Builders Capital Employees Share Their Testimonies and Proof of Settlement Proposals
Post date has been adjusted to follow the desired order. Original publishing date: July 17th, 2024
Builders Capital (WA) practiced slavery on me, intentional hostility and abuse at work, paying me significantly low salary compared to the fair market value, my experience and the job duties that I was performing at the company and terminated me when I asked for a fair market salary but also criminally retaliated against me in the most brutal ways and destroyed my life when I attempted to sue them, to find that they are also in connection with a handful of individuals on the personal from my church in Seattle, WA who shared a mutual interest for an organized crime.
Not only, and when a government authority intervened, they retaliated by motivating for Robb Elementary School shooting and others.
I ask who might perceive this as not true to factor the previously shared details and material. This is not a disgruntled employee who is bashing at the company, I’m a person with ethics and practice integrity and high values; however, the nature of the case obliged me to publicize it.
Based on that, I’m sharing the testimonies and communications by some of the company’s employees that reinforces my claims about the wrongdoings, hostility and forced labour the company practices on its employees; in addition to the previously shared evidence and information.
I’m also listing the wrongdoings practiced by the company and other case details. Please subscribe to receive updates that include additional wrongdoings by the company and other events occurred during my employment.
I used to hold the position of Systems Engineer at the company, carrying out tasks from “my printer is not working” up to the more complex and technically advanced projects and integrations solely for over two years. List of my projects and experience at Builders Capital are added further down this article.
I received the decision of my termination on Oct 6th, 2021 after being taken into the Robert Trent’s office (CEO, pictured below) that felt more of a custody at that time, and was told to transfer all the data to him on the same day. The company had to fill my position by listing 4 to 5 IT job openings after my unlawful termination followed by quick several promotions within a small period of time to the employee who witnessed me being taken into the office. I’m adding a separate document that explains my termination event in details further down this article.
I’m also sharing proofs of settlements proposals to the company as well as the other parties involved in the case but they were all turned with a complete ignorement and unwillingness to settle. The “BC” term mentioned in the below messages references Builders Capital.
The below reinforces my claims regarding unlawful and wrongful terminations, in addition to the wrongdoings and forced labor that the company engages in.
Not to express ego, however, throughout my employment at the company my work ethics and efforts were visible to everyone, I became known to all employees which is due to the nature of my job I used to hold that the company was forced to communicate my layoff among all the employees but as a willful resignation instead of termination because it wouldn’t have looked good on them; and this can be observed from the below messages I received on LinkedIn and via SMS after my termination from employees at the company.
H1B Visa Fraud
The company also engages in H1B Visas fraud. Below is a screenshot indicating the issuance of an H1B Visa for an Information Technology Manager with a salary of $120,000 on July 29th, 2019.
Let me explain, I’m legally authorized to work in the United States and did not require any type of Visa sponsorship to start employment with Builders Capital. I started the position at the company as an IT Administrator (on papers) on August 21st, 2019 on a salary of $65,000 which was around one month after the above-referenced H1B Visa issuance, being informed that the previous IT Administrator who spent around 1 year and half with the company had left with no IT personnel for around three weeks whatsoever.
The company had a Power BI Developer (K.S.) who was laid off during the mass terminations that the company did during COVID and was not performing any type of IT work.
I was the only IT employee at the company until my layoff date, carrying out tasks from “my printer is not working” up to the more complex and technically advanced projects and integrations, technically “Information Technology Manager” but with the title of “IT Administrator” on paper. List of my projects and experience at Builders Capital are added further down this article, as well as my LinkedIn profile.
Builders Capital also did not bring a person with the title of Information Technology Manager or a similar position with the salary indicated in the H1B Visa.
They essentially hired me as an Information Technology Manager under the title of IT Administrator with salary $65K per year on papers while hiring another person to perform scoped Power BI tasks while issuing them an H1B visa under the title of Information Technology Manager. More information about unfair salary, hostility and the circumstances around my termination event can be found in the document “Explanation of Termination Event” added further down this article.
Proof of Settlement Proposals
I attempted several times to resolve the matter through meditation but they are turned with unacknowledgement, ignored, and I'm still being targeted by them.
Here are my attempts in obtaining a settlement through communications over emails and phone calls since last year until current. The attached are my email communications and call logs with each individual that is either representing a party in the case or with a connection to one or more parties.
Robert Trent, CEO of Builders Capital
David Kitchen, Attorney of Builders Capital
While the below screenshot may indicate that the company showing an interest in discussing the matter; however, it came only based on their knowledge that I’m out of the country due to their criminal retaliation that left me no choice but to flee to the UK in the meantime. It’s like they are freeing themselves from responsibility when asked why did they not settle.
They even had a person who looked like Curt Altig, the owner of the company aligned next to my seat on the flight from the US to UK, he looked exactly like Curt including his facial expressions, the way he talks and even his voice and phonetics that I mistaken him for Curt at the first glance. He even initiated a brief conversation with me and seemed as if he is recognizing me, he mentioned that he’s from Utah.
It’s like, we know he went to the UK so we offer him a complementary sit down as if we wanted a resolution but it will never happen anyways, so we (as them) can be waived from any accountability.
The practice of aligning people who looks like twins to others within the case is not new, it has been ongoing throughout the case with other people, and I do not know how they are able to find people and have them be targeted like that. Is it genome editing or other, I’m not sure, but I shared other instances like that previously in my documentations. If the Government and the facilities equipped with security cameras brought those footages up, they will validate my claims; if that airline also disclosed a photo of the person who was sitting next to me, you will find that he looks exactly like Curt Altig. Put this side to side to the other data points of the case that were shared in the previously published articles.
Girgis Hafzalla, FBI Agent and Connection to Other Parties
While Girgis claimed that he left the FBI which was surprisingly aligned exactly on my date of termination from Builders Capital, he also mentioned that he returned back to the Bureau around 4 months after which aligned with my employment at Ford that was recently revealed in this video as a covert CIA involvement in the case; which led to retaliation against the agency through mass shootings including “Robb Elementary School Shooting” and others.
Girgis is a corrupt FBI agent, whether he truly left the Bureau or not, that shall not waive the FBI’s responsibility from the violent incidents for the reasons mentioned in the previously published articles. The incidents took place under their watch and through them.
Call Logs
Robert Trent - Dec 15th, 2023
The call I made to Robert was in an effort to reach a resolution through a settlement that unfortunately lead to no where.
On Dec 15th, 2023, I wrote a message on LinkedIn that was addressed to Robert Trent but did not send it, similar to a placeholder message - that is given my awareness of the 24/7 surveillance and my understanding that such writing is being seen by him and others involved that I don’t have to send them.
I wrote the following, "make me own a paradise" as an Implication of accepting a settlement in which I actually meant it back then, a few minutes after I called Robert over the phone and surprisingly, out of all other calls that I made previously that he picked up this particular call right after I drafted such message “make me own a paradise” - however, the conversation was as following:
Mina: I wanted to discuss a settlement.
Are you trying to get money out of me or what?
Would you let me pay to see a doctor?
Mina.. Do you need help? He then paused and added Do you need help? while stressing on the word "help" intensely in the second time he repeated the question.
Phone call ended. This is also another demonstrated indication to the mentioned surveillance and cybercrime.
Girgis Hafzalla - Dec 28th, 2023
In a similar instance as the above, which was also based on my awareness of the cybercrime and surveillance but also the sensitivity of the case. I drafted a piece of text on my cellphone and called it a "Peace Treaty". Such text included some conditions I added.
One of those conditions was a note to myself which was "vague" as a reminder to keep the pre-scheduled phone conversation with Girgis vague in respect to the confidentiality of the case. When I got connected with Girgis (former FBI as he alleges) later on that day, I started to discuss more details openly as a result of his replies that simply were pointing to no resolution from his end and subsequently the parties he is connected to.
After I started arguing with Girgis while entailing more direct details, he then cut me off and suddenly said in a louder voice "VAGUE!".. I said to him “what?” - He repeated "VAGUE!" which was the word I noted to myself and wasn't shared with anyone. The reason my responses started to be more clear to him were a result of him not implying with any sort of resolution from his end.
That was another demonstrative indication to the cyber surveillance in this case.
The above two instances of calls also serve as an indication to the connection between those parties.
Relevant Documents
Explanation of Termination Event at Builders Capital
Subscribe to receive another document listing notable events during my employment with the company, currently in Draft form.
Lawsuit Attempts
The below are email communications with some of the attorneys I reached out to in order to sue Builders Capital after my termination, in addition to the phone calls that are not listed herein.
HKM Attorneys
MacDonald Hoague & Bayless (MHB)
Professional Background
The below lists my experience at Builders Capital. Additional experience at other companies listed on my LinkedIn profile. The idea behind sharing my professional experience herein is that demonstrating my achievements at work that proves the wrongful termintion but also how come I was able to accomplish all these and out of a sudden I became disabled that I’m unable to type on the keyboard and use the mouse properly that extends to other functions throughout the day. But surprisingly, all disapear or at least lessens when I go inside a Faraday cage that isolates the signals.
The below lists the projects I accomplished at Builders Capital. Additional projects listed on my LinkedIn profile.
Important Articles
The below two articles reinforces the information provided here. The rest of the articles that are equivalently important and listed at the bottom of this article.
New Evidence Against The FBI & Robert Trent For Their Responsibility in School Shootings in The U.S.
Due to the severe financial damage, but also the imposed obstruction from work amid the criminal acts and hostility through abuse of power, I started a fundraiser for whom is interested in contributing. All contributions are greatly appreciated.
Case Overview Video
The hour-long video provides a comprehensive timeline of the case's origins and key events occurred in sequence that were not previously shared in articles.
Threats such as “Imagine a Children Museum” and “Can a Camera Record its Own Death?” and many others are hailed but little does the FBI know what implications to threats mean. Watch the below video to learn more.
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