A Computer Engineer Loses Ability to Type After Suing Builders Capital
A modern covert way of Retaliation against Corporate Whistleblowers practiced by oppressive authorities, namely, the FBI and their Bribery Clients, main criminal entities in this case.
The torture demonstrated in this article is a neural, it is also a Slavery of Humans and the Pleasure Instinct of Torturing victims through breakthrough intelligence technologies and capabilities that are facilitated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
A VR technology that enables the agency's clients whom paid the price for it to see by and through the victims' eyes and interfere with their daily lives and activities as you will see in the recorded videos of myself included further down this article, that are much worse when not being recorded, ultimately leading to continuous disability of those victims.
The case led to further ramifications including Mass School Shootings, particularly when the CIA became involved as revealed previously in this video.
Kindly, before you claim mental illness or fake news, I ask you to reading through the article, factor in the explained context, videos, referenced material, resources, and the totality of the circumstances based on the previously published articles.
V2K and Similar Technologies
The below is brief from another video explaining the experienced neural abuse. Link to full video added further down below in this article. The technology is scientifically patented.
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Article Highlights
The below highlights a few of the noteworthy sections added to this article that include video examples and photos along with the written context.
Telepathic Harassment.
School Shootings Threats Relayed through V2K (“Voice to Skull”).
Insertion of Keywords via V2K.
Cognitive Impairment.
Neural Impressions and Gesturing to Relay Threats.
Facial Traits and Expressions Transfer.
Patents of V2K, Neural and Biological Weapons.
CT Scans Showing the Chips, and other imaging.
Past State of Appearance (Photos) of Myself Compared to Current.
Proof of Settlement Proposals to Parties Involved in the Case.
While the final outcome of the article may imply non-impairment; however, it took me several days with severe impairments as shown in the below videos while drafting another article as opposed to a few hours only if I was not subjected to neural abuse. Being subjected to extreme measures of torture is making me disabled, unable to work or do anything, and forces me to do everything in my ability to draft these articles and put material together while in severe pain in order to save myself from those crimes.
This article threads the capabilities of these advanced technologies and how they are being misused to abuse victims and deliver relayed threat implications to School Shootings to the lawful authority involved in the case.
The neural torture shown on videos here is no less than a physical body torture in severity, extends and applies to every day-to-day activity that is causing me disability, severely affecting my health and resulting that I'm always in severe pain. These are much severe when not recording myself.
The extent of the abuse will become clearer as you go further down this article and watch the videos along with reading the context.
Included in this article are the notable videos sorted from the simple abuse to the more complex form of abuses, build-ups and dependencies. A link to the full YouTube playlist that includes over 85 videos of neural abuse and torture provided at the bottom of the article.
Despite the neural abuse, I have not lost my cognitive abilities and can still articulate the abuse I’m experiencing.
Neural Abuse Symptoms
Due to the continuous abuse I’m experiencing, I decided to record myself at different times for these videos to serve as an evidence; however, the abuse becomes lessened compared to when not recording. Some videos are replayed in slow motion.
Such Abuse Include
Being unable to move my body properly, impaired coordination of thoughts and cognitive, involuntary body moves that are caused through neural abuse 24/7.
Inability to locate the cursor properly on the screen as I used to in the past, moving it from a location to another in curved shapes rather than straight lines and in intermittent manner, similar to the monkey featured on Neuralink's videos moving the cursor in the same way.
Unable to type on the keyboard properly that results in my fingers involuntarily hitting the wrong keys on the keyboard, causing many typos as shown, some of which are intended to form clues or Kryptonym to key references in the case for the purpose of the abuse as opposed to a proper use of the technology while others are gibberish.
Being impaired to the point that my brain is unable to form a coherent thought of what location I should be clicking on or pointing at on the screen, moving the cursor from a location to another arbitrary until I reach the location I initially intended to click or hover on as a result of such abuse.
Some videos show my hands move involuntary while typing on the keyboard that wouldn't occur if such torture was not practiced, other videos show impaired cognitive, not knowing in what direction I should be swiping on my cellphone's screen to navigate properly while others include gestures.
“For Kids” Relayed School Shooting Threat
The below video shows a brain takeover while publishing a video on YouTube and instead of marking the video as "Not for kids", I found myself involuntary hovering on the "For kids" option that I was about to click on as a result of such neural abuse; delivering an indirect relayed threat implication to school shootings to CIA that is observing and surveilling those events in realtime; in addition to the cursor that I'm moving in curved lines and intermittently until I hardly reached my intended selection.
Forgive my deteriorated appearance in some of the included videos, that is due to the practiced crimes over the past two years until current.
The below demonstrates impaired and interfered with cognitive, and my eyes/pupils location/gaze are overridden to look to the left side by the end of the video.
Involuntary formed gestures and hand movements.
Some may view it as a mental illness, but mental illness is caused by neural instability and possibly other factors in the brain. Could it not be falsely considered a mental illness if a chip implant is causing that neural instability? These are also not "obsessive/compulsive actions or thoughts".
Neuralink Monkey Comparison
The below video shows me while using the mouse/trackpad on my laptop and moving the cursor from a location to another on the screen in the same exact manner as Neuralink's monkey in curves (non-straight lines) from point a to b as an example and intermittently.
The neural abuse caused me to become like the monkey featured on Neuralink's videos using the chip to perform simple actions as these.
The below video shows me moving the cursor intermittently from a location to another, hovering on wrong buttons, moving it in curved lines and circles to perform a simple action as adding a square on the screen, just like the monkey featured on Neuralink's trial. The form that was being edited or screenshotted in this video was one of the tips I submitted earlier in 2022 to the FBI prior to acknowledging their involvement in the crimes.
The chip and the technology that I'm being tortured with is perceived mental illness but the same exact chip impresses people when advertised commercially, and is not perceived the same.
Hitting the wrong keystrokes on the keyboard for the simplest keywords.
I don’t know how I was working at Builders Capital for over two years, sending a huge number of emails or completing those projects listed on my LinkedIn Profile, as well as the company’s technical documentations for their entire IT systems that I carried out solely during my employment term. It seems that since I was holding a key position at the company that the abuse was not conducted until after my termination, particularly upon my attempts of suing the company.
Involuntary hand movements.
If you wonder how those Nazi programs and experiments look like, this is one of them and these are the internals, combined with other crimes of violence, cybercrimes, wrongdoings at a high level given the size of the case that escalated quickly and resulted in violent events including School Shootings by the reported criminals in retaliation to the lawful authority involved in the case (CIA) as revealed in this video.
The reported crimes can be hard to be believed by some of the people because of their extremity, they are called Nazi crimes after all and for a reason.
Involuntary hand movements.
Involuntary movements.
Hand movements left to right to left.
While drafting another article.
Impaired cognitive, not knowing in what direction I should be swiping on my screen to navigate properly. Followed by a "thumbs up" gesture. Watch slow motion at the end of the video.
Impaired cognitive, unable to properly form a thought or coordinate movements to insert flash drives in the USB slots as well as a cable to an external SSD. Again, forgive my deteriorated appearance.
Involuntary formed gestures and hand movements.
Involuntary body and hands movements followed by inability to think what device I should be using, it feels as if another person's brain is suddenly overtaking mine, interfering with an opposing my cognitive.
All these while my mental capacity is limited and capped, it always feels that I'm carrying someone's body (the abuser) on top of mine, pain in brain and impairment in every single action or activity throughout the day no matter how simple it is.
Involuntary hand movements and impaired cognitive, inability to properly hold my earphones.
Another brain takeover example, when emptying the trash on my computer, instead of confirming on the action, I was overridden to hover on the Cancel button that I was about to click on instead due to such neural abuse.
Apply the same level and more severe to every day activity of the victim including movements of body parts and others. Some examples provided below. The technology seems to be entertaining enough for the abusers to continue use it against the victim even if they are not paid for such abuse. Again, it is like a VR game but on Humans.
Inadvertently clicking on "Attend Training" instead of "Logout" as a result of the imposed neural abuse.
Involuntary typing “speedhdhd” followed by several typos before I was able to type the keywords I initially intended, “speed test”.
Attempting to click the "Info" button on a WhatsApp group message I sent to find myself being interfered with neurologically and almost overridden to click on the "Copy" button instead. Replayed in slow motion for detailed demonstration.
The below includes an involuntary hand move followed by impaired navigation on cellphone while the hand holding the phone constantly raising the thumbs finger as a result of the abuse, and two inadvertent consecutive clicks on the screen. Replayed in slow motion.
Impaired cognitive. Involuntary clicks on the screen and impaired navigation, not knowing in which direction I should be swiping the content.
Kindly note that these recorded videos were edited under the same demonstrated neural abuse and torture, so as this written text herein. The neural abuse extends much severely when not recording myself; that is provided that such videos constitute an evidence towards such torture being practiced.
And likewise at the below situations
If I’m at a public place that is equipped with surveillance cameras such as a Library that could spot an impairment; hence, these tend to be less only to the point that they become un-noticeable to others to not account as an evidence if obtained but an evidence that is used against my allegations, that’s the extent of the cruelty of the crimes that I refer to by Nazi crimes. Nevertheless, I would be still be impaired and putting a lot of mental effort to cope with these. For instance, while I'm sitting in a restaurant or coffee shop [name undisclosed - date: August, 2024, from morning to afternoon], I noticed a security camera mounted directly above me on the ceiling, which is normal; however, that could be advantaged to intently lessen the neural impairment for the reason mentioned priorly while that camera might be covering my activity if I’m using my laptop as an example. I don't mean to sound paranoid, but considering the organized crimes and the clear evidence of surveillance and cybercrimes, could this not be an intentional deceptive act to gather footage for the intention of falsely negating my claims? Is that not fraud? And if they are unable to use it for that purpose, could it not serve to create further tension and stress upon the victim? If you don’t think this is true, how would you expect a professional organized crime network with ties to corrupt FBI to operate?
If I’m speaking with a medical provider and trying to prove and show him my symptoms that are resulting from the neural abuse, the symptoms almost completely disappear, to the point that I frankly told one of the medical providers “I would take you with me home if I could for these symptoms to not happen to me”. Otherwise, they would have observed a discrepancy between the health reports, tests and so forth and the observed symptoms.
Reminder: as stated in previously published articles and videos, the FBI and their clients through bribery schemes are responsible for:
Robb Elementary Mass School Shooting, Uvalde, Texas - May 24th, 2022.
The Covenant School Shooting, Nashville, Tennessee - March 27th, 2022.
Club Q Mass Shooting, Colorado Springs - November 19th, 2022; and others.
The precise manipulation of the victim's neural pathways through the chip allows the abuser to control the location, sensations, and movements of specific fingers, such as the pinky finger in this instance.
For example, the abuser can make the victim's pinky finger move between two cellphones or accidentally dip into a bottle of water that I was drinking from (during the opening of closing of such bottle). Similar control can be exerted over other fingers depending on the abuser's intentions for imposing abuse on the victim, such as targeting the middle fingers in different situations.
The abuser is the operator of the technology (the Nazi agent employed by or through the FBI) who is electronically possessing a victim, i.e. seeing what they see by their eyes and able to interfere with their cognitive as shown in the other videos.
As mentioned about the precision of such technology, the below example shows the extent of such precision and abuse through the influence of the cursor move to point at the line or the border between the two buttons (Open, Empty Trash) while simultaneously delivering a harassment to the victim telepathically as if they are calling them "borderline". The art of a Nazi experiment utilizing intelligence capabilities in a case that involves mass shootings under the blessings of the FBI.
These are my fingers hitting the wrong keys on the keyboard due to such abuse while I was submitting a censorship inquiry support request to YouTube.
Put these next to the other aspects of the case from formed patterns of threat implications to gang-stalking, others, the totality of the circumstances, and the discrepancy that I suddenly started being unable to use the keyboard and the mouse that are the fundamental function to my job as a Systems Engineer in IT followed by a Cyber Security Engineer right after attempting to sue Builders Capital, in addition to more severe forms of tortures.
That's like the most cruel criminal retaliation and slavery combined through a breakthrough intelligence piece that exists and the little victim, myself is unable to get his right back because the FBI is backing the crime organizers whom are also responsible for the school shootings.
Harassing Keyword Insertions and Replacement
“Ha..Ha” Inserted Word as Harassment
The neural abuse extends to the victim’s spoken words as demonstrated in the below video. I was recording a video about the events and I found myself involuntary saying “Ha..ha”.
The inserted “Ha..ha” here was simply a form of harassment relayed to the victim (myself) using their own words through that chip imposed by the abuser, in addition to impairing the victim that they are already being in pain due to such torture. The harassment mean to undermine and undervalue the speech in the video I was recording about the crimes that I intended to publish on YouTube. Speech impairments are much severe than this.
“Pathetting” Inserted Keyword Instead of “Pathetic”
The below shows myself saying “Pathetting” instead of “Pathetic” in reference to the FBI during a video recording for a speech rehearsal. The initial sentence was explaining that the FBI is involved in crimes only through a proxy “setting” followed by the “pathetic” keyword in another sentence.
The replacement or the substitution of a portion from the “pathetic” keyword with a portion from the “setting” keyword to form “pathetting” was precisely made through the neural abuse I am subjected to in order to represent harassment, and such example frequently happens with other instances of spoken words, either mispronounced, words are completely replaced by others involuntary or other words are added while I'm speaking that I did not meant to say. Another example of a Nazi FBI.
“You May Me” Inserted Word Instead of “You May Be”
Incorrectly speaking out a word "May be" as "May me" instead as a result of the neural abuse in a video that I published on May 30th, 2024. The speech wasn't easy to read and speak out as I have to consistently apply mental pressure to try opposing the imposed neural abuse in order to speak out words correctly as best as I can which results in severe pain.
The above was followed by a parody harassment by the FBI through a post the agency made on LinkedIn on June 3rd, 2024 that started with “you may be”the same exact words that I started the sentence with in the video. Their harassing post came only 4 days after the video was published. The implied parody in the post is an attempt of lowering the weight of the committed crimes and also represents harassment.
Screenshots added below for the post by the agency, followed by the date and timestamp in which the screenshot of the post was taken on and the date that my video was published on.
In a casual manner and from their perspective that relies on the art of trickery and deception. “Well, he posted the video, we impaired him during the recording of the video he intends to publish to involuntary say “you may me” instead of “you may be” to make an ignorant out of him, we will then make a targeted harassing post after, which would result in him including it in an article as gang-stalking, people will be tricked by the sense of humor and laugh at it; subsequently lowering the weight of the crimes, and diverting everyone’s attention from the large committed crimes discussed in the case that include school shootings, human torture and slavery that the agency is responsible for”.
Similar to the gang-stalking that took place when I sent a message to the FBI Most Wanted account on Instagram, the next car I saw after had the text "THE MOST HATED" printed on its windshield (explained in detail in a previous article). Frankly, I wouldn’t expect a random person to volunteer gang-stalking on behalf of the FBI.
The gang-stalking performed by the FBI across all mediums and their intentional ignoring of submitted reports in regard to school shootings in the same case is another proof to their involvement in those crimes.
And similarly, upon attempting to type LinkedIn.com on my laptop while impaired, I find myself typing it as “limited” instead. Just another type of harassment.
Relayed Threats Through V2K
As with the word insertion and replacement demonstrated above, there's also a Voice to Skull (V2K) capability that delivers spoken words by the operator (abuser) to the victims in low frequencies. Those spoken words deliver harassments and relayed threats, examples below.
The commercial equivalent of the V2K technology is the Bone Conductive Sunglasses that delivers sound to your ears without you putting earbuds in your ears, Bose Sunglasses. The below video explains the use of such capability.
“Plenty of Children” and “Schools” [V2K]
Based on the above, and the circumstances of the case involving school shootings that occured in the light of this case and threats relayed to the lawful authority involved through the chip's telemetry, I hear the phrases “Plenty of Children”, “New Children” and I hear the same in Arabic as "أطفال" that pronouns “Atfaal” which translates to “Children” in English, and also “School” or “Schools” that are often delivered in Arabic as "مدرسة"; the spoken Arabic word pronouns "Madrasa".
Those leading keywords when delivered through V2K are a subtle "relayed" threat implication to school shootings; again, not to me, but through me to CIA.
New Children [V2K]
At the time that I’m almost going to wakeup at, that gap of a time when you are not fully awake but not sleeping either, I find myself saying involuntary saying the same words “New Children”. Similar to the words insertions and replacements demonstrated earlier in videos.
Again, that "telemetry” is captured by the CIA; hence, it forms a threat implication that is relayed to them. That is the definition of Nazi FBI.
Well, they already motivated for Robb Elementary School shooting and The Covenant School shooting. If you continue being involved in the case, more shootings will occur.
Her Salt is Special [V2K]
Then I hear an Arabic phrase in Wagdi's voice who's the brother to the Corrupt FBI Agent, Girgis that translates in English to "her salt is special" and of course this is referring to the forced marriage aspect of the case.
I have not heard such phrase or wording in my life, whether in Arabic or English though I was able to interpret the meaning behind it. The term itself is nasty, especially when said in Arabic. How possibly could I come up with such term if I have not heard of it in my entire life?
The phrase he said sounded as if he was talking to someone else that is relayed to me or perhaps pretending to.
The Arabic phrase that I heard in Wagdi's voice for whom who understands the language was "ملحها مُميز" that pronouns "Malhaha momayaz".
And they tell you it's Schizophrenia. Is it really Schizophrenia or is it a chip that mimics "a symptom" of the condition? Or perhaps it is that difficult defending our nation against school shootings so victims of neural abuse have to suck it up?
If they can't falsely prove it to be Schizophrenia, then it must be PTSD. Ironically: Like c'mon, our guys at the FBI can't take on a sentence of abuse and torture that could be a death sentence.
The key here is to prove that such technology exists. If you lookup the government websites, you'll find such technologies "patented" with some if not all classified as "banned biological weapons". So what prevents the misuse of such technology? Well, obviously you can't say it doesn't exist provided these resources and patents.
If you still think this is a mental issue, you're definitely biased or have not gone through the material shared.
I Wanted to Taste Her [V2K]
Then I hear the phrase “I wanted to taste her” said in Ramy’s voice but in Arabic, in a harassing manner that implicates about the forced marriage situation that is part of the case.
You know when you mess up someone’s marriage with someone they love then they come back at you and harass you about it, but the harassment is coming in the most severe forms of torture and abuse, that’s the case here.
The phrase and the use of similar if not identical wording and idioms surprisingly aligns with the phrase that was said by Wagdi in an earlier date.
Wagdi: “Her salt is special”.
Ramy: “I wanted to taste her”.
The phrase in Arabic for whom understands the language is "! كنت عايز ادوئها" that pronouns in English “Kont ayez ado'ha!”.
Such spoken phrases that I’m unfamiliar with being delivered through V2K is another key datapoint to the existence of the technology and the abuse occurring.
To them, let’s call it PTSD, the easiest way to negate the Nazi crimes.
“Blood” and “Brother” [V2K]
Similarly, I occasionally hear the word "Brother!" said in Robert Trent’s voice whereas in other instances, I hear the word "Blood", also said by Robert Trent in a verbal manner of a warning. While the first intend to play on my emotions the latter is meant to be relayed to CIA. Forget about the FBI, the agency is in his pocket and a criminal party after all.
Where Do I Put it? [V2K]
Not to sound pervert; however, I heard the phrase "I put it where?" or "Where do I put it?" being said in Salam Morcos’s voice (pictured below) but in Arabic as “احطو فين“ that reference a sexual term and comes as a harassment as being a person with no previous sexual experience. Not only that the phrase sounded in Salam's voice but also his exact way of talking which is another indication and proof on him being one of the remote operator of the technology who is conducting such neural torture upon me. The Arabic phrase pronouns as “Ahoto Fein”.
You F*cker [V2K]
Another profanity word that I often hear in the voice of Jonathan Rizk (pictured below) is "You F*cker” said in Arabic as “يا خول” that pronouns “Ya Khawal” for whom understands the language. The word comes clearly in his voice but also the exact same manner and phonetics of Jonathan if he would say it randomly to other person.
Forgive Me [V2K]
Then I hear the word "Forgive me" in Girgis's voice, the Corrupt FBI Agent who is the primary reason behind such implants, but in Arabic as "سامحني" that pronouns "Samehny". Again, I'm able to identify the voice as Girgis's. Let me explain the exploiting intention behind that before you assume otherwise.
It is probably best to explain the intention in a casual manner: It's like, I'm a Corrupt FBI Agent, I put you in such sufferings, I’m in a trouble since the CIA is now involved in the case, I need to deliver you the impression that I'm reverting to be a good person but having no authority to help you so I tell you through V2K amid the peak of you being tortured neurally by the same technology "forgive me".
The resulting psychological effect of that word is that you suddenly without conscious realization tend to feel sorry for yourself while losing hope that someone might be able to help you in any way; hence, you feel a let down that intends to hold you back from combating the abuse in any way while tricking you that his intention is good at the same time.
Their intention is to let you down and lower the weight of the crimes that sends them to a death sentence straight up by any and all means. They rely heavily on the art of trickery and deception, core psychological manipulations and exploitations.
Voice to Skull or V2K was first implicated by Ken Trent (Robert Trent’s brother) in the first few weeks when the organized crimes started in a post he made on LinkedIn by referencing the book "The Dog Whisperer". The "Dog Whisperer" is a dual implication that was intended to be futuristic. If Ken is questioned, well he refers to the book (as if in good faith) but the actual intended implication refers to the chip harassing abusing capability (V2K). If you don't know, their victims are referred to by "Dogs" in their crimes schemes. Explained in previously published articles.
If there wasn't V2K and neural abuse through it, patents for devices operating the technology or detecting the use of it wouldn’t have existed. Links to these patents are added to the bottom of this article.
Telepathic Harassment: Composing of Text
The below video explains another capability of the chip is telepathy, same as the feature Neuralink is advertising in their invention.
Based on the example mentioned in the above video, in another instance while sleeping, more in the gap between sleeping and being awake, I felt myself being fed a certain text and crafting a message telepathically addressed to a specific person in the church community that I consider a key witness who is aware of the crimes and writing the text “You’re late” but in Arabic.
I somehow acknowledged such initiation of telepathic message to be performed by Ramy Gewida (Ramy Andraws), one of the abusers/operators of the chip and the text he fed to me through the technology meant to refer to myself but in a harassing form. Because with all the neural abuse and other crimes they practice, it took me over two years to ask people for their testimonies. The message intended to trick me to think that the case is now a “cold case” while delivering harassment at the same time. Cases as these with the size of the crimes being practiced never get cold.
Ramy fed the message in the form of a Franco Arab typing (i.e. English typing pronouns Arabic) and the text was “Enta et2a5art” which means “You’re late”.
This was not the first time, I receive such sensation or phenomenon of crafting emails and text then hitting the send button during my sleep or the gap between sleeping and awaking several times. I actually do not know how to best describe it other than that, it must be experienced by people in order to understand how this particular abuse is being practiced.
Neural Impressions & Gesturing to Relay Threats
Watch the below video excerpt to learn how such neural abuse is used to relay threats to school shootings through gesturing
The above video explains gesturing that is extended to the shape formed by the cursor when moving it from point a to b on the screen as a result of the neural abuse.
These are threats at the highest level that if not explained, only intelligence agencies and people whom are involved would be able to interpret such given their awareness of the technology and the extends that go due to the misuses of it.
The below is the actual video for the formed gesture that is included in the above video followed by involuntary hands movements while using my laptop.
Then they sent a targeted kid at the church during a liturgy to pass by me, looks me in the eye and makes a monkey facial expression. It’s like they are saying you’re just like this monkey; and I’m not blaming that kid, they may not be even realizing that they are contributing in gang-stalking and think it was some sort of a joke. I hope that they testify by what has been asked from them.
The above impression through neural abuse also correlates and is dependent on the below threat implication to schools for shootings that was intently formed by Girgis Hafzalla, Corrupt FBI Agent and followed by others thereafter in the case. Starting at the minute 34:00 to 36:40 from the below video.
Also correlates to another threat implication posted by Junie Hafzalla, Girgis’s wife that was listed in a different article here.
85+ More Videos of Neural Abuse
Click Here to View Full Playlist on YouTube »
Neural Abuse Details - Full Video
The below video was a speech rehearsal that I wasn't expecting to publish, hence, please excuse my appearance.
The impairment was significantly less during that recording which was intentional to play a negation role in my allegations but I advantaged it in expressing the abuse I'm experiencing outside of the recording time and as shown in the included videos in this article.
I have to put a huge mental effort into every single action that I’m taking even if it might appear normal to the other person but they are not seeing the resistance I’m applying inside my mind for such appearance that they may be seeing normal. The continious practice of neural abuse causing me a disability, I’m unable to resume my life and always in pain as a result.
Welcome to corrupt Nazi Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The extremity of their crimes are beyond what most of the people can comprehend which is why they may be perceived as not true to some.
Again, if you wonder how those Nazi programs and experiments look like, this is one of them and these are the internals, combined with other crimes of violence, cybercrimes, wrongdoings at a high level given the size of the case that escalated quickly and resulted in violent events including School Shootings by the reported criminals in retaliation to the lawful authority involved in the case (CIA) as revealed in this video.
The reported crimes can be hard to be believed by some of the people because of their extremity, they are called Nazi crimes after all and for a reason.
Because Quite Frankly
After being wrongfully terminated from Builders Capital and attempting to sue the company, I suddenly developed:
Unable to type on the keyboard or use the cursor on a computer anymore, the basic function of my job.
Unable to carry on my daily activities normally.
Might as well tourettes.
And who knows what else they will come up with as a false fabricated justification to cover up on their crimes.
But let’s ignore the Frank Freed indirect threat implication through Corrupt FBI Agent (video below), the other threats, harassments, gang-stalking and so forth that are published in the other articles, in addition to the CT Scans that show the chips and the totality of the circumstances, and still call it a mental illness.
No wonder the gang-stalker person as explained in the video suddenly turned her face at me and told me “Career Change!” that was completely out of context and irrelevant to the conversation. It’s like, you eventually will not be able to perform your basic job function, typing on the keyboard and using the mouse is what the implication intended to deliver. This is slavery.
Facial Traits and Expressions Transfer
The phenomenon observed in the below videos is the transfer of Robert Trent’s facial expressions and traits to show on my face while speaking. The video is an excerpt from the above video.
Those who know Robert Trent (CEO of Builders Capital in WA) in person, they will notice that I involuntary adopted Robert Trent's behavioral speaking traits, posture and identical facial expression while speaking, and can attest to that.
Such transfer of facial expressions and traits of Robert Trent that overridden my own facial expressions is a proof of the extent of the abuse and the capabilities of the chip, that is an electronic possession of victims.
Proof of Settlement Proposals
I attempted several times to resolve the matter through meditation but every time I'm turned by unacknowledgement or ignored, and I'm still being abused neurologically, and by other means including cybercrimes.
Here are my attempts in obtaining a settlement through communications over emails and phone calls since last year until current. The attached are my email communications threads and call logs with each individual that is either representing a party in the case or with a connection to one or more parties.
Robert Trent, CEO of Builders Capital

David Kitchen, Attorney of Builders Capital

Girgis Hafzalla, FBI Agent and Connection to the Andraws Family

Call Logs

Relevant Documents
Explanation of Termination Event at Builders Capital
Employees Testimonies
Not to express ego, however, throughout my employment at the company my work ethics and efforts were visible to everyone, I became known to every employee which is due to the nature of my job I used to hold that the company was forced to communicate my layoff among all the employees but they apparently announced it as a willful resignation as opposed to a termination because it wouldn’t have looked good on them; and this can be seen from the below messages I received on LinkedIn and via SMS after my termination from employees at the company.
The “BC” term included in the messages refers to the company’s name “Builders Capital” as an abbreviation.

Furthermore, the below messages with former employees of the company reinforces my claims regarding unlawful and wrongful terminations, in addition to the wrongdoings and forced labor that the company is engaged in that I included in my documentations.

V2K and Neural Patents
The below lists the registered patents for V2K, sometimes referred to by the Microwave Auditory Effect, and other similar technologies, some of them are dating back to the 90s.
These patents are examined by and registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, If V2K and Neural Abuse do not exist, those patents for devices operating the technology or detecting the use of it wouldn’t have existed.
The below is a screenshot of a worksheet listing some of the patents. You may copy the patent number and paste into the USPTO website patent search.
Worksheet Link Listing All Patents »
Notable Patents
US 3393279 - Allows information to be remotely conveyed to subject via electromagnetic waves.
US 3647970 A - Remotely cause individual to hear voices via EMF waves
All Patents
PDF files for the full list of patents including the ones not listed above are uploaded to This Folder »
Past Photos of Myself Compared to Current
Comparing the above videos of my current state at this time and the deteriorated appearance vs photos of myself taken in a past date (below) a couple years prior the start of the crimes until the early months after their start is another proof on the existence of the crimes.
The below photos present myself in normal appearance in social gatherings; an educated social person who does not appear to be suffering from a mental illness, some photos are taken with friends, sunday school kids, other photos include myself in the workplace and my home office setup.
The sudden flip in my appearance, past vs now as you saw in the videos added above that align with the timing of my attempts in suing Builders Capital after wrongful termination along with the other data points provided in this article in addition to the previously published articles collectively prove the covert criminal retaliation using neural torture technologies and others practiced by the company and the other reported parties that are affiliated with them.

The sudden inability to play music on my keyboard as opposed to the below video that was taken in a past date in a social event where I’m currently hitting the wrong notes along with me not being able to perform the basic function of my job which is typing on the keyboard and using the mouse of the computer that are time-aligned with my attempts of suing Builders Capital confirm on the utilizing of neural abuse.
To Medical Providers Who May Claim Mental Illness
If you are a medical provider, psychiatrist or a neurologist and think this is a mental illness, you are either biased or do not have the courage to admit the actual cause as being neural abuse because of your awareness that such practices are conducted by corrupt officials at Government agencies that you cannot oppose and your diagnosis will be problematic to them which will result in them coming after you.
Let me ask you, if the technology exists as confirmed and authenticated by the registered patents, what prevents it from being misused to torture humans for retaliatory purposes? The patents serve as evidence that such weapons do exist. Help me understand why you would diagnose a patient with Schizophrenia or another mental illness when there is a risk of them experiencing neural abuse? Additionally, would you not consider the individual's specific circumstances or reasons during your medical evaluation, since criminology is not your area of expertise?
Furthermore, can you also explain:
Why the symptoms are lessened when I’m inside a Faraday cage that isolates or lessens radio signals?
Is there any mental illness condition that is asymptomatic to radio signals?
Why not a chip that mimics schizophrenia symptoms?
Not because you don't consider it a neurological abuse, and you have the authority to diagnose patients, doesn't mean you should automatically add that diagnosis to their record, especially when there is a possibility that it may be inaccurate.
Patients who report neural abuse are likely to be diagnosed with Schizophrenia or a similar condition, and if I’m not mistaken, prescribed a medication to prevent neural signals from firing in the brain which can help alleviate symptoms such as hearing voices since V2K technology relies on these signals that are slowed down by the medication, but it does not treat the actual underlying cause.
The symptom described in relation to V2K is more of a “whispering” voice that the victim hears, similar to the bone conductive technology mentioned earlier. This symptom may be mistaken for the “voices in head” symptom of Schizophrenia. In both cases, whether perceived as whispering or voices in the head, V2K can achieve this through the use of radio frequencies.
Reminder: as stated in other published articles and videos, the FBI and their clients through bribery schemes are responsible for:
Robb Elementary Mass School Shooting, Uvalde, Texas - May 24th, 2022.
The Covenant School Shooting, Nashville, Tennessee - March 27th, 2022.
Club Q Mass Shooting, Colorado Springs - November 19th, 2022; and others.
Hiding Evidence of Chips
Describing efforts to hide evidence of the presence of chips on scans, such as CT scans. The below are the CT Scans imaging that are showing the chips were obtained after undergoing a brain and abdomen scans in the ER at one of the hospitals.
On another day, I had another brain CT Scan performed at a different hospital. However, after obtaining a CD for the scan, upon viewing the content using the proper DICOM viewer app for CT Scans (while under neural impairment), there was a whole scan series that is missing and it appeared to be substituted by another existing series that resulted in identical duplicate series. When I requested another CD from the hospital indicating that there is a whole series missing, they sent me a new CD that was also missing the same scan series. The hospital ignored my further communications, email and calls regarding the concern failing to provide a clear justification. By comparing both CDs I received from the two different hospitals and the number of series provided on each, that confirmed the crime of covering-up on those chips.
If my scan that shows the chips was scheduled beforehand or there was enough time window prior to undergoing the scan, the staff would have been instructed (either paid or oppressed) to botch the images that show the chips during the reconstruction of the imaging, or simply drop the entire series as happened with the other hospital. I’d foresee that happening with any other scan in the future; and I wouldn’t blame them as I don’t expect a medical provider or a radiologist to declare that in their report or simply tell me “you’re chipped, sir”. Especially when the FBI is behind that and imposing their oppressive powers to covering-up on such crime.
In fact, the radiologist who scanned my brain at the hospital that provided the CD with missing series looked at me in some sort of an apologetic manner after finishing the scan while looking down to the floor as opposed to his welcoming impression prior to conducting it even though the written report indicated normal. From his facial expressions after the scan, it seemed that he saw something that he couldn't reveal, and the CDs provided were missing a compete series.
The below also is a photo of my stomach compared to the abdomen CT Scan. A corrective surgery (vertical scar) for the appendicitis has served as a cover for unconsented implant of a chip that appears to be attached to the vagal nerve. I was lucky to obtain the CDs from that hostpital in the ER that were not modified and showing the chips.
I am not blaming the nursing staff who were present during the surgery as I understand the extent of the oppression; however, I ask them as witnesses to testify about the chip implant.
VLF Receiver
This is an image of a VLF Receiver that picks up radio waves at extremely low frequencies. In addition to the receiver, there are VLF Transmitters that send signals to the RF microchip implanted in your body which acts as the receiver. Radio frequencies appear to be transmitted through satellites in this case.
Supplementing Resources (External)
Former FBI Chief Testimony (External)
Similar Cases (External)
Previously Published Chip Articles
Other Case Articles
New Evidence Against The FBI & Robert Trent For Their Responsibility in School Shootings in The U.S.
Club Q Mass Shooting was motivated by a Mafia Syndicate that bought the FBI
Gang-Stalking: Implied Harassment at Church Through Corrupt FBI
Robert Trent, CEO of Builders Capital is Behind Simeon Minshew's Murder
Disclaimer: I exercise my fundamental right of free speech.