Wanted profile on Instagram several times; October 8th, 2023, a vehicle targeted my way in front of a mall entrance (Chicago, Illinois) that had a large text as “The Most Hated” placed on its top front windshield.
Unfortunately, I did not capture a photo of it, I was in fact under the effect of a “shock” for a few seconds. Below is a figurative sample of the car [This is a sample].
The time of such targeting was precisely matching the time of me crossing the parking lot heading to the mall entrance, looking at the street making sure that it was clear to cross - otherwise, the victim (myself in this case) wouldn’t probably look and notice the car.
Now that is every action is followed by an obvious harassing and/or threatening implication is completely ignored - but the FBI on the other hand instead of catching those whom vetted for the mass shootings at schools and others when information was provided to them on a silver plate, are busy crippling some Chinese malware.
The FBI is “Fox News”-Hurt, Despises The “High-Profile Case”
On December 6th, 2023, I updated my publication to include a recently created PayPal Fundraiser; I then emailed some news agencies from my personal email with an article regarding the Mass School Shootings that the FBI are behind and wrote “A High-Profile Case” in the subject line of those emails; some were sent on Dec 6th whereas some were drafts and sent on Dec 7th - Timestamps are important in this case, therefore I intend to include them.
The sent emails on Dec 6, 2023 were delivered to reporters at The Seattle Times, the drafts sat in my inbox on the same day and were sent later on the day after (Dec 7th, 2023) to Jesse B Watters from Fox News, briefing the case while including a link to the articles regarding the FBI Corruption, with the subject referring to the matter by “High Profile Case”. See screenshots below.
Shortly after, the FBI published a post on their Instagram profile with the following wording “Do you know where your donations are going? Beware of scams that state high-profile case” (or a similar wording as I recall).
I responded to their post in a direct message to their account by saying “You’re the financial sabotage masters” - see below screenshot.
The FBI quickly deleted the post after I sent them such message. Apparently, this harassing implication/match was so obvious that they decided to rescind it. Unfortunately, I did not take a screenshot of their original post.
What is the likelihood that the FBI incorporates a “High-Profile Case” as a distinguished phrase in their donation scam awareness, posted on the same exact day shortly after emailing reporters and/or drafting emails to be sent to Fox News but also they quickly deleted the entire post right after I made such comment to them in a direct message? Help me understand that is not a clear harassing targeted implication by the FBI - and it is not only one instance that I would presume a coincidence.
The Honorable Avril “Danica” Haines (ODNI Director)
Right after after I mailed a letter that was addressed to the Hon. Avril Haines (“Avril Danica Haines”), the Director of the ODNI between in March 2023, reporting the crimes; a van with a large text as “Danika” (missing on the letter K) targeted my way upon parking at a nearby Gas Station in Lynnwood, WA. Watch the below, taken in front of the Gas Station.
A photocopy of first page the referenced letter.
What they usually do is using an already Registered Company or a DBA with a similar name to the keyword or the element they intend to deliver such harassment or threat around. It can also be a Team name such as Soccer, Football, etc.; so that when such targeting is pointed at them, they justify it by saying “It’s a company or team name”.
Well, obviously they intend to shut your mouth that way and good luck proving it from their perspective but when the phenomenon occurs repeatedly that is creates a pattern involving a certain case and parties, then there is an anomaly and intentional targeting happening - what else of “Complex Methods” that the FBI was referring to the Mafia by using on their own .Gov website other than the aforementioned? And what their what so called “Intelligence Analysts” do? But they still fail to recognize or investigate them. Coincidence? No, because they ate, they are in it, and corrupt.
“X” Manipulation & Censorship
On January January 28th, 2024 the below pictured Facebook page was created in regards to the case where its pinned post referred to the FBI by those who “Manipulate the System” as seen underlined below.
On the same exact day, only shortly after the above post has been published on Facebook, my Personal X (Twitter) Account was suspended by the platform for alleged “Platform Manipulation”. Do you see any commonality? Perhaps “Manipulation”?
I do not know if that “Manipulation” is a pre-defined rule or reasoning on X’s backend for an account deactivation or was it preset shortly prior the suspension of my account to form another intentional harassment and also retaliation in the light of the above pictured Facebook page that includes more than 2K followers as of posting this article.
I have witnessed much in this case that such systems can simply allege the reasoning was preset summoning a creation date as per the system log that they initially tampered with to appear from an older date, playing a role in negating of the harassing implication accusation. As simple as that. They own the system and its backend; and technically the above is achievable.
Integrity of Instagram Accounts
As with X suspending my account, also Instagram, when I criticized the FBI particularly questioning the bureau’s “Integrity”, not long after, my Instagram account was suspended due to concern on the “Integrity” of my account.
The obvious discrimination demonstrated through same distinguished vocabulary, confirms on the retaliatory acts and the crimes discussed in the case.
Do they really have the time to insinuate on posts against them while leaving the reported crimes un-investigated?
Doesn’t that in itself confirms on their sponsorship to these crimes?
Obesity Harassments
Following from the below first harassment that was included in a prior published article, the trail continued to the ones below it.
Obesity is a National Security Threat
When I submitted a tip to the FBI in July 2022 referring to the crimes by a “National Security Threat”. Tip was submitted on a separate device, isolated separate network and no cookies were stored in the browser for tracking.
A few minutes after, I opened the YouTube app on my cellphone (isolated), to notice that the below organic video (supposedly) with the title as “Obesity is a National Security Issue” topping my feed. Notice a commonality in the langue/wording?
As a Nazi FBI Agent, who knows the core details of the victims, they must play and exploit their vulnerabilities. What is one of my vulnerabilities? Obesity.
Facebook Page Auto Navigates to Body Builder
Below is a short video for me navigating a random Facebook page, it is for “Scarlett Johansson”; however, upon clicking on the page a totally different page for a Body Builder comes up instead.
This example represents Harassment based on Weight/Obesity and also indicates a Cybercrime - that is if not the Scarlett’s page was not tampered with on the platform’s backend in the first place (Wrongdoing). I have witnessed wonders by the FBI in this case - let me tell you.
No matter how many times I tried to stop the app, clear its cache and update it from the Play Store; the behavior remained the same.
Don’t Lay Over Flat
Between January and February 2023, I booked a hotel night at a hotel in Lynnwood, WA, before taking a shower I looked at myself in the mirror while I was naked. Remember? I am “obese”, and they have invasive surveillance tools nearly everywhere across America. Next I went to the nearby FedEx to ship another a package reporting the crimes to CIA; upon entering FedEx, first thing I noticed a newly added large sign right in front of where I drop off the packages to be shipped that said “DON’T LAY OVER FLAT!”
I was sort of “shocked” and wondered, well, I’m not trying to take things personally but since when FedEx’s employees lay boxes on “curvey” surfaces? Assuming the big note was addressed to employees as a “guidance”. Below is a sample of the described sign [sample].
“Compress” Road Sign
After my Gynecomastia Surgery that I underwent in November 2021, the surgeon provided me with a “Compression” shirt to wear during the recovery process, I liked the shirt so I occasionally worn it underneath my clothes even after the recovery period ended.
Following from the above harassment at FedEx, I was surprised to notice a large sign on a street in a nearby area while I was driving on it at night that said “COMPRESS”. Not sure if this was addressed to pedestrians or drivers, and to “Compress” what? To some, this may be perceived as PTSD; but is it PTSD or the crimes are severe enough and designed in a way to be perceived as such by others? Again, they are called “Psychological Exploitation & Manipulation” after all and they are referred to by that term for a reason.
Showering Time Match Knocking Offender
As soon as I enter the bathroom to take a shower at my apartment in Lynnwood, WA, the neighbor who resides above me (gang-stalker from the FBI) enters his bathroom that is right above me, then starts causing knocks in my ceiling (his floor) exactly at the same time I take off or put on a piece of cloth.
In other words, with every single piece of cloth that I put on or take off is accompanied by a loud knock by that gang-stalker, exactly at the same time while the biggest knock out of all of them is the one when I put on or take off the above-referenced “Compression” shirt.
Turning on or off the light does not matter, they somehow manage to precisely match it. See the below video for the explained knocks caused by him; however, this video represent their knocks all night but not a match while I’m showering.
The fella from the “Crooked FBI” matches every single step that I do inside my apartment by his.
Swimming Embarrassment
Again, remember, I’m “obese” right? One of my vulnerabilities that I struggle with is “Swimming Naked” - that is the main reason I did the Gynecomastia Surgery. As the reported “Syndicate” from the Coptic Orthodox Church know every tid bit of my personal circumstances in the light of the previously published grounds of this case, along with their FBI Infiltration and Bribery Schemes, the below only comes as a completing trail of “bullying” and “harassments”.
Another affiliated vetted fella from the corrupt congregation of the Coptic Orthodox Church in WA State where I go to the church at sent in a group message an invite to a a hike called “Heybrook”.
That fella is connected to Salam Morcos through the church’s connections from Salam’s wife side, namely Christine (sister to the former HR Director at Builders Capital). That’s the long story short.
Soon after sending the message, another vetted person, namely “Karina Girgis” (known for the “Cemetery” death threat implication to me in the notable events document) responded to the above fella by harassingly saying the below.
Of course, it may sound as PTSD; though those crimes are designed to look like that. How else they would falsify the victim’s allegations then? Or do you expect them to leave trail evidences and say it directly?
Apply this to the bribed FBI that constructs a complete portfolio of victims to whom who pays more and for personal gains; and how precisely identify each weaknesses, then torture and exploit them utilizing these. Do such acts sound unrealistic? There are evil and darkness in this world and this case exemplifies those that are coming out from the FBI and their affiliated syndicates.
On a side note, “Hey Brooke” is an often used phrase that I used to start my work emails with when communicating with a former employee of Builders Capital, namely “Brooke Abney” who’s Salam Morcos is for some reason hurt from.
The lady willfully resigned, so as a few others from Salam’s team shortly after his take over at the company. Thanks to Brooke though, as a product manager she complimented me once after finishing a large task in migrating some Azure Apps by saying on a Microsoft Teams message, “Salam would have died!” (Hypothetically - if I wasn’t helping).
I don’t know if HeyBrook the hike is any related to “Hey Brooke” the oftenly used phrase, just a thought.
Ken Trent Food Harassment
The below example of harassment may trick you to perceive it as “sarcastic”; and the purpose is to lessen the weigh and the severity of their crimes while distracting the attention away from larger crimes of Mass School Shootings, Human Torture & Abuse, and Genocide. (and likewise the rest of the included patterns).
In around mid July 2022, we had a fellowship at the church over campfire with “marshmallows” after a youth meeting in the afternoon. Not too long after, Ken Trent followed harassingly over such event by yet another LinkedIn post of his by saying “no marshmallows” as being it a distinguishable element from the church’s event. See below screenshot.
Again, the event and harassment appears are crafted to seem “Entertaining”. It is only purposefully made in this way to lessen the severity of the crimes and that the fact that they vetted for Robb Elementary School Shooting, now the CIA are after them - in the light of this case of “Mass Corruption” of the FBI.
From here, another “joint” trail of harassments by Ken Trent progressed to the below, known as “The Lost Dog” (some material of the “Lost Dog” series were included in previous article, though new material added below). “Lost Dog” intends to reference myself.
The Lost Dog Harassment
At Church - Have You Seen a Lost Dog?
Further throughout the church event, two strange men came asking us “Have you seen a lost dog?” - If you have not read the other articles, “Lost Dog” represents another trail of harassing implications. Below is the trail re-added to this article.
The “Lost Dog” implication started when “Ken Trent” (Brother of Robert Trent) used the keyword repetitively on “one” of his LinkedIn posts as shown below where he described people as “Dogs” - apparently.
CIA Shipment, “Lost Dog” Hat
Then while I was at FedEx while preparing a package to be mailed to the CIA reporting their crimes including the FBI, a targeted person showed-up with the text on his hat as “Lost Dog” as shown below.
The implication is established only to impose the sense of “Questionability” to the reality of the circumstances - due to their severity; it intends to make the victim (myself) questions their own sanity.
Argument: What is the likelihood that a person randomly enters the store with a hat that have such text “Lost Dog” on it at the same exact time that I’m there at, sits right in front of the desk I was using at FedEx - all during the peak of such harassing pattern of implications to “Lost Dog” that preceded this one unless they were targeting? - Did the FBI do anything about what so called “Targeting”? The term appears to be strange to them.
Homeless Persons with “Dogs” Signs
Then a person that appears to be homeless standing at the intersection where I often visit next Walmart that is nearby my apartment at Lynnwood, WA holding a sign with a large text as “Dog” as shown below.
Also, exactly in front of my designated parking spot at my apartment complex, a sign was put for an alleged search of a “Lost Dog”; actually about three of those signs, in front of my reserved parking spot.
Amazon “My Account” Page Renders Dogs Instead
Suddenly everything became a trail of “Dogs” across all mediums and everywhere, and below is an example mixed with cybercrime where when I was clicking on the “My Account” button on Amazon that should renders “My Account” page showing 404 Not Found with Dog filling the screen instead of the expected behaviour, refreshing the page returns the same error but with the change of Dog pictures.
I don’t know if the eCommerce giant, Amazon lost the “My Account” page suddenly and started showing Not Found page to its customers or was it a DOM manipulation on my end (Browser) through Cybercrime by the FBI for the intention of presenting those to me during the peak of such implications.
Name of the City Where You Got “Lost”
A security question while filing for unemployment on the WAESD (Washington Employment Security) website. Whether it was DOM manipulation through cybercrime or server-side maniuplation through wrongdoing, the harassing implication remains in question. Screenshot of the aforementioned will be added in a later date.
Question to the FBI: What is the definition of Gang-Stalking in the agency’s understanding?
Dog Torture & Cruelty
The neighbor’s dog that is right next to my apartment (from the Gang-Stalking like the other above myself) starts barking (in some instances moaning as if it is being tortured) the second I entered my apartment.
I had to call the cops and report animal abuse because of the dog’s loud screaming that sounded as if it is being tortured, shortly after I called the cops while standing outside of my apartment the neighbor went out of the door and claimed that her dog has anxiety.
Listen to the screaming of the dog in the below video. (Includes two sides of angles recorded from inside my apartment).
Starbucks Barista - Have You Seen The Lost Dog?
Note: I view the employee as a witness because many who participate in gang-stalking may be coerced, unaware of the larger crime they're involved in, or misled into thinking their actions are harmless or a joke, even if they've received payment for it.
Then on November 24th, 2022, the Barista at Starbucks in Lynnwood, WA asked a random customer upon entering the store with my mother “Have you seen that lost dog…?” (The dots represents the rest of her sentence that I don’t recall.) Exactly like the two strange men that asked the same question at the church (above event).
These are just a very few examples of a much larger list of implications to that one single pattern, apply this to the rest of the patterns in this case, some of which are publicized, some are not because of the RNM Torture and Abuse that hinders my ability to function as a human being. Here I say to the FBI again, the crimes are obvious to you - “Go Catch!”.
Auto Navigation to User @Home on X (Twitter)
Prior the suspension of my X (Twitter) account, the app randomly navigated to the user with the username that is called “@Home” by itself upon opening the app without me inputting such username either on app or through an external browser that prompted such link to open in app.
The act is a pure cybercrime intends to impose undue influence to as “go back home” (i.e. to your home country) in a form of “command” in a sense. It aims to deliver to the victim that they are unwelcome to where they are; that is the definition of the Naziness.
Imagine you are in a situation of realization that the FBI is targeting you, every single time that you open an app like X (Twitter), the app automatically open the same account that says “Home”. How would you interpret that?
The case is severe and big enough to dismantle the entire FBI Organization for the severity of their crimes; they cannot put me in jail but at the same time they want to get rid of me somehow; so what is their solution? cold-blood him.
That would not be enough for them, there will be further imposed implications even if hypothetically speaking I returned back to my home country. They will then try to figure out a way to either imprison me there or have me killed altogether, perhaps under “mysterious circumstances”.
“Trents” Across The U.S.
Again, this may appear “Entertaining”. It is only purposefully made in this way to lessen the severity of the crimes as mentioned above.
The name of “Trent” here refers to “Robert Trent” a Client (Buyer) of the FBI. Since Robert is the CEO of the company that I worked at and attempted to sue after my wrongful termination, part of the retaliation on the aforementioned ground (aside of the other grounds) comes in the form of harassing implications, some of which are that whenever I go or speak with someone they allege that their name is “Trent”.
I go to Best Buy to purchase an External SSD to store the Case Data on, I find the Sales Rep. named “Trent”. Watch the below video, listen to the ending of the video when I asked the Rep what’s his name and he responded with “Trent”.
Calling a customer service line of the Everett Clinic (my medical provider) to book an appointment with my doctor, the customer service representative allege that his name is “Trent” - but I did not ask, he just had to mention it which may be normal as part of their greeting. I re-asked him to ensure that I heard him correctly, he stated “Trent” but sounded in a more “undermining” or “bullying” tone in a sense. Could not locate a the voice recording due to limited time; however, I intend to include it in the future when I am able to.
Brands of Flyers, Notebooks, Paper Packets and similars are called “Trent”, especially the ones being sold at placed I frequently visit such as FedEx where I used to ship packages of reports (in regards to the crimes) to CIA. Since it is normal for me to be in need occasionally of such material while preparing a package.
Suicide Undue Influence
As mentioned in previous articles, they intend to psychologically exploit the victim to influence them in committing suicide - if the victim is weak.
Ken Trent made a comment as below during the peak of the start of the crimes where it caused a mental breakdown on me (between April to June 2022). And LinkedIn would organically show up such posts on the top of my feed, either through a mutual connection who liked his post or otherwise.
The comment itself appears to be kind and sincere in its nature; however, when it gets displayed on my home feed during a time that they filled my surroundings with threats and harassments to the point that I felt that I’m living in hell, such comment “intends” to impose an “indirect undue influence” for the same act that Ken is opposing (you may call it “reverse psychology”). Not that I’d even think about such act, I’m only explaining the “intention” here.
Shooting Himself GIF
Since the case combined both the professional side from my previous employer, Builders Capital as well as the personal side from the Church Community, the below was a message sent over one of the personal WhatsApp groups that included members of the church, some of which connected maliciously to the case.
The message included a GIF that may appear sarcastic of Tom (the cartoon character) shooting himself in his head which came in a completely irrelevant context to the chat that was being communicated at that time but also simultaneously with the start and peak of the crimes alongside the other elements of implications listed under this section, just to complete the puzzle of the undue influence to surround the victim (myself in this case) from all angles to pressure them to commit suicide. The sarcastic tone of the message is part of the psychological manipulation .

Civilizations Commit Suicide
Several days post the above comment, on June 4th, 2022, I changed my profile picture on Facebook and added the caption “Family comes first”.
Less than an hour after (compare shown timestamps), Girgis Ramsis (my uncle and a corrupt FBI agent) quickly made an interesting Facebook post of his writing as below stating that “Civilizations are not murdered, they commit suicide”.
The above Facebook profile picture included myself and Maurice Hafzalla who is the brother of Girgis Ramsis (Girgis Hafzalla).
At that time, I put away the possibility of their involvements in the crimes even though that I witnessed some indicators at that time but I had not confirmed on such until late July to early August 2022. Read through the other articles and referenced documentations for in-depth details about the referenced individuals in this paragraph.
Girgis’s post and such writing only intended to represent an undue influence in hopes that I commit suicide (similar to Ken’s). At that time, that they showed sort of full power and made all surroundings look as hell, I talked to Girgis as an FBI Agent then he calls me delusional for the only left factor is to simply influence for suicide - what is the easiest way of doing such? of course Social Media.
From here a whole new relevant trail of harassing implication was followed, the trail is called Mental Health, previously added in this article.
Again, these are the people whom are behind the Mass School Shootings including but not limited to Robb Elementary School and many others, Human Torture & Abuse, and Genocide Crimes.
Disclaimer: I have no intention or desire to commit suicide or hurt myself in any way.
The companies that the reported individuals work or appear to be working at simply act as the cover to their illicit activities; for sure expect a very elegant attitude and their appearances to be very well that might not be the same as a someone whom they screwed up but saying the truth. Expect them to capture the best moments and photos with their colleagues, employees and also their families.
Again, these are just a cover to their illicit activities; how else would you expect them to look like?
When you as a person see those videos and or photos of them with the perfect smile on their face, treating people gently and so forth, your brain would trick you to think that it is far from reality that these people can be criminals by any way, and I was under that impression in the past, unfortunately; though, it is the complete opposite.
Some of them are CEOs (like Robert Trent), others are Doctors, Engineers, Nurses, and so forth. That doesn't necessarily mean that all people who look neat and nice and bosses in their work are malicious. Builders Capital is the cover for Robert Trent, Ken Trent, and Salam Morcos in this case. And yes, they for sure do work, but there is another side of things too.
Adopt a Highway
Now they exploited the victim (myself in this case) to think I may have AIDS somehow even though I did have a prior sexual encounter (go through the rest of the documentations and article for more context).
Now I have been exploited to think that I somehow caught the disease put signs, they have the signs for further psychological manipulation already planted on the roads such as the sign on the Highway or Roads I frequent on with the text “Adopt a Highway”.
In what sense shall a person “Adopts” a highway? It is natural that people would adopt driving on highways in the U.S.
The intention here is to make the victim think, well now I may have AIDS and being targeted by those criminals whom somehow made me catch the disease, and the sign is just another form of harassments just like the others that basically means, you won’t be able to have biologically born kids of yours given the disease we made you catch, why don’t you adopt a kid?
Oral Sex is Better
Followed by a targeted Instagram post on the Discover page right upon arriving home from seeing such signs for the first time where the post boldly included the text “ORAL SEX IS BETTER!”.
Disabled Keyboard Players
Relatably, and given that I’m a keyboard (piano) player, at one instance, I opened Instagram Discover tab to notice that most if not all the posts added (organically supposedly) are basically a collection of people with disabilities (no discrimination) such as with no arms or other mental disabilities whom are playing or attempting to play the keyboard - but those videos’ frames were altered to a relatively higher speed. The entire view of the Instagram Discover full of such with a sped-up frames of those videos are yet another act of targeting, psychological manipulation and wrongdoing by the company.
They have the ability to precisely have such posts in the Discover tab of Instagram to be aligned where the bottom end of a photo post forms a “Thumb-Up” shape when aligned perpendicularly with a start/top of another targeted post that comes underneath it. Similar to a construction of “Puzzle”.
End Road Work
The sign that is added to the streets when construction work is undergoing includes the text as “End Road Work” in a form of command. (Refer to the Duality of things explained in this article).
Ever wondered why is it not “Road Work Ends”? or End “of” Road Work?
It has to come in the form of “Command” to be incorporated within the rest of the crime theme, otherwise, it would not work for a person whom the Nazi Program of the FBI is being practiced on.
Those two elements (above) come in the form of “Command”. They only work against the victims of the FBI when their malicious program is turned against them. It is called “the duality of things”. Apply that “duality” on the rest of nearly all elements around you across all mediums. This is how such crimes are designed to appear as unrealistic and perceived as mental health issue to people who are not subject to them.
While the rest of the people whom such program known as “COINTELPRO” are not practiced on would not perceive it in the same manner - may not even think about it or perceive it as a way of creativity.
That is the job of their targeting and analysis agents, is to determine and analyze those unusual complex scenarios that normal people out of the investigations and intelligence divisions would not see.
In this case, with such demonstrations in ahis article and the others (as best as I could) it is likely that most of the people would recognize these as indeed actual crimes and targeting including patterns and so forth - but then the FBI would still either deny them or ignore the reports collectively. Why? Because they are the violators of the law, they are the ones whom are committing them.
Even, Equal, “1” and 1 to 1 (As in a Game)
Since the start of the crimes, and for many reasons, starting from the event explained in this article in regards to the President of the FIFA in Egypt, “Gamal Allam”, as well other instances to be explained in a later article in depth due to the length, that those criminals are treating the crimes and the overall organized crime case as a “Game” in a sense as if they are scoring against the lawful authorities involved.
Based on the above, the “1” here represents a “Score” in a sense. It’s just pure “Naziness” and “Evil”. You know when you score against someone in a game, then you wave them your index finger in front of their face and tell them in a loud voice “ONE!”. That’s the case here but that 1 is delivered through various means.
As an example, the below (similar to the above cybercrime example on Facebook), using the search field on the Facebook app for a specific name, in this example, it is also “Scarlett Johansson”.
After typing her name in the search field, selecting one of the pages to access, the app renders posts search results instead of opening the page I clicked on while adding “1” at the end of her name in the search bar. Watch the below video. Did I add that “ONE”? No.
Guess what.. the FBI will not admit that this is an evidence and will ignore every single report as they have always did throughout this case.
Ramy Gewida “1”
Since Ramy (pictured below) is one of the primary criminal actors in this case, just like TikTok’s manipulated and tampered with caption on the above video, Ramy created a new TikTok account instead of his actual one and named it “RamyGewida1”.
If you ask him, well, he must have forgotten his password to his actual account and he is not tech-savvy person, so he had to create a new account and added the “1” at the end because obviously the username wasn’t available; where in reality he intended to create that account ending in “1” following his name just like in a game where you assign a score to a team “1:0” and they got their cyber folks to tamper the TikTok app just like the video above to present the “RamyGewida1” account to myself in the app at the top suggestions.
So, with every let down and/or impairment they do whether through RNM (Remote Neural Monitoring) Abuse & Torture, Cybercrime and/or others, there is a way for them to impose that “1”.
Through Satellite RNM, with every impairment they do upon me or other victims where I’d be unable to function as explained in a previously published article (link at the bottom), my index finger (hand and/or foot) get pulled. Did I do that? No. That’s the definition on the FBI’s Naziness.
The neural technology is extremely advanced and precise that when documenting these articles that expose their corruption, also while under neural impairment and torture, often that my middle finger gets pulled or raised involuntary along with an equivalent sensation in my rectum at the same time. Can’t be a coincidence, right?
There are many more ways that they convey implications by. To be included in a later article in more depth when I’m able to.
They would let the victim to some extent document such crimes because they can take a hit for it as to whom is going to believe such a thing, and that is due to the extremity of the crimes.
To them they are benefiting from such documentations and information they are extracting from a victim who is under continuous RNM in favor to their experiment but also their buyers as in my case a sort of a bounty offer while on the other hand every documentation and information I put such an enormous effort in results in mental exhaustion, it is severe that it is best to be described by a severe brain injury but I have no choice other than to pressure on myself to do that in hopes to save myself.
The intention or the end goal by them is by the time or if this gets to the Media and catches some public interest that person (the victim) will not have the mental capacity to speak about it anymore as they already depleted the victim's brain - unfortunately for them, not on my watch, not in this case.
The RNM Technology is there and there are published patents on “Government” websites on it, another similar if not the same technology is referred to by “The Microwave Auditory Effect”, it is also patented; they are classified as “Banned Weapons” but the FBI is apparently ignorant and not up to date with sophisticated intelligence and advanced tech so they just call it mental illness and I would just have to suck it up.
So now do we negate the patents and the publications by the Government websites or negate the mental illness by the FBI? It is actually circumstantial to them. They will pick whichever reasoning they prefer depending on the case. Well, if it is scientifically, they will likely talk about the technology openly, but when it comes to a victim suffering from Tortures & Abuse by V2K and Microwave Auditory Effect carried by the FBI, they will claim mental illness and inexistence of the technology. A straight up disparity that proves their deception.
That applies to all victims of RNM and V2K that are reportedly thousands of cases only in the U.S. whom are victims of such technology that is carried from a U.S. Soil but little does the FBI do anything, why? Well, they are the criminals who conduct and facilitate such torture - but they are the law enforcement, if you are not connected, good luck overruling them. They can easily fabricate a crime against you.
Dare they come up with a coherent answer to somehow opposing or justifying such accusations?
Since that part of my lawsuit case that I attempted to bring against the company was for Whistleblowing, that every single place that I go to ranging from streets and outdoors to restaurants and Coffee Shops such as Starbucks where a person (Baristas in the case of Starbucks, similar to the Barista mentioned above for the “Lost Dog”) starts whistling very loudly for an extended period of time shortly after I enter the store and sit. Below is a screenshot of part of my email to the attorney that I communicated with to bring the lawsuit against the company.
Apply this to the rest of the locations, that other targeted people would do the exact same. Unless the entire country decided to adopt a prolonged loud “Whistling” behavior naturally when and where I'm exactly located at, this must be another harassing implication to the “legal action” I attempted to bring against the company.
FBI? They are out of this world. They are the agency who feeds and empowers such acts. In fact, the testimony by one of their Whistleblowers states that their is a Central Command for the FBI to initiate gang-stalking against anyone at anytime, and this is the case here. Robert Trent just have to pay.
Imagine you are being abused by RNM and financially sabotaged by the FBI and the Naziness that they pretty much put a pack of ice on the wound to cool down the victim and have them question their own sanity but that is not a resolution to the root cause of the issue.
Deceptive Peace Offering
Similar to the other Network names as explained in the documentations including but not limited to “FBI Surveillance Van”, “NSA Surveillance Van” and others, the below Network Name was precisely matching my location and the at then circumstances when I was at Chicago (downtown) issuing paperwork in connection with the case.
What is the likelihood that during the elevated circumstances and of me attempting to issue those related documents, a random WiFi Network called “We Want Peace Not War” shows up at the same exact location?
If the law enforcement agency in the country is corrupt (FBI), some other lawful agencies such as the CIA and most importantly the DOD (Department of Defense) must step in to cleanse the corruption and the Syndicates that the FBI formed in the country; that is due to the large threat landscape.
When you go anywhere at anytime, turn on your WiFi networks on any device to find naming conventions of those Network Names matching those of what are being frequently used within your case, then this is also called Gang-Stalking, but through another medium. If they wouldn’t deliver those through implications, but directly, it would have been easily brought against them as evidence.
Holistic White Cars Pattern
In the below video, we can see an obvious mutation of matches through targeted "White Cars" that intend to deliver the implication of "Peace" by the reported criminal network, yet "Deceptive Peace". Listen to the comments in video.
Arguments: Did they start a war, continually abusing the Government's powers (FBI) for years long, victimizing others including myself and when they figured that they're about to lose, they pretended to be announcing peace? That is in itself one of the proofs that there are crimes.
The below video includes another subtle gang-stalking event on March 15th, 2023 right after I mailed letters to Top U.S. Officials, primarily in the Department of Defense reporting the FBI’s crimes.
Here you can see the targeted car having a large "Barcode" sign hanged on the back of it coming from my left direction at the same exact second I took the exit to Highway I5 North after mailing those letters at the Lynnwood USPS post office where I asked the employee about the "Barcode" labels.
Listen to the conversation included in the beginning of the below video.
What is the likelihood or the odds that a car be randomly driving on the streets and having a "barcode" sign hanged on the back of it?
But also coming out of that direction that aligns with mine and at the same exact time? The precision of targeting is extremely accurate.
All that while using a distinguished element from my conversation which is "Barcode".
If the FBI and their intelligence analysts cannot recognize this as a targeted Gang-Stalking behavior or event (and likewise the rest of the included in this article), they purposefully intend to deny those crimes.
Let the FBI advertise and brag about capturing syndicates while they empower them from the other side, whereas the captured are likely the fallen part or the “Scapegoat” (the cost) of doing business like that - well some has to take the entire thing while the big bosses are out of the picture right? but at the same time, the captures will praise the FBI. If it wasn’t for their dirty business, those syndicates would have been not there anyways. The FBI are however busy catfishing on its people.